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Posts posted by Bikergoth

  1. I'm hoping you have not yet left any feedback, but if you have already left the seller positive feedback, you can kiss goodbye to any chance of a refund...


    First things first... Check the eBay listing & contact the seller to explain what has happened & why you aren't happy. Be polite but firm. See if they will take returns, (a lot of sellers list 'no returns'), but if you can get the seller to agree to take the heels back for a refund all is well. If the seller refuses to take them back you will have to open a dispute with the seller via eBay. Normally the seller will be obliged to give you a refund if the item is not as described. The eBay resolution centre will guide you through the process step by step, so have a look on there to see if you qualify to open a dispute. I'm pretty sure you can post photos too.


    It's not a pleasant thing to have to do & I have recently gone through just such an experience when I bought a pair of boots for my wife. They were listed as suede & when they arrived were a very dirty, stained, velvety type material that was nothing like suede. I got my money back in the end but it was quite a traumatic experience as I received a series or rude & abusive emails from the seller through eBay. Luckily eBay could see all the correspondence between us so it made the seller look a bit of an idiot. Also be aware you need to return the heels by 'signed for' mail which you will probably not get a refund on. If you don't get them signed for, the seller may say that he hasn't received them & you loose out on your refund.


    If the heels weren't too expensive it may just be worth putting it down to experience & letting it go.


    Good luck & let us know how you get on...

  2. I remember back in the early 1970's a girl in my class at school, (I'll call her Caroline), wore a pair of over the knee red leather platform boots every day for over a year until they eventually fell apart - then she got a green pair! I remember dating her for six months or so & she encouraged me to softly rub the back of her booted legs, as she seemed to like it a lot. I asked her how it felt & she actually let me try her boots on & massaged the back of my calves. It felt so hot having my legs encased in soft tight leather, (even if my toes were a bit squashed up), & my calves rubbed. I wore them for just over an hour & it felt absolutely incredible, especially walking round her house, (which was conveniently empty at the time).


    From that point on, the only girls that I became interested in had to own a pair of boots before I asked them out on a date. A spell in the armed forces put my interest in boots on hold for 12 years apart from a couple of German girls one of whom shared my passion for tight leather boots & allowed me to wear hers too. Strangely enough, the only exception to this was the girl who eventually became my first wife, (I should have realised we should never have married when I discovered that she didn't like to wear boots). I divorced my ex-wife for adultery in 2003 & shortly afterwards met the lovely lady, (who would become my second wife), at a fancy dress party. We had independently decided to attend as a female goths & we both wore identical huge platform boots with seven inch heels, me in black, my new lady red.


    We saw more & more of each other & we eventually set up home together & started to build a huge collection of all types of boots, the higher the heels the better. We ended up sharing our boots as we both take the same size, so if there was something I really liked she got to try them on & vice-versa. We now own over 150 pairs of boots between us, mostly leather, as we have weeded out the cheap & nasty PVC & plastic boots  that started our collection.


    I wear at least three different pairs of boots every day, more at weekends if I can. Being very shy, I have worn heels out of the house occasionally, but usually under cargo pants & always at night, so I don't draw too much attention to myself. My lady fully supports me wearing our boots & actively encourages it, for which I consider myself very fortunate indeed. Over the years she has also taught me to walk correctly in heels & pulls me up every time I get it wrong & start to walk like a bloke again. 


    I have a lot to thank young Caroline at school for - she helped turn me into the person I am today.

  3. I had a bit of an experience that goes with the last three posts & is also vaguely linked to the original thread, so please bear with me...


    About eighteen years ago I was invited a mate's fancy dress party & decided to go as a Spice Girl, but which one...? A quick trawl of the local charity shops & fancy dress shop resulted in the following: A pair of platform boots to represent Baby spice, a pair of leopard print leggings to represent Scary Spice, a very short Union Jack dress to represent Ginger Spice, a Nike vest to represent Sporty Spice, & a short black wig to represent good old Posh Spice, or Victoria Adams as she was back then. Unable to decide who to go as, I went with a mixture of all five girls. Sorted! I also did what I though was a pretty good job on the make up & decided that as a mixture of all the girls, I looked quite hot. (Not quite a 16 year old nubile virgin, but not that far off, if you get my drift).


    A good time was had by all at the party with lots of good natured banter & the following week I saw the photos that had been taken...


    OMG! What I thought was a fairly serious good-looking effort came across as an absolute disaster. I looked like a cross between a hideous drag queen & a zombie Brittany Spears. Looking back now it's rather funny, but at the time I didn't dare go out for a good six weeks after the party, as my mate's wife was quite cruel with her comments & 'jokes,' showing the damned photos to anyone that showed the slightest interest in them. I nearly died of embarrassment!


    I learned a valuable lesson from that experience & I now feel confident enough to share it with you in the hope that if it prevents just one poor sod doing the same thing, then it was worth sharing. I can laugh about it now, but at the time it wasn't at all funny.


    The moral is -  if you get dressed as a female make damn sure that you look like a proper one,... or be prepared to accept the consequences!

  4. This is me taken by my lady earlier this year.


    This is a very unusual photo of me as being a 'boot guy' I very rarely wear shoes. Although the heels on these are a touch under seven inches, the platform in just under two & a half inches, which means an equivalent heel height of around four & a half inches & very comfy to wear. I chose this photo for my avatar simply because my lady likes it, (& says it makes me look like a 'real proper lady', lol!).

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