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Posts posted by Bob

  1. I've got to admit that this is something I fear also, however, I think firefox's idea was to contact manufacturers and shoe shop's not joe public (correct me if i'm wrong firefox) I do think it's important not to portray ourselves as some kind of fetishist's and just another bunch of people who like to wear what we like to wear

  2. Squirrelheels, Do you have access to the internet? If so, you could buy online (most reputable companys do have a return policy in case the shoes are the wrong size) other than that, just be brave! Or you could go shopping with a girlfriend, then it won't look so odd to be browsing in the womens section. Tip, when buying clothing in the women's department, most people just assume you are buying for girlfriend/SO

  3. Quote: Fair point Bob, count me in in the 'don't' category then. Got a few responses though! Amazing how something as apparently simple as footware can illicit such a response!

  4. OT Now correct me if i'm wrong, but 12" to the foot would be a little large for a model wouldn't it? Sounds like the stuff my dad used to drive for a living (Bristol VR anyone?) As for "free entry" to see your model railway, think i'd have to raise my faith's by a quarter inch to qualify By the way, sounds like your layout put's my old hornby set to shame but I think the "model railway" running past my parents house would take first place, it's the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Railway!

  5. Just wondering how long it took some of you guy's to come out of the closet? Although i'd fantasised about wearing hi heels for some years I never bought a pair. Once I did though it only took about a couple of weeks before I tried wearing them in public and what a feeling it was! Just about the entire heel was showing as well and nobody said anything.

  6. I think I should mention, that in Islam the rights of women and children are actually protected to a degree only bettered in the western world in the last 40/50 years and that in most cases in the muslim world it is the men and not religion that is the cause of most inequality, anyway, can we really call our society equal? Many still think it's odd for men to wear high heels and skirts and will bully or otherwise make fun of those who do! We've all got a long way to go, Afghanistan just has further, perhaps we can help each other :smile:

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