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Posts posted by jdmonto

  1. Sadly it's not a recen thing, payless has been in my city (country even) for less than a year, so to me the little selection of big shoes it's just the way it is, nothing new. On the upside there is no other store like that here, so even if the selection it's small it's better than what we used to have, sure there are big shoes in other stores, but you allways have to ask for the number, and i think that the main advantage of payless is that you don't have to do that just walk in and find your size, so it's a good way to beat that barrier on the first purchase, im pretty sure that, were it not for payless i would not have the few heels i have now, not just because i bought them there (duh) but because it allowed me to try on shoes without having to ask anyone, and that it's just not possible anywhere else in my city.

  2. The service is great, but sadly they don't have may shoes in my size, i pretty much bougth all three pair of shoes that i like and are aviable in my number in all the payless of my city (i think there is one or two i have not cheked yet), but i will be back in a couple of months to see if they have new inventory, like i mentioned colombian women are short as an average so you can find a lot of very nice shoes in sizes 5-6-7, 8 not so much 9 even less, but 10 and 11 have very few models and most of them are low heeled shoes.

  3. I think that the most important part of this is, like heelguy said, that this is not a bad thing by any measure, you are not doing anything wrong by wearing heels. From my point of view, the more complicated point of your post is the wife, this forum has a lot of stories of people who decide to tell the wife (or long time partner) about the heels and all kind of reactions, so in this regard you have to be the judge if/how/when you want to tell her, but this much i can assure you: if you decide to hide this from her (and still buy and wear heels at home), she will find them eventually, and it will be a lot worse than if you just tell her (but again, only you know her, so judge her reaction carefully). As for wearing them in public, don't worry, you don't have any sort of obligation to do that, i for example don't do it, i just wear my heels in private and im quite happy (sure, public would be best, but private is good enough for me). Another thing that i would tell you is, read this forum, this forum gave me the courage to do things that would be unthinkable last year (from the support and stories i found here, i told my GF about my desire to wear heels, started to buy them and last night even asked for shoes in my size at a store), maybe you can find the courage you want, but don't pressure yurself too much, heeling is supoused to be a good experience (very good one actually) not a pain for you. Finally, here is an idea for halloween, why don't you take the oportunity to disguise yourself as a girl (heels included of course), in my city is normal to see men wearing dresses and heels in halloween partys under the excuse that it's just a costume, this way you may get to actually go public for a day without all that pressure, and maybe even a way to ease your wife into the idea (you know what? this shoes i tried for the custome ar not so bad etc), now this idea is probably dumb, farfetched and goes without any warranty, but it may also work to at least have your private heeling, just consider things carefully since you are the only one who can guess what the reactions will be.

  4. Hello everyone Last night i decided to buy a pair of heels (my third, but my second time buying, since i buyed two pairs the first time), and i decided to go to payless since they display all the sizes in the shelves and i don't have to ask anyone if they have my size (i'm shy abut my heels and don't wear them in public). So i went in the store and started browsing, of course there are not a lot of shoes in my size (us10-11), and specially not high heels, yet i found a nice pair pf 4 inch pumps and tried them on, and even if they ran a little to small for my feet i considered purchasing them. Then i decided to do something i would have never done a couple of months back (thanks to his forum, i can do it now) and asked the emplyee if they had those shoes in size 11, sadly they did not have them, but she mentioned that they had a new arrival that was not displayed yet, and sowed me a pair of black patent, round toe pumps, and she proceeded to give advice (round toe are being more used in my city, she mentioned that). I tooked at both shoes side by side, and she asked me wich ones i liked best, and, upon request, she showed me other styles that they had in size 11 did not have in display, none to my taste but her attitiude was pretty cool. After she showed me the shoes she discretly waked away so i tried them on and bought them, i'm not sure if she knew i was shopping for myself, but i think she definately suspected, since shoes this size are extremely uncommon (Colombian girs are quite short and have small feet on average), but she managed the situation in a way that made me feel totally comfortable, even showing me other women's shoes in my size (these are not high heels though, she said). So bottomline now i have a pair of 4 inch heels (my ohter pairs are 3.5) and have a very positive image of that particular store, i hope they get new shoes soon, or maybe i'm even ready to come into another store and just ask for my size, sadly i cannot buy anymore shoes in the near future (damn rent) but that experience will really help me next time i intend to do so.

  5. The wedges are a size 10, the slingbacks 10w, in that regard this chart seemed to be pretty acurate http://manoftoday.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/windowslivewriterinternationalshoesizeconversionchartscon-10249image02.png

    I did try them on at the store anyway, and i found that another pair of sandals that i liked in size 10 did not fit me, so i guess buying by size alone is not a good idea.

    I have the same idea as you, cheap, indoors only shoes, this are payless precisely, and the advantage of that store is that they display all the sizes so i don't even have to ask if they have my number, also this particular payless is inside a store (something like the local walmart) so, at the right time, I managed to try them before buying without anyone seeing me.

