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Posts posted by ImInHeels

  1. I've been out in various other pairs, but only at night. These how ever none of my trousers cover the heel, it's clear to see. I have a nice pair of 4" block heel trainers which I wear out at night, still haven't for the courage to wear them out in the day!

  2. Snow is very rare where I am, at least it was until about 5 years ago. Now about once a year we get a light cover of snow. I went out for a short walk in a pair of my trainer heels. Nice rubber sole, not too nigh. Got to say loved seeing my footprints in heels in the snow. It would be a dead give away if someone was walking behind me. Sadly no photos, However if it's still like this tomorrow, I'll try and get some :)

  3. I probably live in one of the safer areas when it comes to violent attacks on people. I can count the number of murders in the last 10 years on one hand, maybe two. Muggings maybe 20 and sexual assaults are fairly low. I live in an area where the majority of all this happens! Just part of living in the town, where there is a lot of flats / lot cost accommodation. I still have a walk in my heels most nights and am getting more daring all the time.

  4. Thanks Roni, If I could find them in black I would have brought them. I think part of me and why I don't heel more often is my Dads / Brothers attitude. For example, My brother won't even buy a silver car as he sees it as a girls colour. My dad finds it hard enough that i'm not already into football (Soccer to you Americans). Guess I just need to push past it!

  5. Like you I also only tend to go out in night, however I tend to stick to back streets (not always clever I know, but I live in the back streets of my town). It's rate I see someone but I tend to get a knot in my sromach, I want to turn around and walk the other way, but I know this will just draw more attention to myself. However I tend to go out in styles that are harder to detect that they are heels.

  6. I've started my new job, been paid and brought a new pair of heels to celebrate my new job. I wanted a pair that would push what I was wearing outside, I found a pair like the current one's I wear out at nights. The first pair had nice rubber heels no click. This new pair also had a rubber heel, however when I got them they had a big plastic tip. They are also 4.5" heel. The click makes me a lot less willing to wear them. However on the plus side, Comparing these to the other heels I wear out at night makes me wonder what the fuss is about with the other pair. Anyway attached is a few pics




  7. I am happy that your working and bringing in some income, again. There are no guarantees in life except time passing, death, and taxes. One of the better presents, besides heels of course, is to put some funds aside for emergencies, for some back up to give you peace of mind, or for that "special" pair that just caught your eye. Best of wishes in your integrity opportunities.

    Thanks, Although I was only out of work for a week, and that was paid leave from my last job. After putting some money aside for a new (second hand car) & paying for some required dental work I'll start saving regularly.

  8. Not planed what shoes to get yet, Will look once I know I have the money. Also with this new job, I'll have more money to treat my self more often! I just have a few things to sort before I treat myself too much. Thanks Budda

  9. So the other night my mum came around to my apartment, I live about a 10 minute walk away (the only place I could afford on the island). Anyway she came around for some help with her business plan, and other stuff. Her partner doesn't like her walking home alone in the evening, so as I was walking her home, I commented that she was walking really slowly! She complained that she was wearing 5" heels (I thought they were more like 4.5") anyway, she was also really unstable on her feet. She said "I'd like to see you try and walk in a pair of 5" heels, that would be funny!" If only she knew that I often walked around in 4.5" heels around there!

  10. Had my second interview at another place this week, seem to go well, think they may come back with an offer. Still waiting for a second interview date to be arranged at another company. I also had a first interview with a different company. They said it would be mid next week before they got back to me, as they still had a few more people to interview. However that day, they called and wanted to arrange a second interview, despite the fact they still have a few more people to have their 1st interview. So it's looking like I'll have my pick of the jobs, which is always a good thing!

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