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Posts posted by Anne_Louise

  1. Thanks for the lovely comments, though for someone of my age to be described as 'sexy' might be a bit fanciful Still, if someone thinks so, am I complaining?! Even though I will feel very vain doing it, I should like to post some photos just as soon as I get a suitable camera and more particularly, a suitable photographer who can stop me from being tense. I'm not a good photographic model! Do realise that I'm not beautiful, so back views or shoulders down might be best to avoid frightening the horses! Love, Anne Louise

  2. It's that overused 'fetish' word again! As for driving in heels, I wouldn't recommend it as a rule, particularly the height I habitually wear. Howver I break my own rule sometimes when wearing ankle straps because the hassle of fastening and unfastening my shoes each time I get in or out of the car is just too much. Also the pedals on my car happen to be in a position which doesn't force my foot back too far. It does play havoc with the heels and mats, so for long distances I drive in stockinged or bare feet, and feel much more in control. Anne Louise

  3. I had hoped to take some of the heat out of this, so boys, stop fighting and shake hands! Now, that's better isn't it? :D From all that I've read here many of you like to express their fantasies and secret desires, but isn't that one of the purposes of forums like this? Some fantasies should never of course be converted into reality, others are accepteble but not in public. Some people, men in particular, express a fantasy by driving at ridiculous speed for example, so put in that context a desire to see all women in heels is pretty harmless if totally unrealistic. I thought, Jeff, that spikes are the same as stilettos, and don't platforms have stiletto heels too? I think I'm losing the will to live! :) Anne Louise

  4. I should have done this when I first joined but somehow overlooked it. Sorry for the delay! Name: Anne Louise (sort of) Age: Fifties Gender: f Location: U.K Occupation: Height: 5’9” Weight: Don’t know, never weigh – if clothes start to feel too tight I know I must lose some weight! Still a size 14 though. Shoe size: 8 U.K. What's your favourite heel style: Stiletto, the proper curvy ones. What's your favourite shoe style: No special favourites, but I like strappy sandals or mules in summer, otherwise pointy or open-toe courts. Don’t like platforms. Do you wear your heels outside: There wouldn’t be much point in them if I didn’t! What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 51/2” (:D Your highest heel height: 61/2” How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: almost every day (:) Your highest heel height: Not often yet, but practising Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Stockings usually, sometimes bare-legged in warm weather Anything else you wish to add: Addicted to heels and a bit of a clothes-a-holic too. Like clothes and materials that are deeply sensual and make a bit of a ‘statement’ – see some of my posts!

  5. I think the objection, Greatspike, and I share it, was to the idea of firstly introducing the growing foot to high heels, and then to expecting all women to wear them. I love my ultra-high shoes, I do get feelings of power and superiority when wearing them, and would encourage anyone who WANTED to to try them. The sensual stimulus is profound, quite apart from the visual effect which inevitably attracts attention. As for growing girls wearing them, that is potentially highly damaging, hence the comments referring to Chinese foot-binding. In fact the damage could be such as to prevent the wearing of heels in later life, thereby being counterproductive from your point of view! I do think platforms, from the point of view of gaining the best from heels, are not appealing, but some people, Gina for example, do look good in them, but then, she would look good in wellies! Judging from messages I've received and comments in forums and in person, your enthusiasm for heels over 6" high is not uncommon, and you just sometimes get a little carried away by your desire to see women in ultra-high shoes. I'm sorry to have to say that unless some fashion guru dictates, in which case people will follow like sheep, they will remain a minority interest amongst a few determined women. If it's any comfort to you and others, I shall remain loyal to them for as long as I have health and strength!

  6. Greatspike, I never wear platforms. I tried some quite thin ones in the seventies when stilettos were almost unobtainable and I disliked them than and continue to do so. Also I want to be 'honest' about my heel-height. I know some of you guys have a 'thing' about platforms, but for me they take away much of the sensual pleasure that's derived from having the feet at such a sharp angle. With a thin sole one can feel something of the surface being walked on and that is safer than being perched on a platform as well as giving extra sensual stimulus to the toes and balls of the foot. It isn't necessary, indeed it is undesirable, for high heels to be introduced when feet are still developing. I know girls who would love to wear shoes like mine but I advise them against wearing any heels, except for a very short time, until they have stopped growing. As I've said before, foot size is significant. I have large (UK size eight) feet so a 6" heel on me is less demanding than on say a size 5. I used to wear consistently 4" or, ideally, 41/2" until I came acrosss my first 5". To be honest they didn't feel that much higher, but moving to 51/2" took more time - in fact in my size they were nearer to 53/4" but I think the 5" were a little higher too. That must have been over ten years ago now, and I almost sent them back. I'm so glad I didn't because after a year or two I had bought several more pairs and was wearing whenever I didn't have to walk far. After a while my lower heels were relegated to wearing with trousers or for long days on my feet, and gradually, as they wore out and were discarded I replaced them with more 51/2" which I can now wear even for quite long shopping trips. In fact I now, because so many of my lower shoes have gone, break the fashion 'rules' and wear them with trousers. I think my ankle-strap sandals look wonderful with tapered cropped trousers, a look which I would have resisted a few years ago. I just have three pairs of 6", and only one pair fits well enough to wear a lot, and now I have the fabulous 61/2" courts which I'm looking forward to wearing much more as the cooler weather comes. I should have loved some ultra-high sandals for summer but I've not seen any that I like, and I think in any case they would be much more risky to wear than courts. Perhaps next year! I don't yet know how I shall cope going up to 7". I shall try some as soon as I can afford them, and if I like the look of them I shall persevere - and succeed! Certainly when I've seen pictures of them on the site and in catalogues they look infinitely desirable, so I expect I shall succumb to temptation. I am sorry if the length of this offends anyone, but I thought it might help if I could respond to some of the points raised. Perhaps it would have been better placed in the 'stories' section, so if anyone wants to move it, please do. Love, Anne Louise

  7. No, Greatspike, that would spoil it for those of us who can and do, we should have to wear 6"+ in order to continue to feel superior! I suspect too that it would spoil it a little for all the men who like to see us perched on our stilts, it would be a little like the chocolate factory, just too much of a good thing. I suppose there could be extra attention for the few of us who CAN wear ultra-heels, though much as I like my 61/2" and aspire to 7" I can't see myself, or many others, wearing them for long shopping trips!

