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Posts posted by LovesHiHeels

  1. If your over 6'2" tall anyway. Your going to be taller them most men in the first place you are going to stand out where ever you go with out heels or with heels on. There,s no real reason for some one to wear heels. Some do wear them to make them look taller but not in your case. Some just like wearing them or make some feel better or to complete an outfit etc.

  2. I,m always up for a heel meet. It does seem that it is always the same people that do the heel meets. I think alot of members sort things out via PM which does not help things. Finding towns with good shoes would help. I,m getting bored with Camden now. Camden has 1 good shoe shop (Aldo). All the others to me anyway are a waste of time.

  3. I live about 20 miles away. More then happy to meet up with you. Any where you want if you don,t want to meet in Winchester, within reason. Might even give you a pair of heels that I no longer wear, as are to big for me.

  4. With all the walking in heels I did on Friday, I Had not one bad comment made to me. I was waiting outside a shop in Camden for Tara and pumps when a black lad of about 10 to 12 years old saw my my heels. He took a double look at my heels, pointed to his mates, smiled at me but never said anything. Later on in the evening at the All but One bar (I think) both the bouncers said good things about my heels. Also had a short chat with a bloke in the restroom about my heels. He didn,t seem to mind me wearing heels either.

  5. Indeed... it wasn't an unpleasant experience in the slightest but it would have been seriously enhandced by more attendees... especially all of those who live in the London area.

    As far as reports go, there isn't a lot to say really because we just sat in a pub chatting with like minded friends... I did get out a pair of very high wooden mules at one point which a few guys tried on but apart from that not a huge amount happened.

    It was still brill though... in fact for the first time I found it interesting enough to stay and not go shopping as in previous years!

    Dr. Shoe has said it all really. Had there been more people there it might of been a lot better but the heel meet was a success. This heel meet gave the chance for new HHP members to wear their heels in a pub but in a safe place with like minded members. I think there were at least 4 new faces at the heel meet. I myself made some new friends which is always good.

    I would like to thank Kneehighs for planing this heel meet and Iloveboots for the Friday meal. I do understand why you both could not make this heel meet but you would of been here had you been able to.

    I also like to thank Tara (Dr. shoe) for helping me with getting my heels repaired.

  6. Sorry to hear about you quiting wearing heels in public. You have done very well in wearing heels on your own in public. Something that I have not done. I was hoping to go into that shop with the downstairs shoes department, but as that part of the shop was closed not much I could do about that. They do have larger shoes down there.

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