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Posts posted by CPB

  1. My wife isn't crazy about me wearing female attire. She found out fairly early in our relationship-don't ask me how, I can't remember. Just as long as I keep it at home & when the kid aren't around it's ok with her. I'm slowly working on getting out of the house at night, even if it's just to fetch post or draw money. We'll see what happens. On the other side of the coin she doesn't wear high heels-she has difficulty balancing in them, and only wears make up on special occasions. As much as I like to see ladies in high heels & make up, she doesn't want me in female attire. So we compromise. It's more important to us that we are compatible with each other & provide a good environment for our kids than to worry about "socially acceptable" norms.

  2. Sorry to hear about your bad luck with the gf. My wife & I were fairly far into our relationship when she found out, and luckily, she's willing to life with it. She's doesn't really like the idea of me wearing heels, but as long as it stays at home, she's willing to live with it :):P. I feel it's also a case of compromise, there must be give & take in a relationship. She let's me wear high heels as long as it stays at home.

  3. I guess that maks me the odd one out. I live to work. I work in the construction industry & I've been to places that I most probably wouldn't have if I worked in most other jobs. The hours can be bad, minimum 55 hours a week, alot more if things are going badly. The weather can also be a problem, anything from extreme heat to very cold and everything in between. But these are the only 2 negatives, and they're not permanent. The work is mentally & physically challenging, and very satisfying to see something starting from nothing and ending up with the final product.

  4. From my experience I've found that the Pleaser sizes tend to run on the small size. I wear a UK 9 and found that Ellies 13 (US) fits well, I have 2 pairs of boots & 3 pairs of shoes, but the Pleaser Go-Go boots that I own are a tight fit. Good luck with the shopping.

  5. Hi Beegirl It could be that you were looking at shoes using the American sizing. We (South Africa) follow the UK sizing, which is different to the American. And to add to the confusion you also get a European size, as well as 1 or 2 others. I wear a UK size 9, which if I remeber correctly is the same as an American mens 11 & ladies 13. All of my shoes that I've ordered from america were a size 13.I have no idea what my European size is, but I think it's about a 43. The other thing to remember is that there are sometimes differences between the manufacturers themselves. For manufacturer A you may wear a 9 & for manufacturer B a 10. There are posts around here that go into the size differences.

  6. Bubba136 I hear what you say & my attitude is contradictory, but I love my wife & family more than my high heels. My wife doesn't like me wearing high heels, but she has accepted that it's part of me and as long as I keep it private she doesn't have a problem. I have no desire to loose my wife & family because I want to wear high heels in public.

  7. I work in the construction industry, so it would be totally impractical for me to wear high heels on site. And, unless they one day make high heels with steel toe caps, it's also illegal. Looking at the society apsect I don't really care what society would think of me if I wore high heels. I also feel pretty much the same about my family, except for my wife & 2 boys. If the world at large doesn't have a problem with me heeling - great, if they do - that's their problem. My Mom came to visit my sister & we went over the one afternoon. I had clear nail polish on, which she happened to see. She asked if I had painted my toe & why. My answer was yes & because I wanted to. I'm sure if I'd told her I was have a sex change she would have been less shocked. But that's her problem, if she has questions or wants to talk she knows where I am. Maybe it's a bit callous, but I feel that my wife & boys are the only people that mustn't be embarresed by my actions. The only people who have to accept what I do is my wife & 2 boys. Unfortunately my wife comes from a fairly conservative Afrikaans background, & the same with my boys' friends. My wife doesn't really like the high heel thing, but as long as I do it at home & when the boys are asleep it's ok.

  8. The Immortal - all the best with the engagement & wedding!

    If my wife & 2 sons - still a bit young to understand - didn't have any problems with me wearing heels I couldn't be bothered with anybody elses opinion. As I told my wife's uncle, there are only 3 people in the world that have to like me & not be embarassed by my actions - my wife & 2 sons. If other people like me that's awesome; if they don't, their loss.

  9. I think it depends on where you are, some places are more tolerant than others. And how your SO feels about it. My wife doesn't approve, but as long as I do it at home & nobody else knows, it's ok. I also live in a very conservative part of the country, which doesn't help either.

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