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Posts posted by Beeblebrox

  1. Well, I have two pair of original platform boots from the 70ies. One pair is from 1973 and I bought them from the original owner a couple of years ago. The other pair was bought a little bit earlier and they are from 1974. I am told that they are bought in the same shop as ABBA bought theirs. Well, it might be true or perhaps not. If you are interersted I can try to put pics of them here.

  2. I went through some old topics and found this one. Since the last post 26 May 2002 I bet there is plenty of new storys to be told. During the heelmeeting 5-6th of November 2004 I tryed on a couple of boots and had no problems at all with the sales person. In fact most of them were very helpful.

  3. After three stunning days in heels and looking for heels and talking heels am I back in a cold swedish winter like setting. It actually was ice on the windows of my ancient car. I can only agree whats been written above and hopefully it will not take 2.5 years until next time as it did this time. Hopefully there will be more people from Sweden next time as well. I could tell a little bit of the mini premeeting on friday the 5th. Si picked me up at the airport and we went off to several places for potential shoeshopping including some nice second hand shops in the Essex area. Size 41 is normally found in shoeshops, but in most of the second hand shops had only small sizes, unfortenly. I spotted a nice pair of high heeled platform boots in size 5 so I couldent even try them on. However, the salesladies were very kind and were very easy to talk with about everything including high heels. It seems like if you are friendly and open about what you are doing and not try to hide it they accept you and they enjoy a good chat with you. Beeblebrox

  4. Hi Trolldeg! I like the shoes and I think they would give me a pleasant challange, but I would prefer them as a boot. I plan to go to Stockholm and I will have some time to look for nice shoes and boots. So I wonder in which shop you found them? And perhaps you know about good second hand shops for shoes and boots as well as new ones. Beeblebrox

  5. Hi all Long time no see. I really look forward to meet you all again. For information. I will arrive on friday the 5th at 11.10am at Stansted and I will be leaving on sunday the 7th. My flight goes back to Sweden at 19.00pm from Stansted and I have to be there something like 2 hour before. Do you know how I best can get there from the heelmeet in time? I think I can manage to find a youth hostel to stay on in London if I ca´'t find anything more exciting. My flight is already booked. Since there is no activities during friday and saturday, as far as I know, I think I will try to find good shops and and second hand markets. Do you know about any good ones? Or do you have any other sugestions that I can do until sunday? I am looking forward to get some really nice days in UK. It seems like there are several of us that would like to have some sort of heelmeeting at suturday the 6th. Since I will be in the London area it would nice and fun to have somthing like a premeeting. Is there any interest for that? See you soon Beeblebrox

  6. I dont know if this article has been published here before, but here it comes.

    I found it at:


    Public release date: 19-Mar-2004

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    Contact: Dianne Stilwell



    Institute of Physics

    Scientists calculate how high heels can go

    Sex and the City stars stay upright because h = Q.(12+3s/8) say scientists

    As Sex and the City's Carrie finally wanders off the UK's television screens, physicists at the Institute of Physics (London, UK) have devised a formula that high-heel fans can use to work out just how high they can go. Based on your shoe size, the formula tells you the maximum height of heel you can wear without toppling over or suffering agonies.

    h = Q•(12+3s /8)

    h is the maximum height of the heel (in cm)

    Q is a sociological factor and has a value between 0 and 1 (see below to work this out)

    S is the shoe size (UK ladies sizes). This factor makes sure that the base of support is just good enough for an experienced and sober, high-heel wearer not to fall over.

    "Although at first glance our formula looks scary" said Dr Paul Stevenson of the University of Surrey who carried out the research for the Institute, "It's actually pretty simple as it's based on the science you learnt at school and which you never thought you would use in real life, in this case Pythagoras' theorem 1 Applying this to shoes can tell us just how high the heel of the foot can be lifted above the ground."

    Dr Stevenson went on to describe how 'Q' – the essential sociological factor had been worked out.

    "Essentially this part of the formula explains what women have always known – that you don't buy shoes just because they are comfortable, you can afford them and they look good – many other variables come into play"

    'Q' is defined as follows:


    Q = ----------------------------------


    The variables are:

    p – the probability that wearing the shoes will help you 'pull' (in a range from 0 to 1, where 1 is pwhooar and 0 is stick to carpet slippers). If the shoes are a turn-off, there's no point wearing them.

    y – the number of years experience you have in wearing high heels. As you become more adept, you can wear a higher heel. Beginners should take it easy.

    L – the cost of the shoes, in pounds. Clearly, if the shoe is particularly expensive, you can put up with a higher heel.

    t – the time since the shoe was the height of fashion, in months (0 = it's the 'in thing' right now!). One has to suffer for one's art, and if the shoes are terribly fashionable, you should be prepared to put up with a little pain.

    A – units of alcohol consumed. If you're planning on drinking, be careful to give yourself a little leeway for reduced coordination.

