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Posts posted by Beeblebrox

  1. On 2002-04-08 20:02, Firefox wrote:

    Talking about mice with only one button, you only need 3 keys on a Microsoft OS Keyboard..... ctrl, alt, and delete!

    Very funny indeed, the most true and funny anyhow.

    Yes, it is true that these three keys are good to have. But if I remember my mcintosh right, I used very often doubble applekeys and del or something similar. So mcintosh has copyed that option from the pc world, and know why. Becouse it is the only combination that might work when the sad mcintosh is hanging with its software in a cable outside your window.

    The smartest way is to cut the cable.

    Well, you might have noticed, I dont like these apple machines. We had them at work too in our education department. I used them a lot while making material for education. Soon as you had been writing anything you had to save it with in 10 minutes, otherwise it would hang. They later changed into pc:s, it worked a lot better, but they had a hard time converting all documents.

  2. I have a simple way of deciding which coulor to wear. Wear the coulor you truly like and most times just that particular coulor is just perfect for you. Well, almost, persons with coulorblindness might get interesting combinations. Anyway, it is their reality who rules. not the surrounding, I hope. However, you might get rid of all socially created norms and values first. It is most likely in the same way as wearing heels.

  3. Highluc, great boots you bought, I think they are in line with what I like. I nearly bought a pair on the Heelmeeting in London 2002 in january, wrong coulor that time. But today I wish I had bought them anyway. Well, thats life. Have fun

  4. Well, well, it seems like I will have the slowest computer on the board so far. Its a: 133 mhz pentium (1) without mmx. motherboard Aopen AP53 40 mb ram memory 4 gb fujutsi harddrive (old) Ati Rage pci (Mach64GT) Aopen Phantom AW200 (dont buy this one, it isnt good but it works) Internal 24X Teac CD-524EA (superb, reads very bad cd:s) Discdrive teac Dell 17" whith trinitron display (100 Hz perfect view at 1024x768) External HP 8200 cdr+cdrw usb burner Scanner Epson Perfection 1640SU USB card rev 1.1 with 4 connections 10/100 Repotech network card with intel processor (very easy to install) Stll using a 386 keyboard (it still works!!!) Primax mouse (bad thing, doubleclicks while single clicking) It is amazingly how well this old crappy computer works, it works day in and day out without problems. But I cant run modern games at all, thats a little sad. I cant buy a new cd burner since the new ones demands a lot better computer then mine. But I wont build anyone new for the moment, in the future yes. Is here anyone with a computer who is worse than mine, which is used in dayly use for writing and surfing the internet and so on? I bet there is... Well, I forgot to tell I got a very old laptop too, its so old that its almost impossible to install windows 3.11. It requeris a mathprocessor which the laptop doesnt have, anyway a fynne DOS computer. Once I had a heavy laptop from the mid 80ies, an IBM with built in orange monitor and two 5 1/4 diskdrives and 640 k intern memory. Yes it was possible to use that one to for writing in dos mode. However I dumped it too a friend. My hate objekt computer no 1 is that ugly non properly working mcintosh LC 475. I bought it new and could only stand the crap for two weeks. I bought a PC instead and I liked it much better and PC liked me too..., which the mcintosh didnt. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Beeblebrox on 2002-04-07 18:39 ]</font>

  5. Well, som thoughts from me. Pic 1, very nice combination, however little dark coulors for me. She looks great in the way she is dressed, well composed. Perfect for a dinner in town or similar. Pic 2, free and lose clothing with nice high heels, but I would have prefered some boots. Once again the coulors are a little to dark for my taste. Perfect dressing for seing a museum, holiday in Austria or something like that. Pic 3, wow, here is some coulor, I think she is very nice dressed, perhaps a little to much plastic shine on pants and boots, but it doesnt matter that much. Perhaps perfect for clubbing or shopping in a big city like London. I'm a person who loves coulors and prefer coulors before black and white and grey, however the combination together could be very good.

  6. It is really a strange world we are living in. I was to a fashionshow today were they showed spring clothing and shoes. Overall the same boring stuff as ever. What I was reacting to was that the female models at least wore a mans suit twice and one of these occasions she had a tie on too. Womans are free to wear what they want so we males can do it to, otherwise would we be the opressed gender further on. One other thing I noticed was that the coulors were separated for the genders, pink and heavens blue for the ladies and boring dark blue and brown for the gents. The conclusion, feel free to dress the way you feel comfort with.

  7. On 2002-04-02 22:02, Trolldeg wrote:

    I tried some Divine boots on today in a fetish shop in Stockholm. I also have a pair of white knee high lace-up boots from them. Nice quality, and not the most expensive on the market.

    Posted Image

    Trolldeg, can you tell which fetish shop it was, I would like to visit them next time I'm in Stockholm.

  8. I can drive in 4" without any problem and often do since I find it more relaxing. I have tryed 5" and it work very well too, I even tryed 2" platform boots with 6" heel and I discovered it was no problem either. But, an it is a big but, if an emergancy occours it will most likely slow down my reaction time with heels over 4", especially with platforms. In some way it seems to have something with how wide the sole is and the material of it. If its made of hard slippery plastic it would be easier to slip on the pedals, I think. By the way, I have been driving both automatic and manual gearboxed cars, well, automatic is easier with higher heels, there is only two pedals insted of three.

  9. I would be wearing either that I'm wearing now, normally blue jeans and a shirt in redorange. The shoes I would chose is my kneehigh black platform boots with 5 cm platform and 14.5 cm high block heel. If in mood of pushing my limit a little bit I might be wearing leather jeans and perhaps a velvet shirt and the same platform boots but in leather and with a little higher heels, lets say 5 cm platform and 17.5 cm high block heel. An option for the platform boots could be a pair of kneehigh cowboy boots with 13.5 cm heel (the sole is about a 1 cm thick). The coulor of it all should then go in a red-yellow-red colour mix, I simply love that coulor so much I almost can eat it... Today I wear what coulor I want, but with heeled boots I still prefer to hid the heel under my jeans. When I wear my cowboy boots with 7.5 cm heel I dont hid the heel.

  10. I have been buying and selling shoes on ebay internationally and me experiense of the seller who douldent ship worldwide. They vary often say it is many who place their bid and dont pay, mostly outside country bidders. And yes the shipping rate is often very expensive, but differ a lot. For example, I live in Sweden, shipping from USA is 9 dollar (approx 8-9 euro), I bought boots a couple of days ago) via surface shipping. I was interested in a pair of boots in Germany and the shipping was there 16 euro (over 2kg). So it can be more expensive to ship from the USA then inside Europe, interesting. Yes, the custom taxes are horrible, I know. Well, anyhow have I made good contact with some of the sellers in USA so the did ship to me in Sweden even if the normally wouldent, so I think its a bit up to the situation and person, it never hurt to ask. Well, it was my little experience.

  11. Well, I it might have been said before. Anyhow, since when does style, colour make a person male or female. In sociology it is the society who tell us in different ways what should be male and female. Perhaps its only when we can act without the society in mind we will truly be free. As I know by my self, it is easy to be conscious about it, but it is a lot harder to be free from the norms and values that the society sets. My wish is that everyone could be as free as possible without the norms and values that the society sets. At least when it comes to clothing. And where does all this change and how is a complete another story.

  12. About tips for covering heels outside walking. One way is to buy "jeans" who has longer legs and perhaps with a boot cut so they can "swallow" the heels nicely. For exampel, I normally wear 32" lenght jeans, for about 4-5" heel normally 36" lenght will do the job. Perhaps was this some sort of help and good luck with your outside heeling.

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