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Posts posted by squirrelheels

  1. Hi Guys Thanks for the encouraging comments... olderdude, I do not believe it is the heel wearing that is a sin, and you're quite right that society tells us it is a sin with male heel wearing. However, in my particular case, it is what came of wearing heels, and the sexual desire that came out of it that is sinful... Removing the heels is easy. Removing the desire is that hard part which is why I need to remain strong in my relationship with God (a hard thing in itself), and also why I need to disassociate myself heel related things. It's difficult but I refuse to take the easy road out... Wide straight roads are easy to walk in heels... Windy narrow paths are best done in flat walking boots! R

  2. The time has come for me to say goodbye... I am hanging up my heels and leaving them behind... they are no longer a part of my life. At the end of a good summer I felt challenged by God to let go of the things holding me back. Heels were a part of my life that resulted in no good and they were a barrier between me in God (in the form of sexual sin... I'll leave the rest for you to work out!). As such I took the opportunity to get rid of all of my heels (about 9 pairs if I recall correctly) and put them in a charity donations clothes bin type thing... no doubt they've probably put in some charity shop and probably been sold by now. I hope someone finds them useful! In some senses I miss wearing heels... but it certainly makes my life easier not having to worry about who's staring at my feet and who I'm going to bump into in the street who doesn't know I wear heels. It's also less expensive, which is good when I have financial commitments elsewhere, and little money coming in. It was an easy decision to make - I don't expect all of you to understand this as it's a Christian thing... The decision to give up 'heeling' was that of an act of obedience... obey God or obey my own sexual desire. Well, I think God has got more prosperous plans for my life than my dick, so I went with God. I still believe men have the right to wear what they like, and you certainly won't catch me tut-tutting under my breath if I see men wearing heels on the street (not as though that's happened since I met with Calv and Xaphod anyway..). I might look twice just to check my eyes weren't lying though! I don't condone men wearing heels, but if you want to that's fine. It's just caused unexpected issues in my life. I really do wish all you heel-wearing blokes the best for your heel-wearing future, and your future in general. The board seems to be growing well and you have a good community here. I can tell you're probably not going to die out, which is a good thing for those with a healthy interest in heels. I hope the day finally arrives when men can wear what they choose, but you will probably find me wearing my normal jeans/tshirt/trainers which I find comfortable. I still wear what I want... my choice of clothes is not dictated by fashion, but by me and what I find comfortable. Sorry if that's come out as a bit of a ramble and a bit of a surprise to some of you, but... that's where I am... and I'm unlikely to return to wearing heels as long as I'm staying on track with God, and I have every intention of staying with him, and I have great friends and a fanastic girlfriend supporting me in that. The more I say about God the more I feel I'm alienating most of you... but I hope you understand. I've said enough now I think. You probably got the message in the first line so I shall write no more. Toodle pip and all the best... Ross (aka SquirrelHeels) P.S. I'm not passing judgement on anyone elses' heel wearing and saying that it's wrong. It's just wrong for me. And as with anything in life - always question whether something is right in all respects before going with it (especially the case if you're Christian and you have a personal relationship with God).

  3. Sadly, SH, that's human nature for you. To be honest, after several years on the Internet, I would know that searching for 'hot chick' is going to cause a few - ah - 'irrelevant results'. I'd say that it serves you right for using Kazaa

    I suppose it does serve me right for using kazaa... there are much better ways of downloading movies illegally!

    It's the kind of thing that makes me damn sure I'm not connecting my child to the internet without strict supervision!

    I would have thought you'd normally connect a computer to the internet, not an actual human being! My, my, that could be very dangerous!

    In all reality if kids are gonna get into dodgy stuff, whether it's drunks, smoking, drinking, porn or whatever, they're gonna get into it and there's not a lot you can do to stop it. Just like there's not a lot my parents can do to disuade me from wearing heels, or being rather enthusiastic about spending their money on more computer parts.

    These days kids in the UK are put through various schemes like DARE (drug abuse resistance education), sex education, anti-bullying schemes etc all the way through their school lives, but porn isn't covered because I guess it isn't deemed as harmful.

    Unfortunately kids are always less sweet and innocent than we think. For instance I was quite surprised to find out that Charlotte Church smokes. She's a bit stupid for it really, cos she'll ruin her voice.

    Hmm. C'est la vie.


  4. I like the beer one, but it's a bit too big for my avatar. I could have spent ages searching out amusing squirrel pics, but I couldn't be bothered at 1:20am, plus that would mean too much choice! I might consider the boot one... only trouble is that I actually had trouble making out the squirrel when I first looked at it - and it'd probably be worse if I shrunk it to a reasonable avatar size! :wink: SH

  5. I've been toying with the idea of using a squirrel for my avatar... (a red one, naturally). I've found two images, so I'm wondering which I should use:

    Posted Image


    Posted Image

    What do you think? I quite like the cheeky-looking red squirrel, but I also like the amusement value in the road sign!

    NB: I've actually seen red squirrels face to face - on our patio at Oasis Whinfell Forest in the Lake District (now owned by Centre Parcs). On the drive way into the forest, they genuinely have road signs saying "Watch out for red squirrels"! :wink:


  6. That was an ad for Pirelli. I've used nothing else since then :wink:

    Hahahaha :D

    Somewhere on the board there is a link to a video of a girl shooting some hoops (playing basketball) in 5in heels, and doing a damn fine job of it too! I don't think basketball courts are exactly designed to take stiletto heels though..... Probably ended up with a few dints in it!!!


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