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Posts posted by Beeblebrox

  1. Well, I just wonder if you asked him if he was gay, or how did you assume that he is gay? He might be just as straight as any of us. Anyhow, its interesting how we react to other people when they do or dress in a way which go against of what we think is "normal". I think its interesting because as you say, how does other people see us when we are walking around in our heels. Perhaps if we could understand this better, we might possibly find a way for accaptence. Not only us, but for all people who want to express them self as they like. I also wonder from time to time why conformity has such strong influnce on most people. Could it be because of the society who wants easy controlled humans. I dont say we are, but the question remains. Why is conformity such a strong force? Or can it be that most peolpe feel unsecure if they see anything they arent used to see. In that case, why do humans react in that manner? As always, the truth could be all of it together, or one or the other. Naturally could it be factors we dont know about yet. Do you have any thoughts of what can couse the conformity people and why they react as most of them do? Its also interesting to think of why we "read me" are worried about what other people think about a man wearing heels. I can only say that the more I wear heels out in the public, whith low heels visible or high heels covered, I tend to care less over time what people think. Perhaps its an effect of wearing heels frequently, and in that case it could be that people like me who "suffer" under conformity (if that whats it all are about), need many small steps at the time and a lot of practise. Well, this is just some small thoughts from me, and I feel that here is more to think and talk about. And this is just thoughts and we might discover what reality is as time flyes by.

  2. On 2002-05-17 11:01, Firefox wrote:

    Du hade 15 rätt av 18 möjliga.

    Du har möjlighet att klara inträdesprovet

    15/18 but translation required!

    The translation will be something like this.

    You had 15 right of 18 possible.

    You have the possibility to clear the entrance examination.

    Well done.

  3. Well, I did a IQ test on the net a couple of times and I seem always to be somewhere around 135, sometimes a little below other times a little above. It seems like my current condition is a factor, if I'm tired, under pressure and stuff like that makes the score go down a little.

    On the swedish Mensa homepage, there is a short test with 18 questions, I did 14 of them correct and failed 4.

    Test it your self at http://www.mensa.se

    Score the heel

  4. First out... My problem is that with some boots my "front" foot tends to hurt under. I think it depends on to hard inner surface of the boot combined with high wight on the front foot. I think this problem would be less if the support of the arch were better. However I found a solution to this problem, not perfect, but still good. Scholl is selling something called "GEL Soles". It says on the package that it is shock absorbent, and it truly is. I bought the mens version who fitted perfectly in to my (female) Sacha cowboy boots size 41. I "installed" them and took a one hour walk with no problem at all. Two days ago I took a 10 minits walk and my feet was in the beginning of agony. The price is here in Sweden about 90 skr and in euro it will be something like 8-8.5 euro.

  5. Nice idea Firefox. I have a couple of questions. When you measured your foot, did you put full wieght on it or just slightly touching the floor? This question is becouse that at least my feet got different measurings depending of how I did the measurement whith weight on or not. One other thing who is interesting is the instep, and perhaps the volume of the foot. If the foot is high arched or flat will most likely affect the heel hight. How is the foot shaped when wearing a high heel? Perhaps could this answer why some can wear a higher heel more easily or telling which kind of shaped arch (of the shoe/boot) who is the best for each person. Well, well, just suggestions to this interesting topic. I will post mine later.

  6. Firefox, great looking boots you got. As you know I´m weak for cowboy boots. The first pic shows really nice boots, but the second pair has a really nice heel, I like it very much. By the way, I got a pair of Sanches, but the fit and quality isnt what I´m used to, but perhaps I can make them fit and look "my way".

  7. Is there any good an reliable way of measure the real lift of the heel. I'm thinking of actual heel hight minus platform or sole. Do you measure outside the shoe or boot? Do you measure inside the shoe or boot? Is there any other way of measureing it? Any other info is welcome too. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-04-12 02:59 ]</font>

  8. Yes, thats true. I never tryed 5" out for a longer period, if I can get a good pair of boots with block heel and a true 5" lift I will try to see hong long I can be able to be out in them. Most likely not long, pehaps an hour or less, I dont know yet. Yes, it is always easier at home, I have noticed that more than once.

