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Posts posted by Kitty_Shoes

  1. If you get a chance, maybe you could post a picture of you wearing them with the jeans, to get a better image of what they look like. Under jeans, I'd think it could be difficult for some people to even notice them, let alone disapprove of them.

    Will do. I'll probably take the shot later this evening :w00t2:


    Sorry to confuse - I've just realised the admin's changed my nickname!

    Thanks admin



  2. I wore them with women's skinny jeans... I haven't worn male jeans for years... The skirt in the photo was for my own comfort when I got home. Certainly a pair like that can be worn all day long, and I had no trouble walking a couple of miles in 'em. As I say, a gentle reintroduction to the world of walking in heels - but I think for me, more overtly femme shoes need to be worn with a femme outfit. They go fine with my neutral jeans/black blouse look... K Xx

  3. Thanks for all your feedback... it was an interesting experience, as I'd not been out in heels in ages, and certainly not as part of my every day mode of dress. I think it is something that will become part of my life now - although how much so, I am not sure, as these things tend to take me over...

    No doubt I'll be pushing the boundaries next time...



    Very nice boots, what size are they?

    They're a size 8 (UK) and fit perfectly... more so than any of my male shoes. Perhaps someone's trying to tell me something :w00t2:


  4. Work, as ever, gets in the way of a lot of fun things. Luckily I love what I do for a living, so the frustration of not being able to express myself fully isn't as consuming as it could be. Anyway, since joining this forum, and accepting that my days of being a TV are behind me, I had decided that it wasn't going to stop me wearing heels, even if it's on a part-time basis... So, despite having said that I was ready to do the deed, weeks came and went, and nothing happened. I have to say right now that I do have a small collection of heels - everything from Fuschia coloured patent pumps to sensible looking boots... but they don't get worn very often, and certainly not outside. But having made the decision to get back in it, so to speak, I found myself on a mission. And as daft as it seems, that's why I found myself in Asda after work last week, thumbing through its women's boots, deciding on a pair to wear out. As I browsed, people came and went, no one really seemed to care at all - I did spot one woman give a double take at this middle-aged man thumbing through the calf-length boots, but she certainly didn't look bothered by it. After all, why should she? So after choosing a pair - black high calf, three-inch tapered heels, no zip - I sat down and promptly tried them on for size. I mean, why buy a pair, and them not be right. Remembering to take off my socks and pop on a pair of pop-socks, I slipped 'em on, stood up, and walked up and down the aisle a few times, just to make sure they were okay. Again, there were people around, but no one seemed to take any interest... after all, I'm just a guy trying on shoes for size. Satisfied they fit, I took 'em off, put my own shoes back on (a bit depressing, that) and took 'em over to the counter. The friendly lady at the till asked if they were okay - to which I replied 'yes, they're perfect.' Not acting embarassed is something I've always believed one should do, and despite blushing furiously, I did speak with as much confidence as I could muster. Boots paid for, and the heart-rate still off the scale, I went back to the car, drove home, and put them away for another day. Well, another day came this morning... Alone, I slipped on the boots again, remembered how good they feel - and decided today was the day that I'd go for a walk. Now just for a bit of context, I used to work in London, and am pretty cosmopolitan about life - I was very much a 'scene' person back then, and outrageous with it - but where I live, in small town Little England, it's just the opposite. People are very conservative, and not particularly encouraging with it. Most of the people round here tend to talk about imigration (as in it's a bad thing) and gossip about anything that doesn't fit into small-town norm. In short, it's awful. But as I've been clocked in the past once or twice fully dressed up for a night clubbing, I'm sure I've been the object of this myself. But this morning was really rather special. I stepped out of the house, and purposefully walked down the street, heading for the shops. It was a small moment, but one that I really enjoyed. I was spotted by a local builder - don't know him - but he looked as if he wanted to kill me. But perhaps he would have anyway as it's the normal demeanor round here. Beyond that, nothing... and how liberating it felt. My five minute stroll turned into a longer walk, and despite being unused to heels, I found myself enjoying the feeling, adopting the correct shorter step that one does. If I looked effeminate, then I really didn't care - all that mattered was that I was being me, and felt good about it. I suspect it might have been different and I'd chosen the same walk on a summer's evening - the local yobs like to congregate and threaten anyone they see fit, while swigging from cans of cider - and I think one still has to take social factors like that into account, but apart from that, what gives? I guess it would have been easier had I got in the car and driven somewhere anonymous, but to be honest, if I was going to do it, it was here and now... And right now, I'm happy I did what I did. Will I do it again? You betcha :w00t2: K P.S., I'll post a pic shortly :lmao:

