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Posts posted by Bad_Robot

  1. That is an interesting and thought provoking question, although it probably applies more to those who wear stiletto heels as opposed to those who favour footwear with a larger heel base like cuban,platform or wedge as these would have the same level of problem traversing a metal grating as you have described.

    So I guess that you are left with a few options...if the heel style that you are wearing is of the prohibited type you either don't enter the area in question, carry a spare pair of flat shoes somehow, consider going barefoot but that may have safty considerations or maybe ask the establishment that you are in the best course of action for you to take.

    It would be difficult if the request is sprung upon you as you would not be prepared, unlike when you visit a bowling alley for example when you know in advance that you are going to have to change you heels for "alley shoes", likewise if you knew you were going to an industrial complex you might want to think about wearing the most appropriate footwear in the first place....after all you would not go rock climbing in heels or jogging in flip flops...in short try and be prepared for the environment you are going to visit.

    Still.....it leaves you thinking....just what would you do??

  2. It all looks rather entertaining but I do have to wonder what practical purpose it serves although it must provide hours of fun trying to gain your balance. It would be nice to see you full length and not supported by nearby walls....is this possible??
  3. I can't see any reason why you should not wear stockings with peep toe shoes after all there are no hard and fast "rules" it is always just a case of someones opinion....you could ask ten different people and get ten different answers...because there is no definitive answer.

    I hope this helps in some way....just go with your inner feeling and how you want to do it.

  4. I know a seller who tells me that in a few weeks will be able to open his new shop and he will do any model on request, based on photos and descriptions and in any size.

    He promised me the best quality leather and production metods.

    This all sounds very interesting, so long as his work is of the best quality

    and he does not charge the earth , please keep us posted as to whats happening



  5. Hi there highheels,

    What is the location of the picture that you want to upload? Also I think you have to make a certain amount of posts before you can upload, but I could well be wrong about this. Secondly where do you want to upload them to?? are you looking to start a gallery or in the "shoes that you have bought recently" forum??

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