  9. I am not yet fully free in mind to wear exactly what kind of heel I like at the moment. In London it was good because it was a town which there was minimal risk of meeting someone I know. Still did I use long pants for "hiding" my 5" heels, it is for two reason. First it gives me comfort of not viewing all of the heel and second, I really like the look of pant hiding the heel, well not completely, but just showing an inch or so of the heel. I cant help it, I like and prefer it, but I like the full visible heel too. However, I dont hide heels up to 3" at all, so perhaps I change that in the future. I did som thing who is an approvement for me. I have been walking in superstores, in a public park, in the city, at gasstaions with my recoulored Sascha cowboy boots with 4 1/4" heels, fully covered by pants. It gave me the comfort to do it. I have not told my friende here about my heel wearing and I did this "training" in my city where I could meet someone I know. I have come to the point where it doesnt matter if I'm discovered anymore, but I'll take the consequensens when it comes. I have been meeting folk while walking with them and talked to some of them. All the time trying to find out if they notice or dont, if there is doubletakes and so on. Whith these boots heels fully covered with my pants I had no problem what so ever. It might be a little step for most of you here, but it is a little bigger step for me and perhaps others too. I think we should be respected in the way we feel of wearing heels, we are individuals after all and we dont think and act and do, and feel the exact things. Some of us, like me, and perhaps someone else here like to take things in small steps and we might not have the same goal of how we wear our heels. If we will fight for equality between genders we first have to accept each other for whom we are and how we dress. So Firefox, I'm gratefull for all your advices and your good points and I still looking forward to read and hear them in the future. But we might have different likeings of how the heel should be visible or not. I agree with you if it ever will be totally acceptable for a male wearing heels its a good point to wear the heel visible together with a good sence of dressing which is different for most of us. Then perhaps the the acceptance will come after a while. If I understand it right, there is today a openmindness of men wearing heels, not 100%, but hopefully in the futere higher than today. Ohhh, that was a long one, it might be errors in language. Have patience with me, it seems like I need some work until my mind is completely free. In worst case a lifetimes work.

  10. Yes, the challange we had at Xaphod's was really interesting. Well, in 3.5" (real lift) heels I feel fully comfortable and can wear all day with no problems. With 4" is the heel hight no problem, but after a while my ball of the foot tends to get some feelings, I should say, I think it all depends of what kind of material and construction of the shoe or boot. For example, the cork sandals Highluc bought on the London heelmeeting 2002 was lovely to walk with due to a very nice shaped arch of the shoe, I think the heellift is about 4.5"-5" However, it felt like I could wear them all day long, I should have bought a pair of my self even if I normally dont like sandals, but this pair was awesome to walk with.

  11. Terayon, its really nice pair of boots you have, a style that I like. I recently bought a similar boot, just waitng for them to arrive. With long pants they are an good option for public wearing if you dont want to show the heel.

  12. Linux might be an option, but how can I make my USB burner to work with this system? The burner is an HP 8200e. Is USB at all supported? I heard that it might be hard to find working drivers for PC equipment, thats why I havent changed into Linux yet. Tryed once and I had a hard time to save my harddrive after that. Windows doesnt like Linux formatted harddrives.

  13. I use Windows 98 osr2 at the moment, it works fine most of the time. I have bluescreens, but its very rare. Best operating system I had so far is Windows 2000 professional, but my precent computer is way to old and XP might be an option inthe far future, who knows. Worst was windows 95 first edition, in worst case I reinstalled it 2 times a day or more "normal" 1-4 times a month. One postive thing was that I never had the need of defrag the harddrive.

  14. On 2002-04-08 21:27, terayon wrote:

    that isnt true at all...unless your using ghetto ram you wont need to change that...just CPU and motherboard...even 233mhz will use ATX form factor, so case wont matter, neither will powersupply, new cpus come with fans

    Well, if I buy new things there is motherboard for athlon, Duron, P3, P4, Celeron. My powersupplay is only 200 watts (no ATX), perhaps the motherboard will fit my old case. The difference to buy a new powersupplay or buy a new case with powersupply is minimal.

    If I understod correct it is recomended to use 300 watts for the newer motherboards and cpu:s, it is also depending on which displaycard you use and so on.

    My present motherboard will not support mmx cpu series becouse of the voltage, my uses 3.3 volts. (3.45 or 3.52 volts)

    From the manual:

    "The AP53 board measures 220 mm x 250 mm and may come with or without a

    voltage regulator module (VRM). The VRM enables the board to support future

    2.5V processors."

    And I dont have the voltage regulator on my board. My board supports up to 166 mhz without mmx.

    I think the 2.5 volts is for the mmx cpu, so if I put a mmx cpu into a motherboard which gives 3.3 volts the mmx processor will go to a place far beyond this dimension.

    I think my EDO (ghetto) memory wont fit in a new motherboard since sdram, ddr or rambus are the most common today.

    Here in Sweden you can by processors with fan (expensive) or without fan (less expensive) and my old fan will most likely not fit the newer generation of processors.

    Well, as I see it I still have to change some stuff to get a better computer.

    Terayon, I hope you understand my computers condition, even if its working nice and safe at the moment.

  15. On 2002-04-07 20:11, terayon wrote:



    u should at least try and pikc up a new CPU...a 1ghz duron will only cost you about $100..shit, even a 500mhz one is better..i cant imagine 133mhz...way to oldschool for me..hehe

    i think i know the laptop your talking about...at work when we were moving we found an old IBM laptop, it was the size of a large briefcase and had removable keyboard and trackball mouse..ran dos nicely too

    Yes its true, but to upgrade I have to change motherboard, cpu, fan, memory, case, powersupply, that is minimum upgrade kit as my precent mother doesnt support mmx processors at all. Well, someday I would build a new one.

    Jepp, thats the IBM I was talking about, but I hadnt the trackball, it was a funny simple machine which worked, but I had no use for it.

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