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Everything posted by Jkrenzer

  1. I always miss wearing heels if I go more than a few days not doing so. I'm addicted and proud of it. But that said, you don't push it in certain places.
  2. Happy HHP anniversary. The site has dwindled in participation, myself included, these last several years. Your selection of colorful heels has noticeably grown and your contributions have likely kept me coming back. Happy Thanksgiving.
  3. The vast majority of today's music, rock or country is all pre fab crap. There are no actual musical people in the mass market anymore. Have to attend grassroots type live concerts to listen to creative music these days. All the hip hop, country and rock are the same beats over and over. Electric beats and simple chords.
  4. Price is not a guarantee of quality. I'm sure someone saved that heel, it a Swifty after all. I so hate celebrity worship.
  5. Older unworn shoes dry up, even non leather ones and fall apart. I've seen this over and over. Must wear them more often but created my own issue as my collection soared and from used heels that haven't been worn either.
  6. I have flown in heels many times in the past. I have stopped however if only for the fact that the altitude lower air pressure causes feet to swell some. I've flown 12 hrs from Brazil in heels, 5 inch loafers ( wish I still had these shoes) but in flight I had to remove them even though I untightened the laces. Not comfortable. My non heels were checked in so no changing.
  7. Jkrenzer

    Cali World

    Right which makes the he manager a heels wearer if he knows he'd only last 3 hrs. I wouldn't have resisted the temptation to discuss why only 3 hrs with him. Running into fellow male heel wearers while wearing your own is uncommon, putting it mildly, even if at that moment he wasn't wearing heels. Great day, I get multiple good comments days from time to time and it is fun
  8. Jkrenzer

    Cali World

    Me too, expected to heels wearing by my neighbors, works for me.
  9. Fairly long winded way to get to the question at hand. You look fine with the pants and heels. As me me, I long lost all worries. I wear 5 inch narrow stilettos at work virtually daily. Just do it.
  10. Jkrenzer

    Cali World

    Being in North Carolina my biggest issue is the heat. Several pair have lost the bond on the soles from either walking on sun baked pavement or the few times I've left them in the vehicle with the windows up and in sunlight.
  11. Jkrenzer

    Cali World

    Believe it or not epoxy actually works well. You have to be careful applying it and find a way to compress the soles while it dries. Actually putting the shoes on and standing still for a half hour, not easy, works. Another way, wrap the whole vamp tightly with shipping tape, just be sure the glue doesn't ooze out into the tape. If all this doesn't work, oh well shoes were dead anyway.
  12. Where did you buy them? Almost never see decent heels in brick and moter stores. Also, you wear heels to and from the store? I love wear heels with shorts not dressed up or in "male" mode. Do it all the time.
  13. Congratulations to your older son
  14. Did you buy them?
  15. Autocorrect strikes again, sorry. The two words have a world of different meaning in the context.
  16. Been public for many years and even at work. I'm not even queen as you put it. I love my heels, love how they feel and love how they look. I wear nothing less the 5 inch mostly stilettos yet everyone knows I'm masculine. Women have told me it takes balls, but I'm old enough to remember when if a guy wore an ear ring he was considered queen. Now women have tattoos and brush cuts so why should I not wear heels.
  17. Totally agree with Shyheels. Can't add too much other than I hate it when my pants leg hangs up too. Not because how it looks, actually love look, but it's uncomfortable. Even more so with slings when the hem gets between your foot and shoe. Also heels are made to be seen, as such I buy pants shorter than I used to. Guess I did have something to add. Shyheels just saved me half my typing.
  18. I do like your documentations but also understand. I haven't posted any of the topics I thought I would in a while like heels at work etc. I hate to say it but think this forum is dying on the vine.
  19. That's how my work heels are used. Can't enter the factory proper but office use is common for me. Still I'm the only one.
  20. Not even you? Or were you the only one in heels, usually the case for me.
  21. Totally agree, platform thickness makes all the difference. At under 1 inch it doesn't matter too much. I mostly wear single soled heels but have several thinner plats. I just think thick platforms look bad, clownish in many cases.
  22. Not really surprised. Way too much stress on the goofy thong. Be done with them. Stick to true mules and sandals. Really like these and the boot may support the foot sufficiently to unload the thong. Where in the world did you find this boot?
  23. Based on Mel's answers above. 1 - me either 2 - pretty much same response although early on i got a boost, get my drift, when I'd first go out. Not anymore as it's routine but still exciting. 3 - I have been a 4.5 inch to 5.25 inch since day 1. 4 - there is nothing attractive about this for anyone.
  24. We all spent way to much time hiding our passion. I expect 100 times as many never overcome their fear.
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