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Posts posted by balacau

  1. This is a good question which opens up a new can'o'worms everytime its asked, no matter what forum you see it on :oops: I've always found the sight of boots on a woman very attractive, because it shows off the shape of the leg. Yes, heel height is a factor too, as it makes the legs look longer for a start, plus the sound of a cunky heel going down our hollow-sounding office floor is quite something to hear :roll: I've asked myself this very same question alot over the years and even looked at what kinds of boots attract me the most. I dont think its anything to do with materials also I'm less impressed by suaede boots...metal heels make me drool though :wink: Fascinating replies!

  2. I should have thought of this when I had a pair of patent thigh boots about a year and a half ago, they were monstrous things anyway really but quite fun to look at! With a 2.5" platform and a 7.7" stilleto heel, I doubt I could ever have walked anywhere in those things (never mind up/down stairs or outside lol).

    They were very stiff and I couldn't move my legs in them, just as described above.

    Mind you, there are two styles of thigh boots that I have quite an eye for, these kind http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/pierresilber_1902_49051771 which as known as Vixen (also made by Pleaser, lace up front, with size zip and a 5" stilleto heel :roll: the other is made by many fetish-style online stores, called Thrill. http://www.pierresilber.com/thrill.html I have a friend from Arkansas who got herself a pair of those and said they were easy to walk in and quite comfy too, although she has the figure for those...

  3. At risk of hijacking the thread and turning it to something else! I have some female friends who never (or very rarely) wear skirts/dresses because they just don't feel comfy in them. Personally I think they are all very attractive but they don't seem to see it. Comfort factor is a big thing, especially with 2 of them. One won't even wear boots, which is interesting to me, but again, its a personal preference :sleeping:

  4. I would say a "step" in the right direction:)

    I was gonna say that! :roll:

    Yes indeed, I have to say I wouldn't have noticed them if no one had said anything before hand. I wonder if anyone in the media started a "is he gay" column and/or report? His lawyers would tear the press to pieces for such a remark and they know it, so I think not!

    I wouldn't even have noticed those if i walked past him in the street. But hey, good on him for doing it :wink:

  5. I spent a while reading through this thread, and can see some valid points on both sides of the wire. For my personal choice, I have decided that I am not going to add to my profile weather I'm male or female. People can ask me if they so choose, and for a few people who knew me from another forum, its well known anyway :roll: Its all down to personal opinions of course. I'm not on this board looking for someone to chat up, meet with & get married! But the wealth of information, ideas and advice in communities like these is boggling (at least it is to me!). Hopefully I will learn alot, make some friends and have a bit of a laugh. Its hard to find a group of such accepting people like what I see around here, and I'm glad I've finally found somewhere where I seem to fit in - well almost.

  6. Never be afriad of what you are and what you love.

    Indeed! Although me keeping my boots out of sight is a way of avoiding conflict and arguments really. It might sound like an excuse but it really isnt.

    Mind you if I had a pair of purple knee length boots like what I see on Jinx's display there, I don't think I would hide them at all!! Those are really amazing! Do you have any more pics of those ones Jinx or can give out any information on them?

    I used to have some pics of my boots but after the last hardware failure, I havent taken any since that point.

  7. Posted Image

    I like the boots off to the far right. Look like 4 1/2 to 5" chunky heels?

    Hrm, I can't find a drooling emoticon to use! :roll:

    I currently have 8 pairs of boots, all of which are knee highs, and most of which have a platform, with heels from 3 3/4" to 5.5". I don't have them in my closet because 1: it isn't big enough [platform boots take up alot of room!] and 2: they are kept in their boxes stored away out of sight as my family doesnt like the fact their son has a serious interest in high heeled boots.

    So a picture of 8 boxes wouldn't really be appropriate!

    PS: edited for spelling mistakes and my grammar sucks!

