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Everything posted by Jkrenzer

  1. Great story and congratulations on having such a lovely wife. Must be hard to be separated so much. Smart looking boots too.
  2. I agree about Nine West. When I buy or sell heels I'll often compare sizing to their heels. Nike is another. I'm a traditional 11 in Nine West but many 10's fit and some 11's don't. If I get a Nike or Nine West comparison I feel more comfortable when buying online.
  3. I agree 100%. There is no balance to the shape. Anything under 3 inches should be blockier. The heel tips must wear very fast. Higher heels carry a lower percentage of weight on the tips. Walking heel to toe the shoe is already level before all the weight is transferred from the other foot. Another pet peave, people who say more than 100%. There is no such thing.
  4. Don't step on those blue Suede shoes.
  5. Didn't think of that. If only I had a green jacket. Seems like I play enough but alas I'm not very good.
  6. I have many heels very much like these, my dog eats my balls (tennis) faster than I can step on them.
  7. It's odd to find that my synthetic heels seem to need to be worn often to keep the material moist so it won't crack or peel. You wouldn't think plastics would react this way but they do.
  8. I searched stilettos on the sight and many showed up, none as high as 5 inch but most about 4.5 inch.
  9. I can't seem to part with these nearly worn to death heels. I have them at work this week, so comfortable. Signature brand, long since out of production. Soles are almost worn through and no idea how many heel tips have been installed.
  10. My green stilettos to match my green cloths at work.
  11. I wear stilettos almost 100% of the time. I admit I occasionally get stompy too, but that usually only happens when I'm tired.
  12. Just watch M.A.S.H. episodes. As a young teenager I admit I loved seeing Kinger. My female neighbor actually said I reminded her of his character. I told I wasn't going for a section 8.
  13. Good luck I'm very disappointed in every Asos shoes I've bought.
  14. Actually the legal issues work both ways despite popular thought. So since they opened the door to playful behavior he can follow suit. The key is he has no quidproque. He's not their boss or subordinate. They playfully suggest fashion to he can to them.
  15. Been a bit since I have posted here. Still no changes, pretty much daily work and heeling for me. Today I thought I'd share these images. These are my ridiculously low cut Hey Si Mey pumps. Actually very comfortable shoes.
  16. Turn about is fair play. Make some suggestions for them.
  17. This is a nice look. I agree with Cali though. Stick with the heels minus the skirt for a while at work. Eventually once your coworkers become used to it, don a skirt. I like these boots and as fellow heel at work member go ahead and wear your higher heels if and when you desire. As for myself I'm in 5 inch stilettos most every day. It's been great, but there were initial questions etc.
  18. Fill those empty spaces. I vote thin heel pumps. You seem to be gravitating towards them and always wear them well.
  19. Great fun exchange. I love how she went in thinking she out heeled you only to be disappointed. Hope you feel better soon.
  20. And I'd like to see any pumps you may want to part with.
  21. Yep, very wide shafts. A little non political correctness coming up. These days more than not the ladies have wider calves than us guys.
  22. I've had the same issues with outer materials peeling. Agreed about quality of the materials and the fact that I wear older shoes when not wearing my Chinese spike stilettos. I love my 5 inch stilettos but they do wear out fast. Most of my older better built (structurally) heels are Pleasers and they are well known for surface issues. All that said, I'm still fine with the situation. I'm financially in a good place to keep a steady supply of new not so well made heels coming in.
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