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Posts posted by hh4evr1

  1. I wore heels to work in my last job. The Monday to Thursday dress code was smart/casual and Friday was casual. I wore heels Monday to Friday but trainers Friday. I had someone ask me on a Friday where my heels were (in a joking way).

  2. Because you wear heels, do you consider yourself a crossdresser? No If you consider yourself a heterosexual crossdresser, and heels are 'merely' your favorite thing, are you only attracted to women who dress as you like to dress? I just wear heels with mens clothes and I am attracted to women who wear a wide range of clothing styles. If you have fantasies regarding being female, when dressed or not, do you fantasize about sexual encounters with men? I have never fantasised about being female or sexualy encounters with men. If you are in a committed heterosexual relationship, how do your fantasies and dressing affect your relationship with your significant other? I'm not in a relationship at present. But will hope that when I do have future relationship(s) my girlfriend/ wife will accept me wearing heels.

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