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Everything posted by Jkrenzer

  1. Pumps and jeans. Great look. Heels allow color matching and a clean look.
  2. Cali may have been asking how many worn out pair you haven't parted with yet. Whether it be due to sentimental values or just hoping they'd somehow cure themselves and keep going. I have several that sort of fall into the 2nd category. Can't get replacements and I seem to deem them to still be presentable.
  3. The ladies can't compete. I'm the only high heel person in mixed company most of the time. I believe the high heel industry has stayed alive by selling collectibles that are stored in closets for the most part.
  4. Don't complicate it too much. I apologize if I am wrong. The food business is your wife's business. My guess is this meeting is for her. If she's really fine with it then so be it.
  5. Ah those tough life decisions. Just be you buddy.
  6. Heel hill, nice. May need to visit.
  7. Superb combination in my opinion. Careful my friend your starting to wear stilettos more frequently. Really like the low open instep cut on these pumps.
  8. I replace the heel tips myself. I purchased about a hundred or so taps a few years back, in bulk they are not expensive. Many of my stilettos have narrow pins, so I chuck them up in my power drill at low rpm the grind down the pin diameter with my dremel to fit whichever heel I'm fixing. I've also often use a steel cap screw on my round metal spike stilettos to great effect.
  9. Thought I would share this post about a very old pair of Pleaser ankle strap pumps that I have finally decided must be put out to pasture. I couldn't say how many miles I've worn these amazingly comfortable 5 inch heels, talking Melroseplant level I'm guessing. I've re-heeled these at least 6 times. Finally blew out the sole and upper part of the vamps this last week. Surprisingly they are still easy to walk in and sturdy but still long past any visual appeal. I think these definitely paid themselves off many times.
  10. T-shirts should 100% be tucked in. Only fat bellys don't. Sorry but it's the truth.
  11. The truly bad part is her not wanting to stand out. It's comformism at its worst. As men wearing heels we stand out in a big way.
  12. Maybe reading these comments helps to jolt some of these onlookers into actual participation. I don't know if images are available to non-members or not. I'm involved in other non-fashion forums that are only allow onlookers to read. One a paper model building site has no ads, sponsored entirely by the model publishing houses, so that may explain why. I enjoy Melrose's nearly daily muse, but admit I'm not good at maintaining a long-term thread like my heels at work was supposed to be. I wear them daily but discussing it seems redundant.
  13. CAT, send Vogue some of your pics from a few years back, they may get the hint. Unlike me and Melrose you have model like attributes.
  14. Careful buddy your approaching my style. Very elegant pumps, and I'll say it, sexy heels.
  15. It's a spent thread. She's long gone, no female judge anymore.
  16. I agree. I have a much less issue as explained earlier. I'm often able to twist the Iast (the steel plate inside the shoe) but if that doesn't work I just move on to the next pair. It's also really bad on tile floors. As often as I walk around in my 5 inch stilettos I don't need to have my heel slipping out from underneath me.
  17. It's a sign of bone misalignment. The image of the red boots is real severe. I have the same issue to a lesser extent on my left leg. Given enough time my left heels almost always to the same thing. It's always my left shoes that require heel tip replacement 1st. It's a natural issue that a person must just live with. For that reason I can't put the hundreds of miles on my heels like Melrose. It doesn't matter how good the shoes are either, they all do it.
  18. Not a petite woman by any means.
  19. He said "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind'. The quote is accurate as he is a man and the term mankind is gender less.
  20. There won't be sufficient depth on either side to withstand the bending moments. Fine if you're just sitting around but Melrose wears his heels in daily manner
  21. I've had that exact failure twice. Both were less than decent quality shoes. The steel shank that the tips are pressed into doesn't go all the way up. The heels on both of mine broke at the termination point of the shank. No fixing these as suggested, they'll break again.
  22. I mentioned recently that I have begun wearing heels at work. I'm an engineer at a factory. The factory proper is strictly safety shoes but the office is whatever. Pictured here are my FSJ safety heels. Metal toes, somehow I don't think they will fly. I'm wearing these today in the office.
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