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Posts posted by Bad_Robot

  1. Another pet hate of mine is customers of mine who "know the cost of everything but the value of nothing" also who after asking you for a price proceed to haggle. Don't they understand that the price is as I have told them....I am not running an auction....you don't do your weekly shop in store and get to the checkout and start bartering so don't try it with me!!
  2. hmm...

    279 views but only 2 responses.

    I guess I should take that as a hint. Thanks anyway guys. ;)

    Hi euchrid,

    Maybe some of the guys are shy about a "meet up" as meeting face to face in the flesh is much harder than talking about it via the net....I could be wrong....btw.....does anyone know how many members of HHP are based in the UK?

  3. Whats the subframe like? Have spent hours playing with mini's in the past, my favorite was a mini van ex AA, MG1100 head, fully ported and polished, went like a bird till one day it caught fire, only thing I kept was the head, ready for the next one. Last proper mini I had was a 2.2 litre (one of the last to be made had the same engine as a lotus elise) bought it for my daughter, wish I kept it as not many were made, can't stand them BMW things.

    Give me a Land Rover and I am happy.

    The sub-frames are both fine as the car is dry stored. It does have a few engine mods as follows. Larger inlet and outlet valves, double valve springs, heated inlet manifold, Janspeed 3-2-1 exhaust into a Cooper S rear silencer, lightened and balanced flywheel, Powermax pistons, lightened and balanced con rods, 1 3/4 SU carburettor and finally dry suspension. I think that is all of them but it is a very long time since I have had to recall the details. Also have a Series 2a Land Rover only light mods on that like overdrive, freewheel hubs and Discovery wheels running 235/75/R16 BFG M/T radial tyres for better road holding and ride comfort also better for braking

  4. Another thing that REALLY grinds my gears is remakes of "classic" films that are by and large hideous. If a film is a classic... Leave it alone...we don't need it rehashed and spoilt by some lazy wannabe film maker who does not have the talent to come up with an original idea....the same applies to music....why are modern artists so useless that they cannot compose their own songs....how poor is that!!...it is akin to plagiarism these people are living and making a profit from the talent and hard work of others!!;):angry:

    • Like 1
  5. Bennie and the Jets by Elton John (Yellow Brick Road album)

    Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet

    But they're so spaced out, Bennie and the Jet

    Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful

    Oh Bennie she's really keen

    She's got electric boots a mohair suit

    You know I read it in a magazine

    Bennie and the Jets

  6. Rude people would one of my pet hates. I have worked in the public service industry for over twenty seven years and people have become more difficult to please and far more demanding and not forgetting rude in recent times, I only ask to be treated with the same level of respect and courtesy that I extend to them
  7. Hi all well here is the deal all you have to do is find the word boot,boots,shoe or shoes contained in the lyrics of a song for an example and to get the ball rolling....

    These boots were made for walking

    extra kudos for information like recording artiste, album title, track title, year recorded etc...etc...have fun

  8. Firstly regarding the "look" of the shoes. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" So they are not going to be appealing to everyone because we all have individual tastes, just as some of us prefer boots to shoes or beer to wine...its a personal taste thing.

    Secondly with regard to the cost, it really depends on how much disposible income you have....do you think that Bill Gates would baulk at paying that price or any other person with great wealth. You could also take the view that someone who smokes twenty cigarettes a day here in the United Kingdom could afford after less than a year if they gave up smoking for example....it is a personal choice how you spend your money which is partly driven by how much you have in the first place.

    Lastly how do you put a price on something that is so iconic as those shoes...they are the great artworks of tomorrow.

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