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Posts posted by Firefox

  1. Hi Sarah. Welcome to the forums! Your question is probably better put in the ladies forum where it will be seen easier by the girls who frequent the site. I will say though, that what styles are acceptable can depend vary much on profession, and what area you are in, as well as any local dress codes. So it's kind of a difficult question for anyone to answer because... I do know that the legal and banking professions can be more conservative and require closed leather shoes with more sensible heels, frowning upon stilettos sandals or slides. So there you go. And I'm in the UK and know even less about Boston. But, I hope you get some meaningful answers from someone!

  2. I think stilettos look much better on a thinnish frame. I'ts a simple question of aesthetics. Balancing a large object on a small one looks inherently unstable. It's not to say larger people can't wear them but... I think were talking about majority perceptions of what looks good and what doesn't.

  3. Very sorry I couldn't make it in the end. It was a nice day and I had promised to set the net up and play volleyball. Still, nice to hear you had a good time, and I'l try to do better on the next occcasion. Hopefully it will be somwhere with asteroids so we can have a head to head!

  4. It's all to do with succession of power after the prophet Muhammad's death. The Sunni is "purer" form where Muhammad is held in the highest importance whereas the the Shi'ites believe Muhammad's Uncle and his successors posessed devine blessing as well, or something like that. Q'ran is worth reading. It's similar to the bible. Some bits are interesting. Larger tracts I found quite heavy going, even boring.

  5. It's strange reading back on this thread. My own streetheels group, link as per my signature and in this thread, has really taken off now with nearly 3000 photos. We moderate it to remove crap pics, feet only shots, or fetish bedroom shots.

    Here's a couple of recent highlights:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Full size hi res versions will be found on the site.

  6. What Russia has now is effectively a dictatorship where corruption is rife in the economy. They're probably better off than under the communists but it's still not that clear. While Yeltsin presided over a change in regimes, economically his policies were a disaster, overseeing the creation of a new corrupt ruling class, as state assets were privatised in a hasty fashion.

  7. I can't be bothered slugging it out with a load of fashionistas most of whom have got pretty set opinions. It's much more effective just wearing heels outside where you get far greater exposure. And to be honest, you are actually doing it and setting a trend in the real world, as opposed to spouting off on some internet board where you get guys pretending to be girls, and other people making all sorts of stuff up.

  8. Yes, one clueless old bint there kept on going on about how men would be a "danger to themsleves" and, if they got drunk (another post) they would be a "danger to themselves" etc (sic). I don't know if she thought her pet phrase would raise a bit of a laugh but, it simply emphasised to me what an ignorant person she was. If she fancies having a couple of bottles of wine with me and then we'll see who can walk better in 4 inch heels, she's welcome to the challenge. Anyone with an account there can quote me on that. I can't be bothered to sign up to make the point!

  9. Hi icehouse. We don't tend to focus on those kind of aspects of high heels here. It's more about fashion, and practicalities of buying and wearing, but there is a large pictures forum with various photos of members, and celebrities, street shots etc which you may find of interest in some respects. Also check out my flickr streetheels group, link as in my signature below. For movie clips, I believe You Tube is good and there are various channels such as snuchie or zenimator who have collected clips which could be what you are looking for.

  10. When I read the article, I thought it was kind of forced. Like those pages which mention a certain phrase lots of times to get a high ranking in a search engine so someone will go to their page and click on some adverts. I'm not convinced it is much of a "trend". I haven't seen any evidence of it anyway. Lets face it, 1 1/2-2" is not a proper heel. That's always been available in men's shoes. If we start seeing 3 -4", that's a real trend.

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