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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. Hi Ellen-Jay, You may be interested to know that a special thread already exists for this topic. It was begun sixteen months ago in July 2003, and contains a pretty exhaustive in-depth debate on the ethics and law re. street-shots. It's called "Streetshots" and I've just brought it back up to the very top of "For Everybody" for you and others to peruse. For my part: 1) Everything that Firefox said above is correct under British law, and it appears to be much the same in most other Western countries. 2) Firefox could have added that as soon as one person wishes to take a photograph of another on private property, then that's different, and to remain legal, permission must be obtained. 3) He did not say that CCTV is an infringement of liberty - you are putting words into his mouth. 4) I agree with the law as it stands. It has evolved over many decades, and I think it is very fair, sensible and even-handed in these respects. Basically, before going into any public place, each of us decides what to wear and whether to dress soberly or outrageously. Now, once we step out into in the public domain, we stand up to be counted. We have gone public, which can and often does include people snapping away with their cameras. So to me, it is entirely irrelevant whether I am seen first-hand, or via a publically taken photograph. It's all equally PUBLIC. As Firefox says, it would contravene certain laws to cause a nuisance by sticking a camera up someone's skirt, or subsequently publishing the photographs in a way that would cause defamation or malignment to the subject. But apart from that, as an enthusiastically up-beat and optimistic sort of chap, I assume that each of us should be PROUD to be seen in what we wear, otherwise why wear it? Also, if photographed, why not feel even prouder still! The one thing that gets up my nose is the growing Nanny State where we can't do this and we can't do that and our children can't have school photos taken any more etc. etc. etc. etc. If it gets to the stage where we can't even photograph a fashionable person walking along a public street, then it surely it would be time for us all to think about topping ourselves! Let's all hang on to a life! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  2. Hi Everyone! I'm just refreshing this Streetshots thread to bring it back to the top of the heap, because Ellen-Jay has just started the same topic, and she may be interested to see that it has already had three pages of in-depth debate here. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  3. Yes, exactly! That had already occurred to me too! However Chapters 54 and 54 of Lucy's Story are now to be seen on Jenny's Forum and duplicated on "Stories With a Heely Theme". Cheers, Heelfan

  4. Actually Bubba, you'll find that despite my above feeble attempt at levity, I have expressed considerable remorse about misleading everyone and letting the Lucy fans down with a nasty bump.

    If you would care to read through the whole debate on Jenny's Forum (where I first posted all 53 Lucy chapters):


    You will not only find my explanation that all the heely events really happened to real heelwearing girls (which I refrained from naming due to invasion of their privacy, and rolled them all into "Lucy" instead), but you will find my sincere expressions of my remorse made repeatedly.

    The amazingly thing of all though, is how charitable the majority of members have been on that thread, and also on "Replies to Lucy's Stories"

    under "Stories With a Heely Theme". I am quite astonished.

    Cheers, Heelfan

  5. Dr. Shoe, it's very kind of you to offer to take Beeblebrox back to Stansted, and will solve his problem! Now cummon all you other 1,500+ members - Anymore for Anymore? Roll up, Roll up, Roll up, post your intentions of coming the the Heel-Meet(s) here! GUYS AND GALS ALL WELCOME!!! (Heels not compulsory but nice!) Only just over a week to go! Your postings invited! Cheers, Heelfan

  6. Hi Anita! Firstly, thanks for being one of those who've reacted to my Lucy unmasking in such a sporting way! Secondly, If you are leaving law and entering entertaining (note the alliteratation), I must immediately repeat my long-standing invitation to you to to come over and do some stuff with my jazz bands as "Star jazz singer from the States"! I'll PM you regarding that as soon as I can! I'd be interested to know more about your "beliefs", and I'll certainly give your love to Lucy! Cheers, Heelfan

  7. Quite right Jeff, it's another exposee to add to Heelfan's Hall of Shame! Having produced an 18-month output of 53 Chapters and countiess ancillary postings, replies etc. at least I can console myself that I've given you all abundant material to sift through, peruse, digest, analyse and quote for evermore! Enjoy! I am telling myself "As ye maketh thy bed, so shall ye lie on it!". and "As ye shall sow, so shall ye reap!". Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  8. Ok Rob! So ignore the Lucy plug folks, but seriously though, we'd love to see a really good street-heeling turnout for the last two UK Heel-Meets of 2004. Cheerfully your, Heelfan

  9. Guys! There's nothing like attending our regular Heel-Meets to build up your street-heeling confidence. Enjoy a liberating day in your favourite heels surrounded by like-minded guys and gals!:

    Firefox and I invite you to come to the last pair of this year's UK Heel-Meets (heels nice but not compulsory):

    SAT 6th NOV 2004 - West London.

    SUN 7th NOV 2004 - East London.

