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Posts posted by CRabbit

  1. I've got around 4 pairs of men's shoes, of which I own two pairs of dress shoes and two pairs of sneakers for when I'm not in the office. Women's shoes I own 8 pairs of. Two pairs of boots, two pairs of platform pumps, two pairs of stiletto courts, one pair of oxford style heels and this weekend's purchase - a pair of 6.5" peep-toe platforms. Don't know why I bought them but I did and I love them. I'll never get the time to wear them though! Chris

  2. Just received this pair from Payless. http://www.payless.com/store/product/detail.jsp?catId=cat10088&subCatId=cat10270&skuId=089543095&productId=69864&lotId=089543&category=&catdisplayName=Womens I had to order them from the store, no size 12. They were well worth the wait. They run true to size and are fun to walk in and they go great with jeans.

    Very nice shoes! Would love to see pics of how you've matched them up with an outfit! :irked:


  3. I must admit, the first two steps up onto the platform looks like he's wearing a thin heel, but as soon as he's on the platform walking around the car, they do look like a 1inch block heeled boots to me. Chris

  4. Cool, Well I'm no psychologist and my attempt to win my missus over failed in such a spectacular way that I don't feel I'm qualified to even give advice, but here's where I think I'd start if I had the option to do it again: Find out how she feels about men in heels in general. Try and keep the conversation light and take what ever she says at face value. If her response is negative (ie, the men should be men speech) then you'll have an idea that she might not be so open to the idea of you getting your own. If her response is positive, then you've laid the ground work to take the next steps. I didn't tell my missus until years and years into our relationship and dropped it on her one evening without leading into the conversation like I was confessing to adultery and she reacted like I had. I don't recommend taking that approach. Hope that helps and I wish you all the best, Chris

  5. Thanks guys,

    After spending most of the day so far in those shoes I can still safely say I love them.

    They're a little tight on the toes but that'll change with wear I imagine. As the original pic suggests, they gather dust like a vacuum cleaner so I feel I'm continually rubbing them down to keep them looking immaculate.

    I didn't get to go out for a walk at lunch as it's bashing it down with rain but I quickly grabbed a couple of pics while in the office:

    Pic 1

    Pic 2

    Pic 3

    Terrible yellow lighting in here so the quality is pretty poor so I apologize in advance.

    Thanks again,


  6. Hello and welcome.

    Please take a moment to check the rules here (clicky). Try and keep your posts in English where ever possible as it's the easiest language for us all to understand.

    If my very poor french is right, I'm glad to hear your partner is accepting of your high heel love and I wish you two all the best with your high heel adventures :irked:


  7. On Monday I had a little extra time after work so I went browsing the last of the sales lines at the local retail center and came across these:

    Black Suedette Courts. (clicky!)

    For only £10, I couldn't resist. Tried them on in-store (Dorothy Perkins), they fit like a glove (UK7) and felt stunning to walk in. Going to take them for a walk this lunch and see how the hold up for half an hour. More pics will follow :irked:


  8. I, on the other hand, don't think it's "sexy" in any form.

    I agree!

    To me it doesn't look good, it looks like the person bought the shoes without much care to their size and just lives with it popping off continually.

    I make every effort to ensure my shoes don't heelpop. Grips, insoles, packing the toe box, heck I'd even consider glue before walking outside with my heels popping.


  9. One of the pairs I've had since early this year is in a pretty bad way too and I've hardly worn them. The patent just seems to attract damage! A tiny tap against anything results in yet another mark, even from another shoe as I slip it past them while they sit in storage! It's heart-breaking, as I love to have my things "as new", even if that's utterly impossible most of the time. Chris

  10. I'm sorry to say that I'm one of those that doesn't shave their legs at all. It also doesn't help that my legs are as hairy as a Rough Collie! I would like to shave or wax but that would ring alarm bells with the missus and I couldn't risk that, so for now at least, I'll have to stick to tights over hairy legs to try and mask what little bit of hair might be seen from the bottom of my pants. Chris.