  6. Of course i know they are not really high, but remember this is just my first heel purchase, unfortunately finding shoes that fit me it's even harder here than it may be in USA or other places, but i will certainly keep looking for more and higher heels in the future. For now however i'm extremely happy and i will enjoy these two pairs as much as i can before thinking of getting more.

  7. Wearing them outside is not yet in my plans (remember I just got them, and the trying on the store part was difficult enough, but I must admit that is was also extremely exciting), but you are right, i could use black sockings to cover my toes and make them even more inconspicuous, of course i've been temped to go out in them, maybe today I'll throw out the trash wearing them, this is a minuscle step since I live in an apartment and the garbage shut is less than 15 feet from the door, but it's a start i guess. Truth be told i don't think i can ever go out in them, my country (Colombia) is quite untolerant, annoyngly conservative and quite frankly I'm a coward, but maybe someday I can go to get some food from the first floor store in my building wearing them.

  8. Shopping with her may not be entireley viable, since she seems to be okay with my heels but she still considers it quite weird, so i don't feel like pressuring her, she is a very conservative girl and in fact i was pleasantly surprised with how she reacted yesterday (she already knew, but theory and practice don't always match). There is also the fact that i'm not really interested in female clothing, other than shoes of course, but it would really be cool to go shopping for shoes with her, right now we are taking small steps (firguratively in her case, and literally in mine) and i think it's important to do so in order to keep things smoothly. So for now shoe shopping together will be strictly in order to choose her heels, luckily for me that is something i enjoy as well :)

  9. Hello everyone Since 10 days ago I'm living with my beautiful girlfriend and things have been great, this also means that, since I'm not living with my family anymore, I can now have my own heels. So yesterday I decided to buy my first (and second since they had an offer) pair of heels. I'm not going to lie, these are cheap, chinese and made with PU and who knows what other man made materials, they are not exactly high by this site standards (3.5 inch) but i love them, and had a blast using them around the house last nigth and today before coming to work, I can't imagine being much happier than I am now. So I'm really excited, and can't wait to get out from work and wear them again today.



  10. I don't like the ones in the original picture, in that kind of material i actually prefer flat shoes than heels, i think flats like that look more feminine and can look good with the right outfit... the ones on the pictures i find horrible to be honest, but if you like them go ahead, who are we to judge?

  11. To be fair the sound of a heel on the floor is quite noticeable, it really demands attention, and for a lot of us just the sound is sexy (i love it when my gf comes to open the door and i try to guess what shoes she will be wearing by the sound they make). I don't think the reaction is hardwired, like a natural thing, but the thing is that we have been led to belive that a high heel is sexy (by the media etc) and that is a pretty deep programing right now, there are also of course the physical aspects of how a heel makes you walk etc and the psicological apects as well. So i guess it's not hardwired but it could be considered very deep, low level programming, i know couple of guys that don't actually like women in high heels (not in this site of course) but i don't think they are the norm.

  12. Cool picture, but for those of us who have no idea of hockey, what is the message here? what is so particular about this player? I tried a google search but, in typical internet sports fashion, i found more fanboy comments than info.

  13. "Our Lord went to the cross so that we can wear our heels and feminine clothing and that is the wonder of Jesu's sacrifice" Best interpretation for the crucifiction i have ever heard, i almost want to be a beliver just watching that quote :)

  14. You could check the chart on this page, http://www.i18nguy.com/l10n/shoes.html it allows you to convert between many measuring systems, however i think that the cm/inch measure is not accurate, at least not for me.

    But keep in mind that there are other considerations to be had, like how wide is your foot, how high is the bridge etc. so like Bubba says it would be better to try the shoes on at the store, but i understand you if you don't wanna try it (i can't do it yet... maybe some day).

  15. I don't wanna start a fight over it, but i don't think Jesus ever mentions anything about female clothing being bad, i was a christian for a long time so i know a liitle about it. Unfortunately organized religion leaders try to convince people of some very strange things, but your heels are not hurting anyone (i hope not :)) so there is really no reason to feel guilt.

  16. I love anime as well, as for the pretty outfits that is one of the reasons i really like card captor sakura, no heels there but pretty much every episode has a new great outifit for sakura. That first reconstruction looks very good, i've never seen sailor moon (not my kind of anime), but sailor mars outfit is definately awesome.

  17. I've played a washburn fretless bass guitar for some time, but i don't have a band now, music it's not an easy hobby to maintain in my city, i also have a peavey, but i don't use it as much (i love fretless and the peavey has frets).

    I've always played in metal bands of different sorts and, if i you want to listen to what i consider the best band i've been in then go here http://www.myspace.com/mydesiresite i'm no longer a member, but i recorded the bass for the songs that are featured on the site.

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