    For full details, simply click on to: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=3761

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  10. To Paul, Jeff and Chris:

    Hi Paul! Thankyou! Yes, I've been fortunate to be constantly in the very best of high-heel circles since my schooldays! As a professional dance-band and jazz double bass player, I constantly played on the Queen Elizabeth and other luxury liners where all the passengers came dolled-up to the nines (amazing heels!). In the sixties I actually worked at the incredible Regent Shoes (then the best high-heel shop in the universe!) as their window-dresser and witnessed all the wonderful events that Lucy described! I've played at countless wedding receptions where ladies are always at their most heely, also in television studio bands where we accompanied beauty queen contests (5" + heels!) and also I did a season at the actual Little Canada Holiday Camp on the Isle of Wight, playing the music for the "Miss High Heels" competition that Lucy entered, and at the Connaught Rooms where Lucy was first spotted byClarence (for that read where my own girlfriend-to be was spotted by me!).

    At the age of sixty, I'm still running three jazz bands and sighting all the fantastic heels! Dr. Shoe and Ruth came to see my 16-Piece Big Band when we performed at a jazz concert in Knightsbridge, London last month.

    Maybe if you PM him he'll tell you all about it! Yes, it's been a fantastic lifetime of spotting the best high heels around! Wahay!

    Regarding Lucy's "Home Alone" lifestyle, as I've announced that, by popular request, I'll be carrying on the Lucy's Story (but with Heelfan as author), we musn't spoil the Story by jumping ahead, must we! (tease, tease!). All I'll say is that a very good reason will emerge in due course as to why Lucy lives alone.

    Hi Jeff! Well said!

    Hi Chris! Thank you for putting that very good question to me. It is certainly a serious one and it was asked (equally profoundly but in much greater detail) by the very gentlemanly Puffer on Jenny's Forum: http://members3.boardhost.com/jennyheels/?982958163

    In reply to Puffer's long, thorough posting, I endeavoured to reply with a similarly long and sincere response which, I hope, it will convey to you my sincere thoughts on that issue. Further interesting debate then ensued.

