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Posts posted by heels59

  1. I grew up as part of a conservative religious sect, and had no sisters, so I was very starved of any stylish feminine influences. The only shoes my mom wore were nearly flat heeled dull black oxfords could have passed as men's work shoes. One day while on a hike, I overheard another woman ask mom if she didn't have any "walking shoes" Well this led her to order a pair of what Sears Roebuck called walking shoes. What showed up was a lovely pair of moc toe styled slip on shoes with shiny crinkled finish and a narrow block heel nearly 2" high. Well she immediatly realized this was twice as high and twice as shiny as anything she'd ever worn, and completely unsuitable for the wife of a man with position in the church. They'd just have to go back. She tossed the box on top of the frig until she could run to the post office. Enter a young son who'd just "discovered" puberty by way of a vinyl inflatable toy, curious to know what else made this thing go. I snuck them out of the box and hid them under the dark desk where I did homework. The fit perfectly and felt wonderful. Later after everyone was in bed I snuck out and ran around the back yard in them, and made cool heel tracks under the Peonies. I was hooked. The "walking shoes" went back, but I soon bought a pair of white drum majorette boots at Goodwill. Here it is 40+ years later I'm still enjoying the sensations of heels.

  2. Like hheeler, I've ocassionally done the skirt-hose-heels thing and no doubt it does draw out the cameras. I've routinely done heels half hidden by jeans and I've never seen a camera. I doubt it would be easy to capture that it's actually a guy wearing heels, because you almost need the face to show that. Likewise I don't give a damn what strangers think, but wouldn't want certain friends and family to see a picture. Heels under jeans can be very discrete, I've talked to a neighbor and even had my wife walk in and I managed to not get "seen". A skirt would be seen immediately. So now I seldom do skirts, so I guess maybe it has affected my actions. I also learned I don't really get quite the thrill from a skirt as I do from heels, so why greatly increase my exposure for little return?

  3. No. It's a place where there are a lot of factories, warehouses and small industrial units. Not a mall of any description.

    The term we would use is "Industrial Park." I would agree that industrial areas near an urban environment might be unsafe. However we have many industrial parks that are quite rural. For logistics reasons these are located near intersections of major Interstate highways, and some are quite isolated. There are no bands of thugs, simply because there is nothing else around, nothing to see or do. Everyone comes and goes in cars and at night these areas can be deserted. If one wishes to walk a long distance on hard blacktop or concrete surfaces and not be seen, it is a good place to go. It's certainly much safer than going to a shopping mall after hours.

    That said, I'd encourage heelers to buy a pair of flare leg jeans with a bit longer inseam than normal and go to the crowdedest, busiest place they can find. When everyone's in a hurry, not one in a hundred will actually see what's right in front of their eyes. And the occasional positive social contact will outshine a month of walking alone at night.

  4. Love the progerssion. What time period did you take to go from the 1-1.5" heels up to the 4"+? I'm pondering doing something similar. I'm looking for boots similar to you third post on this thread, and they're really hard to find in US Women's 12. I did manage to find a pair at Alonai.com. They're on the way now. A review at Amazon panned them as poorly made, so we'll see.


  5. In an ongoing effort to understand the commonality or uniqueness of my altocalciphilia, I need to ask, do you find a heavy person in stilettos attractive? Now I understand that there are individuals with very specific fetishes for all manner of mundane and unusual things, but I'm looking for a more general sense. I've heard people express negative thoughts about someone being too heavy for such skinny or high heels, and of course there may also be issues with damaging someone's flooring. For myself, part of the attraction of feminine footwear is the delicacy and fineness of it. The heavy or causally abusive wearer highlights the shoe's ability to bear up under the strain. I'm not talking about deliberate destruction, but I love looking at well-worn used shoes and studying the wear patterns. I ponder the force a hefty foot applies to a skinny sandal strap, and of course the forces applied as a stiletto heel lands. What say ye? Is this my unique fetish, or a general attraction for heelers everywhere?

  6. One more thing. Cheap heels from Payless and Shoe Dept will wobble no matter what, and you will never walk pretty in them. It all about the strength of the arch. If they wobble in the store, leave them there, they will only get worse. At the other end there are designer shoes that feel solid as steel and cost like silver. Try some in a store, and you'll know. Shoes below $50 or so aren't going to be comfortable or last.

  7. The single biggest thing is to keep your shoulders back. If you hunch over, you'll never gain any confidence. You have a natural stride length and speed when walking with flats and sneakers. You will have to shorten the stride with heels, but don't try to increase the speed to make it up. Just accept that it will take a bit longer to get there. All the more time to be seen and admired. :>) As with any other muscle and skill building exercise, a little each day is better than marathon sessions. Another reason to wear them shopping or doing housework, is that the stopping and starting, turning, and side stepping give you practice you don't get with a straight line walk. Stairs are the trickiest, especially going down. If you don't lift the foot enough you might hook the heel on the step. (ripping the heel off one boot and falling so hard on the other you make a deep hole in the basement step! Don't ask) Think about how you lift your feet walking through deep snow. or how a band marches. Going down stairs you need to lift you foot and swing it forward slightly more than you normally do. It will feel far weirder than it actually is, then as the foot is landing slide it back so it's completely on the tread. You can learn to go down stairs quickly and seemingly effortlessly, however it requires concentration. Going up stairs is simpler. If the tread is wide enough that the heel can be on it, there is nothing special at all. If the tread is narrow, you walk up on your toes, which is likely how you normally do anyway, however keep you foot inclined exactly how it would be if the heel were on the step. If you don't it will feel awkward and stretch and possibly even tear the throat of the shoe. Hope this helps. Hang in there and thanks for doing this for your bf. My wife tried doing the same for me 25 years ago, but gave up. Now I'm the only one who wears heels

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