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Dawn HH

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Posts posted by Dawn HH

  1. Chris100575:-) I'm like you and have seen the peep toe boots and I'm not a fan of them either. To see everything covered by the boot except the toes just doesn't look right to me. Cheers--- Dawn HH

  2. Scrappycoco:-) It is a shame that your wife doesn't fully go along with the outfits that you chose to wear. That must make it a bit difficult for you at times. Your adventure at the dentist went very well for you and I enjoyed reading it in full. Now you can wear any outfit to the dentist on future visits and feel completely at ease doing so. Congrats. Thanks for sharing wih us all. Cheers--- Dawn HH

  3. Pumps:-) You handled that situation with your Mom quite well and in the end you got just what you wanted. Congrats. Now Mom sees that you are still the same person and wearing what you want when you want. She may still have to have a period of time to adjust to it, but go slow and give her that time that she needs to be absolutely sure that she made the right decision for you. Cheers--- Dawn HH

  4. Relax guys, it is going to be a while before I hit that 10,000th post. When and if that happens then it will be time to crack open that cold Coca-Cola for me. Meanwhile, I'm just going to keep hitting my stride and have a lot of fun with the many friends that I have made here on the HH Place. Once again a congrats to Daniel for hitting his first thousand posts. Cheers--- Dawn HH

  5. Himark:-) The lady knows that neighborhood well if she runs a shop in that vicinity. She surely wouldn't make the comment that you should have worn your new boots into the shop on the seond time around if there was any danger lurking in the neighborhood in your doing so. Cheers--- Dawn HH

  6. Tekno09:-) If you are going into a shoe shop as you suggested to try on heeled shoes, then you can be measured to see just what size may fit you and the salesman or saleslady can advise you as to the style that you are looking for and as to the fit for you. Wearing a pair of pantyhose under your male clothes will also help with the fitting end. Cheers--- Dawn HH

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