  11. F1 racing?

    Playing Magic, the Gathering?

    Watching Dragonball Z?

    Write love poems?

    Lightsaber dueling?


    Lol! Lightsaber dueling? Now that I'd pay to see :smile:

    I think it depends on what you find to be exciting as much as it depends on your skill level. Just going for a walk would be exciting enough for me. If thats not enough, why not go shopping for new shoes in your ballet boots? Thats always a thrill for me in 4inch heels!


  12. I actually wore my pair of heels out once in the car. went through drive thru at wendys wearing them. driving while wearing them is hard.dont know how girls do it. dont think i was seen by workers at wendys.

    There's two simple answer to the difficulties found while driving in heels. Practice or don't do it.

    After years of driving in heels, it's almost second nature for me. Platforms require another level of attention all together as you'll quickly start to miss pedals without due care. Personal advise, drive slower than normal and definitely under the speed limit. Sure, you'll upset some drivers out there but who cares, you're going to need that extra microsecond or two to react to circumstances better when in heels.

    Ultimately though, it's quite dangerous if your out of practice so please take care when driving in heels.

    Back on topic - I've read this thread backwards and forwards now and think I'm about settled on how to describe my level of heeling.

    Neutral. (anticlimax? :irked:)

    I wear them out in public and although I do care if someone I know sees me, when in a totally random remote location, I really don't care. I'm also wearing heels in work (admitted, in an office where no-one can see me or when everyone is out for lunch so no-one knows) but I'm starting to reach the point where I'm not really bothered who knows providing it doesn't get back to the wife...


  13. I have several pairs of ankle boots, they keep my feet warm so are my preferred type for everyday use.

    Even in mid-summer? Surely there's been times these last couple of months that the weather has been so hot it's just too hot for boots?

    I seem to be letting the team down a bit here. 1 pair of boots is all I own (2 if you count my oxford-style shoeboots). I need more!!

  14. Oohh, well, one piece at a time here I think. Started? I was very young when I first wore heels, but I realized that I had a love for high heels while in high school. Bought my first pair while in College, never looked back. Honestly, I wouldn't jump into another persons heels without their prior consent. Think of it this way, if they don't know and they catch you, there's twice the shock - one of you in heels, the other of you in their heels. It'll blow their trust in you out of the water, and that's not a good way to start the conversation :irked: Don't worry about the 'feeling weird' thing. It took me over a decade to get past that and even now I get bouts of it just before going out in public. The weird feeling is you breaking the limitations that social dogma has dictated to you since you were first able to listen and comprehend. At least I think it is. As for telling the missus, well, you missed your prime moment IMO - in that 'honeymoon' phase of dating and getting to know each other. Now though, I don't advise just dropping the bombshell and telling her you own heels and like to wear them - it didn't work for me at least. I'd go with a more subtle conversation, perhaps on the lines that some of the other folks here tried: bringing up the idea of other men in heels and asking her opinion on it. At least you'll know her response before you tell her but I do advise you tell her, even if she'll react adversely towards it. Just remind her that it doesn't change who you are, why you love her and why your with her and it'll work out in the end. Side note, might want to check the definition of Fetish. It doesn't apply to us all and probably doesn't apply to you :smile: Chris

  15. Unfortunately, I can't. You guys who can certainly are lucky! It is incredible just to think about the opportunities wearing the same size shoe as your mate would bring.

    The worst is when you DO share the same size shoes, and your other half isn't accepting. There is potential for a shared wardrobe of beautiful heels and she isn't secure enough in herself to accept it!

    I'm noticing a bit of a pattern here. Perhaps I need to knock up another thread to ask it though...


  16. ... and it seems I can fit 11 now. This opened up a lot of new styles for me so I am really happy now.

    Firstly, both pairs of shoes are stunning! I really like them.

    I'm intrigued to hear you can fit into the next size down. Do you think your foot size is shrinking? Or is it just down to brand sizing?


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