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Posts posted by billyb

  1. The energy industry would love to do more exploration devlope alternive sources and build more refinerys. The problem is government REG's and each state local government blocks any initiative because they don't want a refinery or other energy related industry in their back yard but they want the taxes, then there are the enviromentlist that try and stop all energy devlopment, their aginst wind turbines nuclear energy or even water produced energy. Now I am not aginst protecting the environment but there is a line you have the world demanding energy and a few who try and block any production so noting gets done.

  2. SQ it's nice to see you had a great outing and I like the shoes I have a pair that are similar that I got at Target that are real comfortable. I know how you feel for those of us who live in the wild west street heeling can be a challange, but keep on heeling because it does get easier with each outing.

  3. Johnieheel I agree I hate the word macho and out here in the southwest it is machismo and the hispanic male culture takes it to it's fullest, but the funny part is probably 80% to 90% of men in the western world who had sisters or a mother that was wearing high heels when they were a kid tried on a pair of heels and if there was no gender label I am sure more men would wear heels. On a side note up untill 2 years ago my wife and I lived on a small farm we had 3 horses and 5 acre field of alfalfa and I bailed and put up my own hay and even though I am a computer programmer I could probably out work most twenty somethings I have rodeoed(bull and bucking horses) I have had race cars and yet never concidered myself macho. Now even though I don't have horses or race cars I still love waching raceing and rodeo's but now that I am wearing heels more and more I am happier now than I ever have been and even though my wife is not fully supportive of my passion for heels she has noticed and even commited that I am alot happier person. To quote Johnieheel "Real men wear heels" maybe if more men wore heels we might have a more peaceful world ;)

  4. TB2 and Firefox you both are right on the money the dress has to fit the shoes if the outfit is well coordinated with the shoes or boots the more acceptance we will get. There is an old saying no pain no gain and that is true, in this day of instant anything we want people forget that some things worth having take time. I have always loved womens high heels even as a kid and that is probably why all my cowboy boots had to have heels it was my way getting what I wanted. It was not untill recently a few months before I found HHPLACE that I bought my first pair of ladies high heels I just had to try it. the first pair was a pair of pumps with a 3.5" stiletto heel and the moment I put them on I was hooked for life, the way the shoes fit and the feel was awsome and they even felt better than my boots. What suprised me was that I did not find it that difficult to learn to walk in them ( except slick tile floors ;) still trying to get good on them) So I guess all those year in high heeled cowboys boots paid off. When I found this great place I found out I am not alone and this gave me the courage to pursue my passion, since then I have bought 3 more pairs of shoes two with stiletto heels and one with a stacked heel plus two pairs of ladies boots with 3.5" stacked heels. I interchange the ladies boots with my cowboy boots for work all the time now and no one has ever said a word I don't think they even notice, and yes my dress does not attract attention to my heels.This gets back to what both TB2 and Firefox talk about to get past the perception of 'ODD' our look has to show taste and that men can still be masculine in a great pair of shoes with heels and if that means that I have to wear stacked or chunky heels to begin with then it is worth it to know someday I can hopfully wear stilettos as normal shoes.

  5. I like Jonhieheel hate mens shoes and I don't own any other than a pair of athletic shoes that I rarely wear. I have always worn cowboy boot for as long as i can remember and the boots always had a heel I remember when I was 13 my parents gave me a pair of boots called ropers and they have a flat 1" heel at the time most of the people that I rodeoed with wore them, the first thing I did was take them to a boot shop and had the heel changed to 2.5" and the first time I wore them at a rodeo some of my freinds came and wanted to know where they could get boots like mine. Since then I have never worn a boot with less than a 2.5" heel.

  6. magickman great story and glad no one got hurt. I got a lesson in humility this afternoon myself, during my lunch hour I need to take care of some things and I put on my 4" pumps and the first two stops no problems I don't think anyone noticied the last stop was at Walgreens and I started into the store not knowing that they had just rewaxed the floors and I went strolling in and the second step through the door that thin heel hit that slick floor and it was like being on ice as I went sliding in I am thinking OH S--- so I turned around walked very carefully out of the store and back to my truck put on my boots and went back in I thought I had wearing stilettos down but I think I need practice on polished tile floors, then as I am standing in line to pay for my purchase in walks to young ladies both wearing stiletto heels and they go walking by like noting now thats a lesson in humility ;)

  7. I think it has to do with the way we are built women are more flexable down there because the ability to give birth. It is the same thing about splits women can do it men can't. As for heel height I prefer 3" to 4" but would love to own a pair of Pleaser 5" pumps just to have them.

