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Posts posted by Bernheels

  1. Hello to all: i have been wearing high heels since I was 12 years old. My mom always wore high heels and I tried them on one day. I was hooked since that day. i wore her heels until I out grew them. I then wore my sisters and soon out grew them. then i started buying my own when I was about 15. Felt so hot to go to a womens shoe store and buy my own heels. i am now 55 yrs young and still wear high heels as much as I can. I am married to a wonderful women who tolerates my need for wearing high heels at home. I have over 300 pair and love to buy new styles all the time. I wish there was somewhere where us men could wear high heels without bing stoned and humiliated. This has to be out there. I am not gay and love my wife. Just would like to go out in public in a nice pair of 5 inch spikes and jeans and be OK with it. Does annyone else feel the same? Are there places like this? Are there other wives that are OK with this thought? bernheels

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