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Posts posted by balacau

  1. While I love the thigh boots on Shafted's avatar (called Ally or something aren't they, can't seem to find them on Google right now), I believe the most dominant type of boot is something like a pair of Slave Trainers found on pierresilber.com's website. Although the design they have now is somewhat different, the platform, high sculpted heel (5" in the original style) makes for a very tough look when worn with black clothing I find. Not "hookerish" at all. The "Easy" boots have a whole different look to them. This is my opinion of course! The chrome heel stilleto knee boots have a similar effect on me. Think about it though, would you want to be stood on by one of those if you disagree with your dominant half? :evil:

  2. A murderer or rapist taking trophies is nothing really new, even back in 1980. Its been happening for decades if not longer but yeh it won't help people like our community here much :evil: I think thats what my mom worried about most when she found out about the small collection of boots I have. Trophy collection goes way back to the Mongols or who-ever, used to cut heads off their defeated enemies and display them..........maybe the romans - need to read up on that again. Just shows how the mis-deads of one person can cause the "punishment" of many! :x

  3. I was heading through Newcastle on my way for a sightseeing trip down the river when I spied a nice pair of leather knee length lace-effect boots, with a medium (probably 3") heel. These seem to be quite in-fashion right now, but when I looked on the New-Look site, I couldn't find anything like them! :evil: I don't suppose anyone has a New Look catalogue or something they could look in and see for price inf, heel height, etc? Thanks for any replies!

  4. Thanks you for all your support. I think I won't be bidding on these. The last time I had a pair of stilleto heel boots, I just couldnt master the art of walking in them, so I've stuck with chunky or blade-style heels ever since! I still want a similar no-zips pair of lace up boots though, either with the shiny look or the standard leather.

  5. You have to understand, those heavy machines are probably used around construction sites. Every since 911, people are leary of someone near a construction site (or probably any building or major public place) taking pictures. The glares you are getting are people suspecious of your intent. I am sure if you first struck up conversation with the people first and let them know you and not perceive you as a threat you could probably take all the pictures you want.

    I figured that might be the case myself soon after this problem began, however from hearing such diverse excuses for such verbal abuse as "we thought you were taking pictures of the men" to "you could be working for a rival company", I'm not entirely convinced security has anything to do with it at all....

    Plus we have rather strict trespassing laws here and everything is fenced off. I have always had pride in myself by not going where I shouldn't. This means that often I walk away without getting any pictures (assuming there is no-one around to ask), but its better doing this than getting arrested. Of course this won't stop me, I'll keep taking pictures because its one of the things I love to do, regardless of weather people like me rolling past a construction site with my camera or not. And if anyone asks me for proof of my interest, I can show them close to 5000 photographs I've taken over the years.... :evil:

    Speaking of "business as usual", it reminds me of a picture I found once, during WW2 in London, this milkman walked through bombed out streets to deliver his stuff, even during the daytime air raids. Maybe he didn't want to do that, but this sense of "this is going to be done no matter what" has always inspired me.

    So I guess I won't be stopping taking pictures anytime soon, and oh yeh, I've gotten a few workers into trouble when I reported their abuse to a company employee. They look at this behaviour very dimly indeed as its bad for the public image, which is one thing the construction industry here is trying desperately to improve!

  6. I can only speak for myself on such an issue of course. I'm pretty sure that if I ever start the "street healing" as some people call it on here; there would be alot of finger pointing, jeering and probably quite a few things thrown my way...

    Yes its true society wont change overnight, but things do change indeed, and not always for the better.

    Let me give a perfect example and you might see that even 5 years makes a difference!

    One of my main interests is photography, another is heavy earthmoving machines (even the smaller stuff used on roads etc). So, at the start of high school I merged the 2, now I actively go out and seek machines to get pictures of. Simple right? Well no it isn't. Five years go I could literally get any pictures I wanted without any comments, or any trouble at all. These days when I'm seen around a building site, I get abuse trown at me, dagger-style looks and people pointing.

    I constantly ask myself "Why do they do this to me? Am I doing something wrong here? Why cant people accept that there is more to life than sport and reality tv?" Of course there is always the fact that many people out there simply are ignorant that there are other persuits people enjoy which are different from their own.......my mom unfortauntely is one of those people!

    But to stop taking pictures of the heavy machinery that I grew up loving would be a crime as far as I'm concerned. I really don't care what they say to me during my rampages across Newcastle and the outer-bound suburbs. During my working life, I've developed a thick armour which shrugs these verbal assaults off as meaningless; I just continue to do what I like because I enjoy doing it.

    As for the heeling and wearing skirts, yes open minded people will understand, mabe comment in a polite and friendly way, and this is always encouraging. The people who laugh, shout and jeer are simply not even worth looking at, they see only what they wish to see and nothing else.

    I set no rules nor guidelines for anyone else's life but mine, and mine isnt perfect nor do I ever claim it will be. I have a large amount of doubt that society as a whole will ever accept men wearing high heeled boots without at least one person deciding to stick their nose in and respond in a negative fashion. This is one of the reasons why I admire the courage and boldness of some Goth groups who hang around Newcastle, the amount of abuse they get put through is astounding, and yet they soldier one. Even without talking to them, I feel like I have learned alot from how they deal with things..........well perhaps!

    Eh ok I'm done ranting. Close minded people who refuse to accept that people are different, lead different ways of life, and are interested in different things really bug me alot. Just imagine how boring life would be if everyone was the same, or maybe that would make these people feel more secure?

    Jeez the mind boggles! Is there really such a thing as "society", I'm starting to wonder about that too....

