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Posts posted by balacau

  1. Well I'm still in two minds about getting them or not. We're getting new windows and plastering work done in the house in the next couple of weeks (which is about how long the boots would take to get here if I did bid/win them), which obviously presents a problem!

    I'm hoping this link works, these are the style of boots I hope to find when I get the time. Platform, with about a 5" or higher heel, no zips! Some people call 'em hooker boots, I just call them fun to walk in? :D


  2. Incredible experiences :D If I was more confident I'd probably go into shops and buy boots rather than order them from the net, although I cannot see me trying them on like what you guys describe. I'm willing to bet the woman who was watching you walk in the 5" heels would be gawping the same as I would, In awe of someone managing heels that high without platforms! Amazing

  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7760110348&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1

    I found these on eBay about 3-4 days ago and am almost tempted to get them. My usual practice of asking a stupid question to find out if the seller was a good person to communicate with worked pretty well.

    I like the lace-up design which seems to be quite commonly seen these days and perhaps them being wide fit might accomodate my feet & legs better?

    Comments anyone?

    PS: because eBay seems to being changed around alot lately, I put the full URL up there so people can still see & view with the item number in case the URL can only be viewed by me or something..... :D

  4. Well getting a good look at those boots (well fitting boots too!) was worth alot of agro, just not sure if it was worth 3 years of it! Its probably the main reason why I don't compliment women more on their boots, because subconsciously I fear the same thing might happen again? The mind works in strange ways!

  5. Those Electra 2025 boots are really nice :cry: I've seen similar style lace up boots on eBay, some with zips others without, and they always get alot of interest! Shame really, otherwise I might have gotten myself a pair! I cant really comment on the stilletos because I cant walk in them! Metal heels are certainly an incredible sight :D Thanks for posting!

  6. I can answer a definite yes to that question, I've lost many friends, but its not quite as straightforward as that; and is probably more my fault than not... Here is my story :sleeping: During the second year of high school I began to get a bit more friendly with one of my teachers and she was a pretty consistent wearer of knee length boots. I found myself admiring these very often and was pretty sure that I should say something but just not quite sure of how to break the ice and hit on the subject. Eventually when I was studying during a lunch break, she gave me that chance by dropping into the room to prepare some notes for the next class and I just dropped it into the conversation. He response was friendly, and I got a good view of her boots which had me almost realing! I remember them perfectly really. Knee length glossy (but not patent), with a short about 1 1/2" block heel, and a gold bar feature at about foot height. This was wonderful to me as I figured she might wear them more often........unfortunately someone else must have overheard the conversation and possibly one of the most depressing periods of my life began. The next day some complete stranger came up to me and asked if I was gay. High schools arent exactly the most nice places to be around most of the time, so I shot her an icy look and said no. After about 12 or more peope asking the same thing I was beginning to think someone was spreading rumours about me. Never did find out just who it was who kick started the whole thing (just as well for their sake perhaps) but to cut a long story short; I went into highschool with 14 friends, and came out with 2. Since then I've been very quiet on the subject of boots, although there are a few close friends who know that I love that type of footwear, that I have several pairs and that I have a serious thing about what many term as "hooker boots", ie: platforms with chunky heels etc. Its little wonder that I couldnt wait to leave high school :rofl: Was it my fault? Most likely it was, sometimes I wonder if I hadve kept my mouth shut, would things have been different?

  7. I don't tell my parents because I'm scared how they'll react, and I fear I will have let them down, or put distence between us, or they'll laugh at me. All of the above.

    I am in the same situation, living with my mom. I got my first pair of heeled boots around August 2002 off eBay (since I wasn't and probably never will be couragous enough to go to an actual store to buy a pair). When they arrived I was asked what was in the box. I managed to pass it off as being some books and she appeared convinced...

    About a year later she was going through my stuff using the excuse "tidying the house up" when she found an invoice that I hadn't burnt! Although she has never seen any of the boots that I own, she doesnt know that I have more than one pair and she isn't happy by any means. As bad as this is, the timing could not have been worse. Coincidently her local vicar had been thrown out of the church because he was undergoing a sex-change. Well you don't need me to tell you what she thought (and probably still thinks). Yes, the words "gay" and "crossdresser" came up.

    We had a big argument which lasted a couple of hours, which ended in her saying that someone sooner or later would find them during redecoration or something and that I'd be left very red-faced. My mom also said she is "open minded" about stuff, which basically is a load of crap. Sister used to be into the whole self-harm thing, which mom never knew even existed. I knew about this because I knew of people I went to school with actually did that on a regular basis.

    I have tried to reach her on the subject twice since then and we only ever fight about it, I'm guessing that shes just trying to pretend that such a "problem" doesnt exist?

    I'm not a cross dresser, and I'm not "gay", I'm certainly not hostile to the people who are either, actually I admire their courage for being so open! I just have a serious liking for heeled boots, my close friends know about it and it doesnt phase any of them, so whats up with mom?

    Feh....sometimes I don't understand people at all.

    Rant over :sleeping:

  8. Name: Gavin Age: 25 Gender: Male Location: England UK Occupation: office worker Height: about 5'4 to 5'5 Weight: 139Lbs last time I checked Shoe size: UK 7 Euro 41 US 9.5 What's your favourite heel style: block/chunky/blade What's your favourite shoe style: love most boots cept wedges Do you wear your heels outside: no What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: about 3 1/2 to 4" (:D Your highest heel height: I don't have them anymore but I used to have a pair of thigh boots with 7.7" heels. Right now I have a pair of platform boots with 5 3/4". How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: most weekends when I have the house to myself. (:cry: Your highest heel height: occasionally... Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: bare feet Anything else you wish to add: I don't think of myself as a CD or anything like that. I actually started wearing boots because 1) I've always been spellbound to see a woman wearing a well-fitting pair of boots and 2) because I wanted to understand just how hard it is to walk with your heels 4" above the rest of your feet! Its certainly made me respect the women who wear 4" stilletos and such at work for a full 10 hour shift. Unfortunately at present I live with my mom who now knows about my boots and isn't happy to say the least! :argue:

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