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Posts posted by Bob

  1. There really shouldn't be any such thing as gender specific colours, and certainly there isn't a non girl colour And anyway, if pink is a non guy colour, unless you are gay, then there must be a lot of gay businessmen around, as pink seems to popular among them (has been for a while), so what does that say about business B) I think the whole thing is just so much tosh :smile:

  2. I agree with firefox about women generally being more empathic than men, many are pretty cool about men who have unorthodox fashion tastes :smile: Of course, there are those who try to keep their men locked into the conventional, but I reckon they are probably in a shrinking minority, after all, isn't it every womens dream to go out with a man who likes to look his best, even if it is in an unusual way? Obviously your mum terrayon accepts your quirkiness as just that, which from both your's and firefoxes point of view is great, you'll get to wear heels, william will get his beer B)

  3. Great argument, you've obviously done you homework and come to the same conclusion as I have but from a very different perspective. I agree with you on the basis of what terrorism is about, a terrorists primary weapon is terror, and any means of delivery will do, the cheaper the better, and getting people terrified over nothing is the cheapest of the lot. I for one have never believed that a terrorist will go to the expense of using nukes, and the cost and sheer logistical nightmare associated with such devices is just one more reason behind that belief, perhaps the world CAN breath a sigh of relief

  4. Don't want to alarm but: During the cold war, the soviet union is reported to have aimed up to 100 missiles at a time on London. If each of those avareage 1 megatonnes, and only 1 third we actually loosed or succesfully delivered on target, an explosion something in the order of 30 million tonnes of TNT would have gone off over central London. The positive blast wave alone could have reached the french coast, indeed it is believed that if a maximum blast hit London the damaged would have gone inland for several miles from the french coast Interestingly in the film Threads (by the BBC) 6 relatively small warheads were dropped on Sheffield, the result was calculated to be the total collapse of law and order, the collapse of the NHS (the current governement seems to be doing an equally good job B) ) and generally sending the UK back about 150 years I think this graphically shows that a fully functional Nuclear device is not actually necessary for a terrorist act, any small and dirty device will do Personally, I don't think any terrorist organisation will ever get one, by and large they don't have the technical capability, and mostly, they are cowards who wouldn't have the wherewithall or guts to deliver it Heres hoping for a more peacefull world :smile:

  5. That, unfortunately, is the trouble with sexual equality today, from the women it is all take, take, take, yet the moment a man tries the same he is immediately branded sexist or worse (when it comes to fashion) is branded as gay! Of course gay means to be extremely happy so i'm happy with that :smile:

  6. Unfortunately it's because of my own experience due to my job, fortunately nobody I know has suffered at the hands of terrorism, however, I have lost coleagues to it (one with a babe in arms, gunned down outside a shopping centre) I remeber once, after going shopping with my mum, making her wait whilst I checked my car for potential boobytraps, she was not impressed, however, working for let's just say, HM Government, I considered myself enough at risk to not check my car first. I have spent years doing so, only recently have I stopped (If it's gonna happen it will and there's nowt I can do to stop it) I feel compelled to ask our american friends, when was the last time you felt so paranoid and at risk that you had to check your vehicle EVERY time you went to it? And why do you think after everything that's happened recently (and let's not forget a SIZEABLE number of non americans were involved, in fact, a british citizen who was married to an american but only gained entry through his green card, is now threatend with deportation by 9/11/02 unless she leaves sooner, how heartless) you think that isolationism is the best answer? It didn't work in 14/18. Why do you expect the world to side with you when you don't side with the world (you said yourself that you don't cry out in anger unless US citizens are involved)? The world is a big messy place and requires a lot of patience, unfortunately many countries feel that america is guilty of the ultimate sin, cultural imperialism, and britain gets tarred with the same brush because we ARE good friends with the US (Senator Mitchell has worked tirelessly to try and mediate with irish terror groups), we must all understand that it is the sheer diversity of cultures, religions, systems of commerce and governance that makes the world what it is, I for one wouldn't want to go around the world and see nothing more that an overgrown europe or, heaven forbid, a hollywood version of the world! Unfortunately it is this very diversity and our own ignorance of it that causes so much misunderstanding Insofar as Afghanistan is concerned, lets not condemn them for what Al Qaeda did, after all, not one Afghan was responsible for Sep 11, and not one Afghan has ever been a member of Al Qaeda (and this from a brit, who since sep has seen images of literally hundreds of Afghan "refugees" risking their lives trying to get to the UK via the channel tunnel)

  7. There seems to be a gulf between Europe and North America developing here and i'm not talking about the Atlantic! I would ask our american friend to understand, that europe has suffered very badly over the past century as a result of a minority enforcing their ideology over the majority and therefore we are loathe to enforce our beliefs (and i'm not talking religion) on other countries. All europeans fought both with and against each other in two wars for the freedom of self expression, and this should apply to all countries and peoples around the world including afghanistan (and remember america, not one afghan was responsible for the attrocities perpetuated against your country) And besides, where was the US when the heart was ripped out of london by the IRA, or Eniskillen, Omagh, Warrington, Manchester to name but a few of the horrifying catalogue of attrocities carried out by terrorists funded by an american charity, NORAID? Is it any wonder that some of us on this side of the pond are asking, How does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot? Your horror and indignation at such a foul act is only too well understood, and that is precisely WHY many of us are saying, RESTRAINT!, Britain and many of our european partners (not least in my experience Holland and Germany who have also been at the recieving end of the IRA) have long since learned that the best way to foil terrorists is to simply carry on as normal (or as much as is normal anyway) and to combat their missions through inteligence gathering and subversion Remember, these people are above all else cowards, they are not doing anything in any name but their own cowardice, greed and avarice, and no amount of bombs, high explosives or superbly executed military campaigns will make the slightest dent in them, in short, these are the most dificult types of people to fight against because you don't allways know where they are, after all, they are COWARDS! Well, that's my rant and please remember, it is only MY point of view (albeit garnered from years of fighting against terrorism)

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