  8. Like Kay, I've suddenly found that I need more shoes - and I mean NEED of course! Those deep red (or that's how it appears on my screen) patent ones are gorgeous, I should love some in that colour. And I suppose a few more pairs of ff's wouldn't come amiss now that I wear them more often.

  9. Virginie, I don't have a workplace as such, though I do meet men in the course of my work. Because of the type of work I do I'm unlikely to get comments from them, but I do sense that I'm being watched from time to time! And of course I hate that!! I think men, even the ones that I've known for quite a few years, are wary of making specific comments about such things as shoes and stockings (though surprisingly I do sometimes get the occasional quip when I'm wearing leather and/or fur) for fear of being thought 'creepy' or 'fetishy' in front of other people. Do get some of those high shoes though if your lifestyle lets you wear them, the sense of triumph when you can walk in them will be well eorth the effort! Love, Anne Louise

  10. Yes, Virginie, I have worn 61/2" for work, but not often so far because they are courts which I only bought a short time ago. Lately I've been wearing mostly sandals and they are nearly all 51/2". The first time I wore 61/2" without being particularly conscious of what I was wearing I was so excited that I started a thread here to tell everyone! How childish is that? Luckily I don't usually have to walk too far for work, and more importantly, don't have to stand still a lot. Sometimes when I visit people's houses I do have to negotiate some quite awkward pathways though! Anne Louise

  11. I think it's inevitable that heel addicts are going to be caught out sometimes! I don't think I ever had problems when my highest were around 41/2", but I proudly wore my first pair of 5" to church many years ago and decided to take a longer walk home to avoid a steep down hill. the short length of hill would have been much less trouble than that extra walk, and my feet really were aching by the time I got home! Just occasionally I've had to park further away from my destination than I expected to. Nowadays my usual 51/2" aren't a problem but if I've decided on one of my few pairs of 6" or my, so far only one pair, 61/2", having to walk more than a few hundred yards extra can take its toll. Usually I try to remember to put something lower in the car just in case, but even then my pride might not let me give in! Worse than walking is having to stand for a long time, and I do try to avoid that if I'm in my highest shoes. Anne Louise

  12. I agree, Xaphod. If you have large feet as I do (UK 8) then your 61/4" needn't present a problem but for a size 5 for example they could, except with a lot of practice, be quite extreme. I can now manage 61/2" without undue difficulty, as I have flexible feet and ankles and am accustomed to wearing heels daily anyway. Anne Louise Those shoes are very beautiful by the way. Where did you get them?

  13. The men here are always keen to encourage the women in their lives, and presumably women in general, to wear heels, but deter all but the most confident and determined of us from doing so. How so? Well, by constantly associating footwear with fetishism and bondage of course. I have no problem with people indulging their own predilections in any way they choose provided nobody else suffers either physically or psychologically, but the linking with 'fringe' activities of certain items of clothing is not a sensible way to give acceptability to that clothing. Of course their are some things, ballet heels, chains, padlocks, even very tight hobble skirts, which are so out of the mainstream that they can only be regarded as fetishwear, or at best, clubwear. However, linking with those the kinds of clothes or materials which, though unconventional, are acceptable in daily life is certain to be counter-productive. I'm sorry to appear negative, but, as I've pointed out before, there is, in my opinion, far too much emphasis here on the sexual aspect of wearing and seeing high heels rather than on the aesthetic and the sensual. Fortunately I don't encounter anything other than admiration or, sometimes, mystification, regarding my shoes, any perceived sexual connotations being either not mentioned or ignored. There is a big world out there where people are not obsessed with particular aspects of clothing, but simply notice a whole 'look' and either admire or not, according to their tastes. I love wearing 'statement' clothes and I dress unconventionally, even quite flamboyantly, at times, certainly by the standards of today's preference for scruffiness and grunge. Some of you will know from my previous postings that I enjoy showing off quite a lot of leg (and a not-bad figure for my age!) by wearing clothes that are short and/or tight. I consider myself fortunate in always having been close to my sensuality and possessing the confidence to express it by wearing such sensual materials as leather, fur, p.v.c., satin, even rubber. I am also a living, breathing professional in the arts who resents the implication, so often expressed here, that if I go out in, say, a short leather suit, fur coat, gloves, nylons and stiletto heels I am somehow a walking, talking fetish symbol! Of course any attention either by means of compliments or little courtesies such as having doors opened, or men stepping off pavements or standing aside for me, are always graciously acknowledged and a very welcome bonus! I'm quite willing to accept that a few of those men might see me as a bit of a 'turn-on' but I suspect most simply see a woman in later middle-age who has the self-respect to take care of her appearance in a way that suits and expresses her personality. Well another long post, I'm afraid, and to some extent going over old ground, and for that I apologise before someone takes me to task! Anne Louise

  14. For me the traditional placing of the heel with a curve in at the top is incomparably more elegant and also much easier to walk in. I've tried those newer 'fashion' heels and they feel clumsy and awkward, and they look it! I suppose designers always feel compelled to try something different.

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