    So using this formula, if Carrie Bradshaw, who is an experienced high-heel wearer (let's guess at 5 years experience) wears her latest drop-dead gorgeous designer originals when sober, she can cope with a heel height of a staggering 12.5 centimetres (just over 5 inches) [see footnote 2]. However, if she over-indulges in cocktails, the 'safe' heel height (and perhaps also Carrie) plummets. Using the same example as above, if she consumes 6 units of alcohol she would be better advised to stick to shoes with only 2cm heels. [see footnote 3].

    Laura Grant, a physicist from Liverpool University welcomes the Institute's new formula commenting, "many of my physicist colleagues have no trouble understanding quantum mechanics but can't figure out how women can wear high heels. Now I can explain to them how I minimise the probability of tripping up".


    The Institute of Physics website, physics.org has more fascinating facts on the physics of shoes, including high heels. Just type 'high heeled shoes' into the enquiry box.


    1 Pythagoras' theorem: In a right-angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse (longest side) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

    2 In this example, shoe size (s) is 6

    p = 1, y = 5, L = £300, t = 0, A = 0 giving a Q factor of 0.88

    so heel height is 12.54 cm

    3 As above but with A (alcohol) = 6, Q factor falls to 0.15, giving a heel height of 2.01cm

    Notes to Editors:

    For more information, contact Dianne Stilwell, Institute of Physics public relations manager (Tel 44-207-470-4875, mobile 795-720-0214, e-mail dianne.stilwell@iop.org).

    The research was carried out for the Institute by Dr Paul Stevenson from the University of Surrey (Tel 44-239-229-8361 , mobile 7947-805-496, email paul@gleet.org.uk). Paul Stevenson is a lecturer at the University of Surrey, who usually pursues research investigating the structure of atomic nuclei. He is always keen to try and explain physics to the wider world, and recently discussed quantum mechanics with the general public at the Royal Institution. Paul lives in Portsmouth, Hampshire, with three rabbits who help to keep his mind away from science (they are more interested in carrots than nuclear physics).

    Laura Grant (Tel 44-151-794-6795, mobile 787-024-3931, e-mail l.grant@liv.ac.uk) is a physicist working at the University of Liverpool, and part of the NOISE (new outlooks in science and engineering) campaign to promote science, www.noisenet.ws. She owns over 100 pairs of shoes.

    The Institute of Physics is a leading international professional body and learned society with over 37,000 members, which promotes the advancement and dissemination of a knowledge of and education in the science of physics, pure and applied. It has a world-wide membership and is a major international player in:

    - scientific publishing and electronic dissemination of physics;

    - setting professional standards for physicists and awarding professional qualifications;

    - promoting physics through scientific conferences, education and science policy advice.

    The Institute is a member of the Science Council, and a nominated body of the Engineering Council. The Institute works in collaboration with national physical societies and plays an important role in transnational societies such as the European Physical Society and represents British and Irish physicists in international organisations. In Great Britain and Ireland the Institute is active in providing support for physicists in all professions and careers, encouraging physics research and its applications, providing support for physics in schools, colleges and universities, influencing government and informing public debate.

  7. Hi all It has now gone some time since I last time joined for at heelmeeting. I think its about time to join again, but it depends a little about when its planned to occour. There is one weekend in october I might be able to go and that is 22-24/10. A better weekend for me would be in november 5-7/11. Does anyone have a clue about when the heelmeting might occour? Beeblebrox

  8. It would be interesting if there is anyone from scandinavia who intends to come to the heelmeeting. I think its about time we join the Heelmeeting a little more often than we do. They are very fun and interesting and do not forget all friends you will meet there. Well, I only been to Paris once, so its more like a visit with friends as Calv said. Beeblebrox (From southern Sweden)

  9. OK folks, we've all chatted-around the notion fairly thoroughly. If this is gonna happen, then it's time for concrete PLANS. Firefox has ascertained that Saturday 7th Feb is the last day of the Paris sales. I'm not free in January, but I can make the dates that I originally suggested earlier in this thread:





    First and foremost, we need a LIST of interested attenders from UK, FRANCE, HOLLAND, BELGIUM, GERMANY, SCANDINAVIA, SPAIN ETC. Please post your names below if you want to come. Nobody except Firefox has intimated that they are coming so far, so post your name in the next week or two, otherwise it ain't gonna happen.


    Our thanks to France's Stilettos and to Basvoilelover for their kind information about shopping in Paris. Basvoilelover - I play the bass viol! Are you coming to the meet?

    Don't forget everyone, I know it's busy as we approach Christmas, but WE NEED TO HEAR FROM ATTENDERS!

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfam


    I would like to come, but I dont know if I can due to my course in social work. I dont know the times yet. I guess I know more when I go back to Sweden the 17th of Jnauary. Perhaps there is still time to decide to go then.

    If I go, it would be a good idea if we stayed in very near places or even shared room if it is suitable. Just for cutting the cost and it is practical.

  10. Hello Beeblebrox,

    Nice to hear you arrived "Down Under" OK!

    Can you post us with a little of your Ozzy shoeie or bootie news - descriptions of purchases, meetings-up with Jane or Inga or any other Ozzy members, etc.?

