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Chorlini last won the day on July 23 2023

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    Building things, making music

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  1. For me it started in the 90's. If only because my feet were just too big for what was available in retail in the 80's. And when I gained the ability to live and more importantly travel by myself as a student in the 90's (we got free public transport as students in the Netherlands back then) I was finally able to go to fetish shops in Amsterdam that had shoes in sizes bigger then EU41. They were also all 12 to 14cm high, but what did I know at the time, so that was what I got used too with practice.
  2. Some things are cyclical and some things come to an end altogether. Corsets were considered part of daily wear for women, not just rich women, for centuries. COMPLETELY GONE. They're not coming back, other then some cheap corset lookalike for Goth girls. Same with high heels. They were in vogue for a while in the 50's to 80's, and then fell out with the masses. But even before the 50's women wore low heeled shoes for decades, so they were accustomed to wearing a sort of pump or heeled shoe already. Now it is almost completely gone, replaced by sneakers and combat boots. Even ballerinas have become rare. We live in an age where women value freedom over style and I don't see that changing. If only for the fact that you need practice to get used to walking comfortably in heels. And women aren't getting any practice anymore. So the moment some fashionistas proclaim the return of high heels, the women they are talking too don't know how to walk in them even if they wanted too. So if they get some they end up in a closet anyway. There is also no sense of self improvement among women any more. To quote youtuber Nerdrotic, it's the HERo's journey. You are perfect the way you are and once you realize that and ignore the patriarchy you become even more perfect. Why waste time improving yourself by learning to walk in heels when you are already perfect in sneakers? Unless a major cultural shift happens away from feminism I don't see high heels coming back happening. We've had that already with the rise of the designer heel. That did not translate into more women taking up wearing high heels. Like any corset revival being restricted to semi fetish and goth circles, the rise of the designer high heel was just something for fashionistas and celebrities. I did not see one more high heel being worn because Posh Spice wore Louboutins or Taylor Swift is currently wearing them. Any desire of fan girls to emulate their heroes will fall flat on these women being unaccustomed and ill accustomed to wearing heels. Not to mention that most cannot afford designer heels and the cheap Chinese knockoffs will hurt them even more.
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again, high heels are going the way of the corset. Fetish items only. Occasionally they will make a brief fashion comeback and then they will drop off again.
  4. Life is indeed not easy. Sadly we are in the hands of men and women who have led very easy and comfortable lives and who know nothing of struggling other then from a Hollywood movie but who think they know better. That famous saying, hard times create hard men, hard men create good times, good times create soft men, soft men create hard times. We're in for very hard times.
  5. The world will still be here long after we are gone. Hopefully to other, better places. But as civilizations go and new ones rise, a lot of what was once good, in their culture, art, literature, gets forever lost. Most of the culture, art and literature of the Greeks and Romans was lost when their civilizations collapsed. And let us not forget, a new civilization rising over the old one is not a peaceful kumbaya process. It is violent, it is destructive, and it often replaces or subjugates the people that lived in the old civilization. It is not something you wish to experience and to those who did got to experience it it was the end of the world to them.
  6. You're telling us to turn the other cheek to the current day equivalent of the BAD PEOPLE FROM GERMANY or the BAD PEOPLE FROM THE USSR. These people are as committed to their ideology as ISIS. There is no compromise possible with them. Give them a finger and they will tear off your arm and call you a bigot for doing so. They want to destroy Western society so they can build their new perfect society on top of its ruins.
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