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Posts posted by BOOTED UP

  1. Hi I was away on business the other day and I had to stay over in a town about 100 miles from home.I decided to try out my new female boot cut jeans over my 3 inch block heel knee boots that have a small platform.I put them on in the hotel and I was unsure about going out.I got the courage from somewhere and decided to go for it, sure nobody knows me around here.I closed the hotel room door behind me and I was shaking,with fear and excitment.:unsure:I met nobody as I walked through the hotel,it was only a short distance to the front door, and when I got out into the darkness of the night I got a bit more relaxed.I walked around for about a half hour and I was loving the feeling. I seen a Mc Donalds and went in for something to eat. There where a few people in side which nearly put me off,but I was hungry and nobody had noticed up to now that I was wearing heels.I went in and I could hear the heels on the floor, music to my ears,everybody was busy eating and I went to order my meal,while I waited in line I checked out were I was going to sit, there where 3 women sitting at a table, and a table near then was empty.I went over and sat down, the bootcut jeans did their job very well ,too well if fact,none of my heels where visable, I streched out my legs to uncover the heels, because at this moment I was disapointed nobody noticed them :chuckle:(weird or what).After a while one of the women turned around and looked at me, as people do,and did a double take as she looked down, she just continued talking to her friends and they left after a while, I wonder if they where talking about my boots, if they where, it was not noticable at the table.I left after that and walked back to the hotel, delighted with my little outing. BOOTED UP

  2. Hi, Myself and my wife got up at 9am on Saturday,she was going shopping for the day and I had planned to do some ironing. I was looking forward to the day as my wife and I had picked out my outfits and boots for the day.My wife left at 10am and I had my first outfit on.7 inch ballet heels, lace legging and my new mini dress that she bought me on holidays.I went down stairs and started ironing. I set myself a target of 1pm to keep the ballet boots on,I knew this would be difficult, as I would be standing while I was ironing.So there I was ironing and folding clothes, putting shirts on hangers and going up and down the stairs putting clothes away, no problem in the 7 inchers. I went in to the kitchen to get a drink and BANG, the pain I got in my toes when the boots hit the tiled kitchen floor ,nearly knocked me over, I had been walking and standing on carpet up to this and it was easier. I had them on for 1 hour and 30 minutes, not even close to the target of 3 hours I had set for myself. As I took them off the pain in my toes was bad. I put on my River Island over the knee black leather boots with gold detail at the back of the ankle and this eased the pain, then back down for more ironing and standing.I changed these boots and outfit after an hour or so , for my studded black leather knee boots,sequinced leggings, shiny black mini dress and my black PVC mack, you can just about see the mack in the picture of me sitting on the couch. Another change, I put on a red top and red tights, black leather shorts and my home made heel less black patent leather platform knee boots. I have these for about 12 years now, and when the heel broke off one of them while out and about,I could not throw them out, so I created what you see in the photo. These are so comfey and easy to walk in (glad I kept them) ,I kept them on until my wife came home. My wife returned home about 4.30 pm, and asked me if I enjoyed my BOOT DAY. I smiled at her and said 7 hours in boots what do you think ? BOOTED UP. PS I got all the ironing done aswell.






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  3. Thanks for the welcome, Iam sure Iwill have many hours of enjoyment reading here. I do go out dressed en femme, but on my own, and when I do its dark and I put a scarf across my face.I often go out heeling with my 3inch heels on under my female jeans, they cover the heel better then any of my male jeans.My wife has no problem with me dressing up at home,she has bought me many pairs of boots and clothes, but she would not come out with me, and thats ok.She often asks me if I am going to get BOOTED UP tonight, thats where I got my name.

  4. Hi, I wasn't wearing the new jacket and mini dress at the time, I dont think she would come out with me while I was wearing heels , not to mention a dress, sorry if I miss lead you. bootedup,sorry for using the same name as you I just put it in and it was accepted, who do I change it ? astrid good to know someone else is from Ireland.

  5. Hi all, Iam just back from Portugal where I went shoping with my wife.We went in to this big shopping centre and had a good look around.My wife bought me a lovley leather jacket and a long sleeved high neck black mini dress. She suggested we go boot shopping for me, and shoe shopping for her. What a great idea.We went in to this hugh store and all the stock was still in the boxes with the boot or shoe that was in them on top as the display. We had a great time looking around and we seen 2 pairs of boots that would go with my new outfit, sadly we seen nothing for my wife. Now, even though my wife knows I wear boots, she does not like to be with me when I am buying them, because I try them on and this embrasses her, and thats fine with me.So I dropped her back to our appartment and went back to the store on my own. I went over and picked up the first pair we had looked at, I sat down and tried on the left boot, if fitted perfect,nice and tight around my ankle and just below my knee. Then I tried on the right boot, disaster struck, I pulled upo the zip no problem and just as I had it at the top, the zip started to burst open at the middle,I cound not get the boot off, I was thinking what will I do if one of the sales staff comes over, the might insist I buy them, because I had broken the zip. Anyway I got the zip down after what felt like ages and put them back in to the box. I went over and picked up the second pair and brought the back to try them on. I had the first one on and I was standing up looking in the mirror to see how much of the heel you could see under my jeans, and a customer went buy and did not notice anything, well I dont think so . I put the second boot on and decided that I was going to buy this pair, a 3 inch heel, and they came up to my calf, nice snug fit. I took them off and went to pay for them.A young girl at the counter took for them €60 and then asked me if I wanted to keep the box, I said no, I just wanted a bag to put my shoes in because I wanted to wear the boots. She looked a little suprised and smiled at me when handing me the bag and giving me the boots back. I sat down near the cash desk and put then on, put my shoes in the bag,stood up and walked out of the shop, what a feeling great. :clap:I decided to go shopping for a pair of leggings to go under the mini dress, but thats for another day.

  6. Hi to all, I have just joined HHMP, I have been reading and enjoying the stories for the last couple of months, and have just plucked up the courage to join.I have been wearing HH boots for about 30 years now. I have gone out street heeling, HH boots under my jeans, and also fully dressed. This is a wonderfull feeling and I would recommend it.I do not street heel as much as I would like to but when I do it is amazing. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to reading more stories. BOOTED UP.

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