    Also, it would be great if you could do a general report on the high-heel scene down there as you currently perceive it (plus special sightings etc.) on the Megaforum thread that I started "Worldwide Ligh Heel Reports". It helps us to build-up a fascinating global picture!

    Yours in anticipation.

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

    Hi all

    Well, that is an exellent suggestion.

    I can give a little information about the heelsceen and what I bought. I can take pics of the boots but I will need help to put them on here.

    So far I have bought five pairs.

    1. Ladies heeled black cowboy boots

    2. High heeled black stiletto like cowboy boots

    3. Medidum heeled red mens (?) boots from the 70:ies?

    4. Heeled black high trainers

    5. RM Williams black low heeled boots

    I was also trying on some heels in shops. In the one shop (Platipus) I tryed on the same model as no 1. No one turned their head. The sales lady thought they look good on me but a little strange. Perhaps she is not used to see men trying on womens shoes and boots.

    In the shop where I bought the RM Williams was real fun. It was a Raben shop. I said I wanted a pair of cowboy bots with high heel. Of course the only ones they had was in smaller sixe. I asked them if they had anything with a block heel. After a while came the sales lady with a pair of high heeld block boots which I tryed on in the shop with other cosumers around me. Even the shop owner was there, a man in his fities and he was vary friendly too. I walked around in them and they where a little to tight. They came with several other high heeled boots and I tryed them on as well. One pair was real good fitting and had approx 4 inch heel. When I was trying them on there was a man and a lady in their twenties and the man really looked at the boots I was wearing. I bet he wanted to try a pair too. Then I tryed the RM Williams and they was really comfy so I bought them. Expensive but very good fitting.

    There is plenty of shoe shops around, but more or less selling the same thing. But Johns shoes is good, if you can find them and Raben of course.

    So far I have not seen any male out here with heels on. But here is plenty of womans here who wear high heels.

    It would be fun if there is anyone more here near Sydney so we can have a little heel meeting. They are very fun. I will be leaving for Sweden the 17th of January and I will be away travelling between 20th of december and 11th of January.

    Well, thats all for now.

  11. hey, Beeblebrox, how was your trip to Sydney?

    Hi Bubba

    Well, I am still in Sydney. This is a city which is different to most other cities I have been in. I like Australia very much and have done some travelling.

    I will be here until 16 of January 2004 and will be out travelling between 20 December and 5 January, Quesnsland. Me and my mother is going by fligth up to Cairns and we will later go by car down to Brisban.

    I have also bought a couple of boots.

    How is it with you?

  12. I couldnt think of a better place to come to !! Thats only because I live in SYdney. In fact today was a beautiful winters day, not a cloud in the sky, just cold enough for jeans and a sweater, and it was spent cruising around the nicest harbour in the world !. Sipping champagne as we cruised past the Opera House and under the Harbour bridge!!

    If you need some info on Sydney, where to go, what to see etc etc, please feel free to contact me either here, or private email

    No worries mate

    Everyone including you have only said good things about Sydney, I really look forward to get there. I will send you a message to you.

    By the way, I will be in Sydney late Saturday 16th this month (August)

  13. Hi Beeblebrox

    Long time no speak

    Good to see you're still around

    Hi Calv!

    Yes, it has been a lot of water under the bridge, as we say in Sweden. I have been thinking a lot of all of you. I have not been here that much and writing even more less. Well, hopefully it will change now. I have some storys to tell, but they have to come later on.

    Looking forward to see you all someday soon

  14. WoW! Sounds like a nice trip. I always enjoyed the time I spent there. I'd like to visit Sydney again. It's a great city. While you're there, keep an eye out for our lovely JaneOz. And, if you happen to see her, please let her know that we miss her at Jenny's. :lol:

    Hi Bubba136!

    It seems like everyone I talked to only had positive things to say about Australia and Sydney. By the way, how will I regognize JaneOz? It would nice to meet someone into heels in Sydney. When you were in Sydney, did you go out in heels and if so, what reaction did you get? I really look forward to go to Sydney, my plane is leaving on friday 15th. Unfortenly am I not able to take whit me any amount of heels, but I hope there is oppurtunities to get some nice heels there.

  15. Hi all heel loving friends I think it has been a little to quit from my part in this board for a while. Time for change. Well, the 15th August will I be leaving for Australia and Sydney. As some of you might know, I'm studying to become a social worker. The reason for my travel is that I will do my practice there at a hospital in west sedney for 5 months. However, I have not lost my interest in high heels. So I wonder if there is anyone from the sydney area or in New South Wales (NSW)? Perhaps you can give some advice where to find nice boots. Perhaps we can arrange a NSW meeting, any interest? Has any of you experience in wearing high heels in broad daylight in OZ and what kind of reaction will most probably follow? Next stop Sydney

  16. I buy the kind of cowboy boots I like. I have 8 pairs and one pair on its way to me, and of these 9 pairs are two for men, that clearly set the point for that "ladies" cowboots look better. And yes, I do wear most of them public, no bad reactions yet, and the heels are up to 9 cm high. Well, I had to change coulor of some pairs, I dont like to wear pink boots, most depending of I dont like that coulor.

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