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Posts posted by tightsnheels

  1. I have never purged everything, but only shoes I decided I would not wear any more. Probably have gotten rid of more over the years than I still have, but I have the ones I really like and will wear. Most were donated, a few dirty or worn ones just trashed.

    Like Bob I have never purged my collection and only replaced the worn out ones.

    I am starting to come to terms with this as being something that we have that other guys lack... a gift as you put it... maybe us straight guys who love heels even have more manhood than those who don't?

    We the high heels and or skirted community in my opinion are more sure of our masculinity than most men are. I feel that most jocks and super macho men are actually not very secure with themselves as they have to constantly remind everyone (including themselves) of how much of a man they are.

    Just my thoughts though,


  2. Please let me put on my Shaman's hat here (I actually do come from a family of Shamans. Scary to some, I know.)

    Dreams come from one of a few places, the most likely with most people is that they are a result of your brain defragmenting. Like most hard drives our brain kind of stores our day or days in a slightly less than organized fashion and in time must (clearing of throat here) straighten out the mess on its desk, so to speak. So, as it is moving things from one place to another things get kind of mixed up and you can get some really weird dreams from it.

    Less likely for most people is that dreams are being used by your creator (insert name of chosen deity here) [this was chosen as to not offend anyone here] as a teaching tool, to maybe show you a path you are overlooking or provide an answer to a question that you may not even be aware you have yet. This can be a little frustrating at times but I do believe that our creator has a very big sense of humor and likes to have his/her little jokes with us from time to time.

    The absolute least likely is that it was something to scare the (pardon the expression) hell out of you brought on by a demon (again insert your chosen evil spirit).

    As to anilizing your dream, that can only be done by someone who knows you very, very well.

    Hopefully this helps you or someone else here.


  3. We have this problem at work with one nosy individual going through peoples belongings and desks and I can assure you that NO it is not right or polite.:w00t2:

    Fortunately I keep nothing of consequence in my things but it is still enough to tick you off because you feel violated. Do you realize just how much of a pervert that woman would have thought you were had she caught you? Or would you have wanted to explain yourself to airport security at the end of the flight? Anyones bag/purse/desk/dresser/medicine cabinet is their own space and by context is not public, even if she had left her shoes sitting on a shelf in the open it would not have been right for anyone to peruse them.

    All I can say is shame, shame on you!:chuckle:


  4. This seems to be becoming a trend with students and schools alike, take a look at what I found on a blog I follow:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/06/jonathan-escobar-cross-dr_n_311791.html

    Personally I have no problem with either gentleman, I really wonder where the school districts dig up such bigots to run our schools. I mean what kind of message are we sending our children and teenagers: "Accept everyone, but never accept a cross dresser." Is that really what we need to teach that there is always an exception to acceptance?

    Also note that the video has been removed from the both the story and You Tube. Go figure.



    I found the video! never under estimate the users of You Tube!

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