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Posts posted by alphax

  1. 2 minutes ago, Heelster said:

    Local carries up to, but nothing beyond a size 10. The Brash heels discussed here often were only in 6,7,8.

    Ah okay (Brash being a Payless-affiliated brand).  I don't really blame Payless for not carrying larger sizes.  Even in Oakland, a locally owned indy shoe store that carried large sizes, Rocsil's/McB's went out of business, which probably would have happened eventually due to competition from the web.

  2. 2 hours ago, Heelster said:

    Our local pretty much stopped at size 10, and anything at Payless was less expensive at Walmart.


    Just to clarify, are you saying Payless carried larger sizes and your local non-Payless shoe store didn't, or are you saying your local Payless didn't stock larger than size 10?

  3. Here's another pair that got away: 

    Fleur Oakes' Pony Hoof Boots from back in the early 90s.  Most famously appearing in Tori Amos' music video for "Silent All These Years"

    She even made a few pairs in mens' sizes!  http://theglasspingle.blogspot.com/2015/06/this-post-may-seem-little-out-of.html

    They're very rare collectors' items.

    A pair of mens' boots is in the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London


    Edit:  At the time they were available, I was still in college or just graduated and therefore still penniless, not to mention living with my parents.

  4. First of all I'm jealous of someone who can wear size 38 which means you can buy just about any model of any brand.  :-)

    Second, that's strange, because women need to get into their boots too. 

    Repeat what others have said about socks, stockings, bags, shoe horns, etc. to make sliding in easier

    @mlroseplant:  It sounds like you need one of these:  http://www.shopfallenwoods.com/_p/prd1/586115121/oak-bootjack

  5. People losing real local jobs is never good, but just about every pair I bought from Payless turned into goo before its time.  Cheap polyurethane.

    Some stores did carry large womens sizes, particularly those in areas with a large black population.  It was particularly noticeable between stores in San Francisco and Oakland.

    Edit:  The black population thing is purely my own guess as to why Payless had larger sizes in one location as opposed to the other.

    • Like 1
  6. My last sob story email from Cos K end of January right after I started the refund process with my bank. 

    Something about moving the workshop to Cyprus (!) to care for his elderly father with Parkinsons, promises of work already done for a fitting, and delivery soon.

    Fortunately my credit card bank has processed my refund already.

     It's unbelievable to me how this fraud can stay in business.

  7. The little part of the strap past the buckle would probably droop under the weight of even a small padlock, and the sharp edges of the padlock would rub against your skin or the shoe upper, or become annoying swinging about and banging on your foot when you walk.

  8. I also ordered some boots from Fabulously Fetish last October, but have not had any reply from Cos since last November and it's currently January.

    Thank you to all who have replied above with your own negative experiences.

    I'm going to start my refund process right away before my statutory refund period runs out.

  9. I'm lusting after a pair of Louboutins, but of course the real things don't come in my size 45.


    So I've been checking out some Louboutin "replica" sites, and here's one that says they can get them in large sizes:




    I've seen them moving around, they used to have a domain at pumpsisok.com which just adds to my uneasiness for trying them.


    Does anyone have experience with this vendor?  Other "replica" vendors?


    Note:  I'm not personally or commercially affiliated with pumpsatuk/pumpsisok

  10. I've been using Adblock Plus so long, I didn't even realize this website had ads!


    Maybe you should have a banner message up top asking visitors to add an exception to their ad blockers.

    You shouldn't ask people to completely disable their filters, that just feels sleazy. 


    In the case of AdBlock Plus, adding a custom filter with the line:


    re-enables ads on this website.


    Note:  The "www." is important.

  11. There were also these legendary black leather pony boots made by a British fashion student, Fleur Oakes, during the early 90's.

    They make an appearance in Tori Amos' "Silent All These Years" music video at around 1:26 on this copy on YouTube:


    In Boot Lovers Digest:


    And in issue 12 of Skin Two magazine on Page 20, published in 1992 which I'm too lazy to scan in right now.

    "Silent All These Years" has been reloaded onto YouTube


    Don't you love those RIAA people?

  12. You could always make a pair


    detailed instuctions on making your very own ponyboots.

    i made a pair from a dodgy old pair of knee high zip up boots and they look preety good, no horseshoe though, just a plywood sole.

    just need somewhere to wear them now...


    I suppose you could always fit a pair of rubber horseshoes to them.


    I was originally thinking of the variety that come with the game of horseshoes, but it turns out a few mfgs make the real thing!

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