  8. I to feel the way Johnieheel and 5.5Thrill discribed I usually wear my pumps when driving back and forth to work (40 miles one way) and normally I take my lunch to work and my lunch break is around 1:pm and I go down the street from work to this big park to eat by that time there is hardly anyone there so I put on my heels eat lunch then take a walk around the park just to spend time in my heels and when it's time to go back to work I hate having to take them off. I wear ether cowboy boots with a 3" rideing heel or a pair of ladies harness boots that have a 3.5" chunky heel to work but I love wearing my 4" pumps or my MJ' s also with a 4" heel, so in a around about way I don't like it when I am not in heels.

  9. For me it is style the shoes have to match up to what I am wearing and since all of my clothes are men's wear so the shoes have to be in that style, now that being said heel height has to be at lest 3.5" to 4.5 " and some day I do want a pair of 5 - 5.5" heels for fun.

  10. A good thread. For starters, there's nothing sexual about my desire to wear heels, I want that understood from jump street. I feel bold and daring, even cocky at times, like I'm standing head and shoulders above the rest of the world (and, most of the time, I literally do, given how tall I am) when I wear heels, and that's a damn good feeling to have, one I never tire of experiencing. To be out and about in public while wearing women's shoes is an incredibly heady feeling, it's like I'm breaking barriers the rest of the world does all it can to keep in place, and I like the notion of doing all I can to bring down the walls of fashion narrowmindedness.


    This is a great answer and sums up exactly how I feel.

  11. Ron: I used to have a pair of men's western boots, that had a high (for a guy) 3" stacked heel, that had a taper to it. I asked, when I bought the boots, why the taper, and was told that the heel is better suited for digging into the dirt (think cowboys, here). They looked great, but were very difficult to walk in.


    Dan I have 3 pair of cowboy boots 2 with 3" tapered heels and 1 pair with 3.5" tapered riding heel. I find it easier to walk in my 4" stiletto pumps than the boots.

    Also Last night the wife and I were at LOWES to pickup some things (remolding kichen cabnets) and as we walked down this asle a young man maybe in his mid twenties is walking towards us and I notice he is wearing ladies boots with his pants tucked in the boots had probably a 14" top and a 2.5 to 3" stacked heel. He walked right past my wife and she did not even notice I stopped acted like I was looking at some thing on a counter and watched him he went to the design center talked to 2 employees then left to another part of the store, I watched the emplooyees and no reaction at all. I am standing there thinking damn I could of been wearing my heels instead of my roper boots(flat heel I hate them but use them for dirty work). I finally saw a guy in heels ;)

  12. firefox... Shame on you - in the political continuum here in the US you have the religious right, that may contain the bible belt - which pretty much is North of Texas and south of Minnesota. They can be democrats or republicans. Also in the republican party you have Reagan conservatives - Wanting less government in all forms, and libertarians that want even less government. Then there is the McCain/Bush end of the Republican party that still think Government offers the best solutions for the people. Democrats also have various shades start near the McCain/Bush moderates and moving toward the socialist agendas of Obama/Kennedy.

    I'm a very conservative - almost libertarian Republican. My Credo: Let me live my life respecting the rights others and others should do the same toward me. If I am successful, don't penalize me by taking away the rewards of my efforts. If I am religious, I will let it be shown by the way I live my life, not by my forcing it upon you and certainly I'll oppose efforts to have government force religion upon me. If you threaten my family's life, my life or the property I own, I reserve the right to protect it my any means available - whether "you" are and individual or a representative of government. I will however respect the laws of of government, and make a steadfast effort to lobby government to change the laws I do not agree with, recognizing there are God given rights to any man or woman: life, free will, and liberty that should not be taken away unless that man or woman has exercised those rights away from others.

    Oh, BTW. never seen any other guy in womens heels 'cept at Copenhagen heel meet.


    Amen brother, you took the words right out of my mouth, did not intend to start a fire storm all I was wondering since more and more are wearing their heels in public and society really does not notice if the trend was catching on maybe others were being seen out heeling. Firefox if the trend is more common now in England maybe it will soon cross the pond to over here.

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