  5. Name: Keith

    Age: 38

    Gender: male, lapsed TV

    Location: East Midlands, UK

    Occupation: writer

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: a little to much

    Shoe size: 8 in shoes 9 in boots

    What's your favourite heel style: stiletto

    What's your favourite shoe style: ankle boot

    Do you wear your heels outside: I used to, and will again very soon

    What is:

    (a) Your favourite heel height: 4"

    (:winkiss: Your highest heel height: 5"

    How often do you wear:

    (a) Your favourite heel height: Not often enough, about a couple of times a month perhaps, work depending

    (:nervous: Your highest heel height: As above

    Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Generally tights with boots and shoes

    Anything else you wish to add: I can't take my eyes off heels... it's sill really.

  6. Simon,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my thread; I'm overwhelmed by how busy this place is, and yet, how friendly everyone seems to be. It seems we are indeed a community united in our love for footwear.

    Anyway - regarding your tips. Thank you. As it happens, my eBay auction fell through, and I was outbid in the end. These things happen, but maybe it did me a favour because it means I now need to go and buy some that are suitable. And by that, I mean go to the shop and do it :winkiss:

    I have these ones (below), and as they are the most comfortable boots I've ever owned, I may just fo it in these, click-clack or not...



    I agree on the jeans thing, and have been wearing women's stretch jeans for longer than I care to mention. The way men's jeans are fitted looks bloody awful (as you say), and would never go back.

    Thanks again for taking the time, and as I see you live just down the road from me, there's always the chance we may bump into each other!



    Hi Keith,

    It isn't often you'll find you have to go down in shoe size when shopping for hels, but Evans products certainly run large. The are all wide fitting, so you must be careful. Both Evans products I have bought have been huge on me in my regular guy foot sizing.

    As to the "look", well that is rather difficult as it depends upon you. Best thing though is to look yourself over in the mirror before you step out. If you like how you look and you are also quite happy in your heels, then you'll not think about wearing them and just go about your business. As for pointers, look through posts by Kneehighs, Maximillian and StilettoScot for a start as these guys are class leaders.

    I think of those particular shoes as being very like cowboy boots but without the shaft. The heel is cuban style, 4" high, and walks just like a cowboy boot, so I would go with a good fitting pair of jeans, not the baggy type so many men wear and look blooming aweful in. you may well want to invest in some womens fit jeans as they do tend to look damn good on a guy. Many on here wear girl cut jeans precisely because the men cut is so aweful.

    Public heeling requires you to be comfortable coping with all the various surfaces you will encounter. Going down slopes can be hard especially if you haven't got used to the height. mind you with your resume above, I somewhat feel that I may be trying to teach "my grandmother to suck eggs" ha ha.

    Cheers for now,


  7. Man, just take the plunge.....this is something you can't work up for. Wear a nice looking pair of Loafers with 3" heels - black or brown - and go to the mall and just act like you own the place. No one will notice...and if anyone does, they won't care anyway. Everyone is way to occupied with their own concerns.

    besides, if anyone reacts, just walk on and smile nicely. (email thighbootguy if you've any questions....he's a very accomplished street heeler. )

    I'm coming round to it. Taking the plunge, that is. I do have several pairs of shoes already, but passion pink stilettoes aren't idea, neither are my brown stiletto cowboy boots. But the ones I've mentioned in a previous thread are looking good for me, although I may just go out and buy some in advance...


    These are quite dull (as a TV I generally wore boots similar to those in my avatar), but I'm reckoning that in male dress (female jeans but a standard shirt), it's probably better to go conservative.

    I'm onle of those people who once they commit to something, just dives in and makes the most of it. Milton Keynes shopping centre here we come :winkiss:


  8. It's certainly been uplifting reading this. I live in a small town, and it's quite a conservative place, but that's no reason not to go a little further afield for a buying/street-heeling session. The more I read this, the more I know I want... no, need... to do this :winkiss: K xx

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