    Sincerely yours, Heelfan

  11. Hey Ellen-Jay, this'll warm your heart! Our internet friend RPM over on Jenny's Forum turns out to be an ardent admirer of yours, and I'm just copying here a message that he posted over there: "Heelfan, I've still have not joined the megaforum, but if you don't mind doing me another favor, please pass on my admiration to Ellen-Jay. She has great pix. I love her feet features. Plus, her ankles reminds me of Deelight's ankles. Both are very sexy to me. And despite folks asking her to show full length shots (minus the face... for privacy issues) i'm thoroughly happy with her pictures" (from RPM) Howzabout that then E.J.? Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  12. FINAL UPDATE: HEEL-MEETS, SAT 6th & SUN 7th NOVEMBER 2004: _____________________________________________________________ HEEL-MEET 1. SATURDAY 6th NOVEMBER, WEST LONDON 10 am MEET OUTSIDE NOTTING HILL GATE UNDERGROUND STATION (outside the exit on the corner of Pembridge Road and Notting Hill Gate). IF LOST OR DELAYED, RING FIREFOX'S MOBILE 07941 172043 TO CATCH UP WITH THE GROUP. MORNING - Do Portabello Road Market, finishing at the shoeiee end. Then LUNCH. AFTERNOON - Maybe street-heeling through Bohemian Camden or perhaps Covent Garden (incl. Theatrical Costume Museum?)?. EXPECTED ATTENDERS: Firefox, Beeblebrox from Sweden, Calv, Simon, Dr. Shoe, plus ALL OTHERS WELCOME! _____________________________________________________________ HEEL-MEET 2. SUNDAY 7th NOVEMBER, LAKESIDE/BLUEWATER SHOPPING CENTRES (EAST LONDON) 10.30 - 11.00am - WE CONGREGATE AT LAKESIDE SHOPPING CENTRE, BY THE GROUND FLOOR FOUNTAIN OUTSIDE DEBENHAMS (Lakeside is very near Junction 30 of the M25. Go 1/2 mile East on A13 to big roundabout, and 200 yards South on A126, following signs) 11.OOish - WE MOVE OFF AND "DO" LAKESIDE'S SHOE SHOPS ETC. 1ish - LUNCH. AFTERNOON - OPTIONALLY WE CAN MOVE DOWN TO THE BLUEWATER SHOPPING CENTRE (ONLY 15 MINUTES AWAY). IF LOST OR DELAYED, RING MY MOBILE 07966 450583 TO CATCH UP WITH THE GROUP. GUYS AND GALS ALL MOST WELCOME (whether in heels or not). Come and join us for a helluva fun day! If You intend to come, please add your posting to the bottom of this thread. EXPECTED ATTENDERS: So far, we seem to be expecting Me (Heelfan), Dr. Shoe & Ruth, Beeblebrox from Sweden, Forgborkenvv & Mrs. Fogborkenvv, Nhoj62, Si, Calv(?) ALL OTHERS WELCOME - please post! ANY DELETIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THIS LIST? If so, please post here soon as poss., to assist us in knowing when the gathering is complete on the day. NOTE I always recommend bringing a print-out of these arrangements/phone numbers with you to the Meets! Look forward to seeing you!, Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  13. That does happen very occasionally, but do not let it put you off! If it's any consolation, I've been street-heeling for forty-seven years (since I was thirteen), and in the whole of that time I've only ever had two or three such incidents. It's very rare, and these days people are getting more accepting of diverse fashions every year. As my wife said to me when I showed her my latest 4 1/2" heeled boots the other day "Well, anything goes these days". Keep heeling, and look forward to seeing you ate Lakeside! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  14. Yes, it's fascinating how different people's tastes vary so much regarding subjects like pointed or rounded toes. My own favourite is a half-way shape - an "almond" toe. This is more sleek and elegant that a fully rounded toe, but does not stick out for miles like some of the really pointed winkle-picker toes. Regarding the latter, I find that if the empty toe-part protrudes way out front beyond the wearer's own toes, the proportion of a high heeled shoe is spoiled because the heel does not look so high and sexy by comparison. Conversely, if the shoe has a stubbier toe which is as short as fashionably possible, the the heel looks much higher and more dramatic in proportion. Wahay! The business! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  15. To Rand and Jeff: Hi Rand! Yes, I totally agree with you. As I've already said both here and on Jenny's forum, the really grotty thing for me about being exposed was not the exposure itself, but letting the Lucy "fans" down with a big bump. So yes, yet another big "Sorry" from me to you Rand and everyone! Jeff: Oh yes, you have to be totally scatty to play jazz! And I'm scatty with life in general. Whenever I have these Heel-Meets with Firefox and all the rest of the UK heel-gang, they're forever picking up things I've left in golf clubs, restaurants, shoe shops etc. And of course, it was my scattiness that caused me to sign a Lucy posting as "Heelfan"! I've been a real silly-billy! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  16. Hi Jeff! Regarding my confession, I didn't decide to do it now of my own volition and let you all down with a bump. I feel VERY grotty about that. No, I was rumbled! I am very scatty (as Firefox will tell you, leaving golf clubs etc. everywhere) and I inadvertantly signed one of my Lucy postings "Heelfan". Well, as you can imagine, once four separate members had immediately noticed that, I had to come clean and tell all! Sorry! Regarding your other question about Jo, that was completely incorrect. I (Heelfan and Lucy) only discovered and started on the Internet in the late Spring of 2003, and started Lucy's Story from scratch. I've only ever posted it on Jenny's Forum with Spikesfan (and then me) duplicating it across to this Megaforums "Stories" Forum. I got quite frustrated that someone should claim to have read it all before somewhere. It was all 100% fresh and original. That's why I started dropping real-time times and dates into my ongoing chapters to show that they were being written there and then. After that the "old hat" comments abruptly stopped, thank goodness. Yours frankly and sincerely, and thanks for the compliments on the writing quality! Cheers, Heelfan

  17. Well, thank you one and all for a veritable bevy of responses so soon after spilling the beans! To my amazement and profound relief, the general concensus seems positive ratrher than negative. Most of you have said nice things about Lucy's Stories, and the only inevitable downer is that I've let theLucy fans down with a sudden bump, and I'm very sorry about that. All in all, the general flavour seems to be that I should continue, so I'll try and do that and see what happens. To answer each of you in turn: Bubba136 - Thanks for saying you though they were good stories. JeffM - The Tom in question was Tom-NL. Several Netherlanders already knew about my authorship, but I must stress that Tom-NL was not a conspiritor. Far from it, he must have watched the board like a hawk, and ages ago he sent a message via Firefox that Lucy once or twice signed herself Heelfan (although it was rapidly corrected). You might call him a sort of lay watchdog! Rob - Thanks for saying the stories seemed so "Real". In fact all of them WERE real, it's just that they were experienced by an assortment of high heel girls (but not Lucy) and vividly remembered by me. Raincat - Thanks everso much for your compliments! Allu - Thank you for accepting the switch of author so graciously! Nhoj62 - Thank you for giving me such credit, but I agree that the downside was certain people's disappointment, particularly DawnHH it seems. I do feel grotty about that, especially as he has all the worry of Mickey's health problems to contend with at present. Firefox - Well what can I say to my golfing partner, fellow heel-meet attender and moderator extraordinaire? Good old Firefox has known about the true authorship for almost a year-and-a-half since Lucy's Stories began, and has shouldered the difficult responsibility of keeping my trust and confidence. He has told me on occasion that it is "cool" to put Lucy's Stories on the fact/fiction story sections, but has curbed my (often rather wild) enthusiasm to post Lucy in places such as the "For the Gals" forum, which I have been observing much more carefully lately. My thanks to you all again one and all for such frank and gratifying responses! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

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