  7. I know! Men are buying them all up and leaving nothing for the women to wear. Yea that;s it! :D

    Drat! We've been found out! :rofl:

    Can't wait for winter, or colder days when boots are more plentifull. Although having said that, you do still get the annoying fashn of boots which have their length hidden under clothing so you can't tell just how high they go :evil:

  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=008&item=180018997220&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1

    I found these just an hour ago, and someone has already put a bid on them! I have always wanted a pair of lace up, moderate platform boots but ones without zips (which seem to be hard to find).

    It would be funny if it was someone from here who had launched that bid...I'm still not quite sure if I'm going to go through with an attempt at getting them. It will be fine until the boots arrive here, at that point there will be more aguments with mom for weeks :evil: but maybe its worth that!

    We shall see how things go!

    Just got emails back from the seller, the boots are made by Morbid Trends, they have no zips (which from the angle of the pics was impossible to tell) and they are 4" heels.

    I'm also interested to see what people think of the boots (thats why I posted it on this board rather than the men's one), please let me know!

  9. I was kidding, Chris, sort of a parody on how some people say, "why are you wearing women's shoes?" one answer of which might be, "why would you consider them woman's shoes? Just because they have heels? Men invented heels!" Another answer would be, "why do you say they're women's shoes? They're my shoes, and I'm not a woman."

    Classic responses, I'll ave to remember those for the next time someone gives me a hard time about my love for high heel boots!

    Nice win though!

  10. Sorry I missed a bit: As for a thread about computer problems, how about its own sub-message board? The Net is so finicky these days, some sites will work with this browser but not with another one etc. :roll: I can imagine the thread being over a dozen pages long in no time at all. Perhaps its own dedicated message board would work better? Easier to find out about certain topics that way.

  11. Dr1918 I thank you for your post, this is just as interesting to me as when it was found Sony was putting some nasty malicious software onto the music cd's it produces which copied itself onto peoples computers without their conscent. Very enlightening indeed! I actually have a photobucket account, but dont use it often, nor do I use photobucket if at all. In fact the last time I spent any time on it was when i was looking for costume ideas for a scifi convention me and some friends were hoping to try and organise in Ohio; which didnt make it off the drawing board sadly. I still use Windows but am wanting a second low-tech cheap PC to try out Linux (and possibly even older Unix for one of my own projects) for myself so I can reliably compare the two in my own way. Getting back on topic, I wouldnt be at all surpised if all the free upload sites like photobucket, myspace, MSNspace and youtube and Webshots didnt have similar nasties which read your computer history on them. Thanks for the warning though! :roll:

  12. You could get your friend to model them for you and take your own pics...

    She is a "friend" as in someone I can talk to about most things and someone I work with. Taking pictures of her in boots would be impossible as she hates skirts, so you wouldnt be able to see them! :roll: plus the fact she is camera shy. From my impression, she doesnt actually see what is so good about boots, other than she is pretty short-ish (about 5'2 maybe) and obviously the heels give her a bit of height.

  13. Stilletos can cause serious injury to other people too, that has happened to me. I got my foot stood on by a woman wearing a pair of high heel shoes. The bruise lasted a long time and it wasnt too much of a nice experience lol. Luckily she was lightly built!! :roll: But yeh it doesnt take a rocket scientist to imagine what kind of damage you can do if you lose your balance while in high heels :wink:

  14. I have a friend in Liverpool who is 5'10, she got herself a pair of Faith "Reeve" calf boots about 6months back. They have 4" stilleto heels and that'd make her over 6ft. Even if I get to meet her later this year, her height wouldnt bother me one bit. I thought that was the whole point of heels anyway, to make people look taller, legs longer etc. True 6" heels is maybe going a bit far (in my opinion) but they still look great, even on a tall woman.

  15. Today waas one of those rare days when something went right for a change!

    I was talking to a friend at work when she mentioned she had just bought herself a pair of boots from Faith and actually showed me them! I did my best not to fall out of my chair, drool or let my eyes pop out of my head! I have seen them on the Faith site before, but they have been removed now, making way for the new range.

    I believe these boots are the ones she has:


    Cost £89 new, apparently :roll: with a 3 3/4" stilleto heel.

    I think they look great myself, and would probably go for a pair on eBay if i could deal with the long toe design and the stilleto heel....

    Any comments on these boots? Maybe someone out there has a pair? I was hoping to find a larger pic of them (im sure they are zip-up too but that pic doesnt show it) but the entry on the Faith site has long since vanished. :wink: Any clues as to where I might grab a decent size pic of them from now?

    Thanks for any replies!

  16. I was told about an online store called Torrid.com by a friend of mine who now lives in San Diego since leaving England. She knows about my boot fetish and since we were talking about an amazing sighting I had today; I might find something similar there. Unfortunately I've tried www.torrid.com and http://torrid.com and neither seems to work. I just get a File 404 page not found error...

    She said she was using it at the same time and there was no problems at all. Does anyone else have the same trouble I'm having now?

    As for the sighting well......since it was 26C here with high humidity, the last thing you'd expect to see would be a goth woman in green stockings, dark denim mini skirt and a pair of pvc or patent leather pull up very high platform/wedge knee boots. The boots were a "double wedge", almost like a two-block effect, one on top of the other. I could have plucked up the courage to ask her where she got them from had I not been rushing for the bus to get out of town before the rush hour traffic began! I really regret that now! I am not looking for a pair of similar boots on eBay though i wont hold my breath finding a match, let alone a pair in my size. The closest likeness to the boots I can find are on Hot Topic; which I cant seem to access right now either :roll:

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