  8. Its a simple matter of a company that is diversifying from its original products to more than what it used to be known for, although the stigma of Playboy will probably stick to it like super glue for some time yet... Think about Coke, there was only the standard, and then diet. Now you get the rather nice cherry coke, lime coke and that nasty stuff that you could kill insects with called lemon coke :roll: Companies exist to make a profit, and from all the playboy "bunnies" I've seen in shop windows, it seems to be making quite a bit!!!

  9. http://www.bootluv-cbg.com/m_z/m/madonna/madonna07.html

    There don't seem to be many good pics out there of these fascinating looking boots, or of Madonna herself in them!

    I have always been partial to chunky heels rather than stilleto's and these boots look amazing but does anyone know who made them, or perhaps where they were bought? I have heard that Madonna has had custom boots made before, although cost would be no object in this case!

    Any info would be most appreciated!


  10. Hrm this will be a very interesting thread to keep an eye on! I have two friends in Ohio that are female, yet they own a collar, leash and choker. And, more as a joke than anything else, they "lead" each other shopping and stuff. When they found out I had a huge boot fetish, the very first thing they asked me was "have you ever worn them in public?" The simple fact is, I find british people in general (im not accusing anyone in particular) somewhat close minded. I hear alot about people being singled out because they are different. Me wearing boots in the city at night would be just as dangerous and putting my fingers into a wall socket after licking them! :roll: People here amaze me because they would rather turn their lives so they appear more "mainstream" I simply dont wear them outside in public for 2 reasons. 1: because its a private thing, if I find a partner who accepts me and my love of boots then its something to be enjoyed indoors (or even out driving around). 2: although I can cope with 4 1/2" heels, I cannot wear heels for very long just yet. As of late I have not had the time alone so I can ease me feet into heels. I walk alot during the working day and I cannt afford to hurt my feet/ankles etc. So basically that is how I see it. Society here is just not accepting enough...broadly speaking anyway.

  11. Uhm erm well....better late than never :roll: Welcome to the list :wink: Btw I'm a UK size 7 (7 1/2 if I went for stilletos though). I didn't know the Australians had their own size range. UK7 is a Euro size 41.

  12. Wow I sure missed some good news :o Well, congratulations! It must have taken some courage on your part to be wearing them when she came in and not freak out as I probably would... It should make life easier for the both of you. Well done :cry: I don't think I can try that idea, mom's stressed enough with the repairs on the house and is under alot of pressure from my sister who wants her baby-sitting all the time :D so I think maybe letting the dust settle before stirring it up again in my case might be worth a try. But she knows I have boots and if she throws them away I have said I'll just get more so I think at least I'm safe from them vanishing into some bin bags...

  13. An unusual thing happened at work today (although I didnt see it). Apparently according to one of the women in the office, she saw a man in womens clothes and high heel shoes walking around site.... She immediately leapt at the idea that the guy was a trans-sexual and I felt like throwing something at her (even though I was admiring his courage silently!). I'm always amazed at how people make assumptions based on so few facts, and then get moody when they couldn't be further from the truth; although to show people just how far from the truth they are is always fun :D I now have all my boots stashed away in various furniture of mine which is stowed in the garade during the replacing of the windows. In fact, and call me sad for doing this, I rehearsed the whole thing about a year ago when I realised that there might be an occasion when my room would have to be emptied for such a thing......seems that was time well spent! Well, I counted all of the people who know me personally and know about my boots, and mom is the 13th person! I'm wondering if pointing out that shes the only one who has a problem with it will do any good... Oh well, its just an idea lol.

  14. I have to agree with forgetting about the rat (or mouse) traps....although for a while I must admit I found it an entertaining idea :cry: From the arguments I had with my mom about this very topic, I found out that she was more scared of someone finding the boots (I have no skirts, etc) than she was of the fact I was wearing heeled boots. I found this strange at first but I think its more along the lines of the embarrassment she would feel when awkward questions started to fly. Interestingly enough, only a few weeks back, my uncle informed me that one of his friends has a wife; who returning home from work early one day found her husand wearing a pair of 7" stilleto heel, bright orange :D shoes. Did they argue or throw stuff at each other? No, she just got the camera, took a pic and they had a laugh about it. Its a "private" joke with them and not much more. I actually talked to him and the topic came up, he thinks its fun to wear them....I envy his sense of balance. Anyway, I guess confronting the parent responsible for removing what is legally YOUR property from your room is the only way to make sure it doesnt happen again. Mom just thinks its a "phase" and I'll get over it. I asked her directly yesterday what a fetish was and she has no idea. Can't be easy for her but I wouldn't tolerate her invading my privacy either.

