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Posts posted by stilettos

  1. ...why don't we go with the legal sales period, and wait for 'Stilettos' to tell us in due course exactly when it'll be?

    My general guide for the dates should be enough for you to choose a WE. The precise dates will be published here http://www.minefi.gouv.fr/minefi/sommaire.htm in due course, could be quite some time away. Look to the top left Dates des soldes d'été when the winter dates are known the link should change to Dates des soldes d'hiver and you'll be able to find out when they are :wink:
  2. a) whether my above suggestion of February/March 2004 sounds reasonable

    You may want to consider that the Sales (les Soldes) in France have to take place during two legally defined periods of about 5 weeks duration, one in summer and one in winter. The winter sales period normally runs from about the second week in January until the middle of February. The dates for winter 2004 have not yet been defined.
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