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Posts posted by DeSalto

  1. Le752, Couldn´t understand why are you so afraid of telling him what have you discovered, since your acceptance are the dream of a man in love with heels. To be honest, you sound to me as a man pretending to pass a woman. Anyway, if you´re really who you say, I´ll give you a sugestion: buy a pair of heels in his number and give it to him as a present, just saying that you have a fantasy of seeing him in heels. And do not tell him that you "invaded" his computer... By the way, don´t forget to tell us his reaction! DeSalto

  2. Adeana Your boyfriend is a lucky guy. My wife do wear the more classy pair of heels I buy to her, but not the more slutty ones (I mean outdoors, indoors everything goes...). She knows I would love to see her outdoors wearing those pair of 6" white stiletto plataforms, but she says they are too high, and not for long time wearing - I think that, in truth, she would be embarassed beeing seen wearing those kind of "f__ me" shoes. Wish we could go out wearing some of our matching pairs of heels... DeSalto

  3. Incredible meeting Larry! What kind of heels were that man wearing and buying? Boots, pumps or sandals? I was thinking about your reaction (spechless) and noticed that sometimes we are so afraid about people discovering our desire for heels and so used to hide it, that even when we have the chance to meet some open minded people we tend to keep our love for heels in secret. I can imagine the fantastic talking could have happened if you said to them "Well, it´s a strange coincidence but I´m here to buy some heels for me too... any sugestions?". DeSalto

  4. Flávio e Dawn HH I´m glad both of you liked the red pumps. They are my first choice too. But I have to tell you I´m surprised none of you liked the opened toes pumps (my wife says they are sandals and not pumps - she owns an identical pair in brown - I´ve bought us matching colors but she preferred a more discrete one). DeSalto

  5. Hi Flávio

    Red pumps will be a nice acquisition!

    I own mine - be inspired:

    Posted Image

    5 1/4 inch heels, red patent.

    Or may be this one:

    Posted Image

    4 1/2 inch red patent open toes pumps (they are not melissa!)

    Hope you liked it!


  6. Dr.Shoe, I can remember seeing a young girl about 12 years old wearing a pair of black strappy sandals with metal 4 1/2" stilettos. She was very good walking on those heels, probably a result of a lot of practice. But I could notice she also had some huge bunion on his great toe, those kind of deformity that affects people wearing heels an narrow pointed shoes. I believe heels are not for yong girls, at least not regularly. DeSalto

  7. Hi Kennard! Most people here don´t like hairy legs with stockings. I agree that shaved legs look better, but as for you, it´s not an option for me. You can try to hidden you leg´s hair wearing some opaque tan pantyhose under your stockings. DeSalto

  8. No experiences wearing boots, but some low quality spiked sandals, and even good quality ones after extensive wearing, tends to wobble a lot. But as Shafed, I really enjoy walking in wobbling high heeled footwear as a test to my ability to walk in stilettos. DeSalto

  9. Sandalcrazy

    Those sandals are from a brazilian shoe designer called Luiza Barcelos. I bought them from a traditional shoe shop caled NATIVA, in 2004, so they are not more available. I´m afraid they are not available internationally, and the larger size is probably 10B (the size of mines).

    Anyway, if you want to take a look at Luiza Barcelos Summer 2006 collection, it is available at www.luizabarcelos.com.br. You can also look at NATIVA at www.nativaonline.com.br .


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