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Posts posted by BTBAIHeels

  1. Does your mom know about you wearing her 4" heels? If so or even not, discuss with her about helping you to put together an outfit using the pair you preferred with an offer to buy or help her buy another pair of heels she has been wanting. I know you said she wasn't very happy about cross dressing, but if you could help her to understand that wearing heels is just the same as wearing trousers and similar apparel, this would help her to know a little better of the intensity you have to wear heels. When your mom understands how you feel about this and is willing to help create your costume, she is probably the best source to get a good fit with the pair of heels you desire. I don't know your mom, so this is totally your decision to use this opportunity to bond a little better with your mom and talk with her to have an understanding between both of you. Parents have expectation for their children, without really getting to know all the aspirations their children have. For now focus on the Halloween costume, but this could open the door for later discussions.

    She does not know about me wearing her heels, or at least I think... Anyways This is what I've been looking for Histiletto! I can hope for positive results. Thanks for the help!

    This is probably an insane suggestion, but if you are trying to hide a pair of heels via your costume, then consider obtaining some cheap second hand heels, perhaps the wedges, and build some type of robot shoe around them. Go as a robot and nobody has to know that you are rocking a pair of heels.

     That is actually a great idea Nut, I can't believe I didn't think of that! Great idea, and thanks for the help! 

    Why not go as Wonder Woman and wear red high-heel boots?

    Did you get the memo Jamie? I'm sorry if I come across as rude, but I specifically said NO CROSS DRESSING. Otherwise I assume it was sarcasm. Thanks anyways for the attempt!

    The comments are fueling my thoughts more, and I want to thank all who are commenting.



  2. Sounds like you won't be able to do stilettos, and besides they really do take practice.


    What is your experience level with heels?

    Ok, no stilettos. I can manage. I have worn my Mom's 4" stilettos atleast over 15 times, so I can effectively walk without getting hurt. 

    First:  what do mean when you say"heels"?  What do these heels you want to buy, look like?

    Well w6ish... I'm not really sure to be honest. I was thinking of just going to a local goodwill and seeing what they had in sizes 10.5-11.5 and hope for it to work out. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll still be looking for ideas, but now I have food for thought.



  3. Help viewers and members, Halloween is around the corner and I want to do something special. I want to buy my very first pair of heels. I'm tired of waiting an im thinking I might be able to pull it off. So now I have a problem.

    I want to incorporate a pair of heels into a costume. But first I need help finding or making a costume to go to a halloween party with friends and getting candy afterwards, and It CAN NOT be cross dressing since my mom has issues with it. So I'm here asking the community for help, hoping to get assistance.

    Thanks in advanced,


  4. Hi Everyone! Long time no see... a lot has been going on and I finally have spare time! I'll give you the specs. I have transferred to a new school Colorado Early Colleges. In the school this semester I am currently taking 090 eng, reading, and literature. The fancy 090 stands for Intro. And next semester I'm going to be taking 121 english, and math or college eng and math! The goal for the time I graduate is to have an Associate's of science degree and a high school diploma. It's thrilling and fun since I tested out of high school level essentials.

    But otherwise I have met more people and made more friends. But also during this time I have been pondering ILK's words. My friends are humans, your correct so in that I will not be specifing them any more as either LGBT or not. They are the people who care for me.

    I'm turning 16 in November and I also have gotten my permit for driving. I'm going to be in Mexico from the 11-19 for vacation. Still no heels, but I am almost able to drive, I have to wait till next July. I have also turned Scene and all self expression like and life is good. So if you want to know any thing else just let me know. Thanks, BTBA

  5. Thanks ILK, this helps me understand more. You are right, they have been supporting me through a lot. And calling them narrow minded doesn't justify anything. I am not gay but for the LGBT part, my mom honestly strongly dislikes it. I actually have a couple of friends that are bisexual and lesbian. She doesn't know about that either but what I was trying to get at was: getting her to grow a small acceptance for my friends. After all my dad and mom did get the basement of our house done for a social hangout for all my sisters friends and mine to. I'm thinking she never would have thought about myself having LGBT friends. So I hope you have an understanding of what I'm trying to say. I do love my parents more than anything and I do appreciate all that they do for me.

    I would have just walked away from the so called "born again", boy talk about a few loose screws!! geesh!!! :irked::feel_rough::roll:

    I may be born again, but it's not my area to say weather what your doing is right or wrong.
  6. Thanks Rockbass19 and others, but speciffically rockbass, you are right, my parents are pretty narrow minded. I want to expand how narrow it is though, i want to help them see even though the bible says lgbt is bad, that What would Jesus do? would he put them down or what, since he is a figure of good, im hoping that it can help.

  7. Hey all! I have questions. Now any of you in your 50's I need your help since that's the general age of my parents. How can I explain to them that I like girl shoes, heels to be specific. Background info: my parents are born-again Christians and so am I. You might see my problem. But all I want to know is, How do I at least tell my mom?

    Thanks, And don't forget to be the best around!

  8. I visit okc from time to time. Not sire when I will be there again though. I started as a pumps/sandle guy. Then I realized I ccould get away with boots much easier and could wear heels everyday. I still have heels I will never really wear as a daily shoe butt mow I buy. For what I can wear daily, and I usually buy boots/shoes. Just something to think about. It also comes down the the wife. What is she comfortable with me wearing

    When are you going to be in okc?
  9. Hey bluejay, thanks for the words of awesomeness, i loved reading your stories in the past amd now I can actually interact. Any of you may be old, but the only thing that matters is the liking of heels.

  10. Hey guys and galls or every one that reads these in general. As you can tell I am new also around here like new guy, so with that I would like to thank all of you wonderful people for accepting me(hopefully) into this AWESOME form! For now I am going to leave out specifics, but I will tell you I am alike all the men here who like heels. Thanks again! Also I want anyone to start guessing how old I am (I am not < 10 or > 25)

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