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Posts posted by stilettos

  1. Are you telling me that I could not drive something like a Corvette, or Lotus, or any other low slung sportster, with such high heels?

    Well no, I'm not saying that it can't be done, just that it would not be so easy. I don't know much about the Corvette, some Lotus models have a driving position more suited to high heels than others. Specifically I'm talking about the Lotus Elise which isn't yet available in Canada. As well as the seating position being very low the steering wheel is also very low. Even wearing flat shoes my knees can come into contact with the steering column quite often. I've only sat in the car wearing heels a few times but found that my knees and the steering wheel/column all wanted to occupy the same space.

    I'm not saying that you, Laurie, couldn't drive such a car in high heels, I'm sure it's possible somebody could. It's just that some cars are not as high heel friendly as others.

  2. We are talking about heels in the fetish category in this thread :D It is therefore easier to drive in such heels if you are seated in a near normal position, at least 12" above the floor of the vehicle. When seated virtually on the floor of the car the driving position makes it more difficult to control the car in heels. I'm not surprised most people can't see my point. You'd probably have to experience the driving position I'm talking about to realise how difficult it is. I'm just saying that the driving position determines how easy it is, and therefore some cars will be easier to drive in heels than others. It's a bit like saying walking in heels is easy when all you've ever done is walk on flat surfaces, wet cobblestones and steep slopes are not so easy :wink:

  3. Driving in heels may be easy, but I doubt whether it is easier to drive in high stiletto heels than flats. A lot depends on the driving position. When driving my car my legs are virtually parallel with the floor. Driving in high heels would place the entire length of the heel parallel to the floor and any attempt to operate the pedals using ankle movements alone would be next to impossible. Pedal operation would have to be made using just the leg and thigh muscles. This combined with the added danger of the heel tip catching on something as one applys the brakes in an emergency makes driving in high heels in my car a virtual non-starter. A pair of flexible flat shoes allows the foot to flex from the ankle even into a high heeled position resulting in much less leg movement. Whether driving in high heels is easy or not really depends on the driving position.

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