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Posts posted by Kitty_Shoes

  1. Keith Adams:-)

    Welcome to the Forum. I'm sure that by now you know that you are in the right place at the right time. Enjoy posting here.


    Dawn HH

    Yeah, I get the feeling there are some genuinely lovely people here. Just like me LOL

    So far, I'm loving it, and it's a nice way of expressing myself :winkiss:


  2. I did respond to this poll, even though I've never partaken in this (unless you count my days in the dim and distant oast when I was a TV, and that's a very different thing, I reckon), but I kinda envisage my first steps will be in something quite sober... and as happiness/confidence increases, I'll go for something increasingly flamboyant. So, clunky heeled boots to begin with, but then, who knows? K

  3. Non only does it depend on the individual, I think it depends on mood and situation...sometimes I like the clank, sometimes I don't. But I have been told that I am moody...

    Nothing wrong in being moody - I like moody; and I guess you're right... the pleasure deprived from the volume of the click-clack is inversely proportional to the sobriety of the situation :winkiss:

    Hang on, that sounds terribly dull.


  4. Hello and welcome :nervous:

    So what part of UK do you hail from?

    Hi Euchrid, I'm from Northampton. But work all over the place :sad:

    Hello KA and welcome to HHP.

    Nice to have another UK member on board. Good choice of shoe, I got a pair myself, however one word of warning, they are huge. I usually take a UK10 mens, but I wear my boots as UK8. BE CAREFUL They are PVC, but do shine quite well with a little polish. Heel is quite noisy as it is a hard plastic top so I would recommend you get a cobbler to replace with a rubber top. That wont slip as bad on a wet floor either. With jeans, they look just great so you will have no problem going out in them.

    I can really empathise with where you are at, as can everyone else on here too. It is a head game, but selecting the right heels to start with is so important in getting out of the door. Don't forget to study the rest of the look because that makes you feel confident and so the fact you are wearing heels becomes muted.

    Thighboots, thank you for your kind words and advice. I absolutely love this place, and it's nice to know that I'm far from alone in my esoteric appreciation of the high heel. I'm impressed with the practical advice, too... I must admit that I'd not thought about the noise those heels could potentially give off, so am looking forward to testing them out, and then taking a visit to Timpsons for a re-shod if they're unsuitable. I really do want to start using them regularly - even if it's not this pair.

    Just one thought - you say about considering the rest of the look. What's the recommendation for an outfit to go with those boots then? I'm currently in the mood for an image makeover...

    Hello Keith and welcome. Good intro ... and I agree that flats just don't feel as good as heels. Even in my few pairs of men's shoes, I wear insole lifts inside so I almost feel like I am still in my heels :winkiss: and its not for height or anything like that. I am about 5'11" barefoot. Just the angle of the foot and arch support feels right in heels.

    I couldn't agree more - actually find it uncomfortable wearing flats, and need some kind of lift at all opportunities. Never thought about insole lifts. Will have a look now.

    Welcome Keith to High Heel Place. Your enjoyment of high heels is shared by many friendly people at this website. Hope to hear more from you soon and welcome again.

    Roni, it definitely feels great to be part of a community :)

    I am really looking forward to getting involved.


  5. I really don't know how you guys do it. I really would love to go out in heels, but I just don't have the guts to do it :winkiss:

    I totally agree. I know the world won't stop, I know most people won't care... and yet something stops me taking the plunge. I'm hoping to talk one of my girlfriends into coming with me for moral support...

    So, to all of you already doing it, I salute you



  6. Hi all,

    Long time browser, first time poster...

    Closeted and confused for a long time, but getting familiar with this forum has made me realise that I'm not alone, and it's comforting to know that.

    My collection of shoes is small, but growing rapidly, and I've yet to indulge in the delight of street-heeling as me. Well, that's not quite true, as for a few years, I was an active scene TV. But the desire to dress went away, unlike my passion for pretty shoes.

    Wearing heels is something I've been happiest doing for as long as I can remember. A thrill, but a warm and tingly one. In fact, When dressed, I found walking in heels more comfortable than flats (is this a common phenomenon?), and when that side of my life stopped, I found myself missing wearing heels more than anything other aspect of it.

    I'm hoping to start wearing heels regularly again - starting small, with these, and seeing where I go from there.


    I have yet to experience the enjoyment of buying from a shop after trying them on, and it's something that I'd love to do. All the threads I've read on this forum tend to suggest I've no reason to be nervous... and yet, here I am.

    Anyway, that's enough about me - it's just good to be among kindred spirits :winkiss:


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