  15. I have to say I found this a very interesting read.

    Myself, I'm not much of a pointy toe fan, although there is pointy and pointy. Since I'm more acquainted with boots than shoes, I have to give an example where pointy looks ok. About a month ago, before Faith changed their site, they had a style of boot on display called Reeve. Its a zip-up calf length leather boot with a pointy toe and a 4" stilleto heel. There was a knee length boot that Schuh used to have on its site about 1 1/2 years ago with a 3 3/4 inch stilleto heel, pointed toe, and pink & purple stripes.

    These are average pointy toed boots which I find attractive. There are some boots however with very thin points that I cringe at, but as already stated.....personal preference.

    My personal favourite as far as style goes would be a thin to medium platform, rounded toe with a semi-chunky heel up to 4". Even those wood effect heels are pretty nice I think.

  16. balacau, I just won a pair of Knee high Docs on ebay yesterday. I was quite pleased to see them for a Buy It Now of $25 US WHAT A STEAL!!!!! They have been worn but there are no scuffs or scratches on them, I couldn't believe my luck. My mom doesn't think men wear knee high boots. As she expressed when she saw my Silver Climber boots. But these Docs I just won are men's so there's little she can say about them. They may not have a heel, but I still can't wait to get them! :o:D:D

    No kidding! I've been watching eBay for ages and never seen any that were in decent condition! Nice ankle boot avatar btw, can you tell me what make they are? :cry:

    Keeping on topic, I have everything goes well and your mom seeing you in heels will lead you both to talk things through. My mom thinks nothing of going through my stuff, or at least she did until i let myself get "caught" going throug her paperwork. Its been an uneasy "truce" since then. Shes seen the boxes with boots in, but not the boots themselves. I wouldnt wear them in her presence, I guess she'll never understand it at all.

    But good on you for not cowering away like me! :D

  17. Oddly enough I don't really consider it a fashion, more like relaxation? Or so thats how I think of it...maybe it sounds weird I'm not sure how else to explain it. Having the house to myself and watching Stargate Atlantis in 5" heeled boots under my jeans was pure bliss :D

  18. I had a similar experence while I was away at college. My mom found several pairs of women shoes in my room while cleaning up. She acted liked she wanted to ask me something the night when I was on my home, but one of her friend said she should wait. When I came home, I noticed they were gone. So next morning she asked me about what she found. She asked was I gay and then why I liked to wear them.

    Ditto for similar experiences.

    I think I posted the start of my "life story" somewhere else on the board so I'll conserve bandwidth and pick up on the latest developments :o

    In 2 weeks time, we're getting new double glazed windows in the front of the house (which includes my bedroom). I had 5 pairs of various styles of boots stashed away in the alcoves under my bed but these had to be moved in order to make the bed light enough to move out of the room when the work eventually starts. So I took them into the garage (in the boxes they came in, wrapped them in palastic bags and put them under a garden bench we have (bring it in in garage during winter). They were hidden quite well under a tarp/plastic cover until last week she found the boxes and knew what was inside.

    "What is in those boxes in the garage under the seat?" I got one afternoon when I got back from work. This time at least we didn't argue, at least until I got the "I want you to get rid of them before someone else sees them". I replied as calmly as possible that I had no intention of doing so, that I had bought them (off eBay) with my own cash, and they were mine. I also added they would be stored away securely once the work with the windows was done.

    In short, we didn't argue which is a big improvement, and although I sold one pair in a local shop which takes in 2nd hand goods (just because they dont fit me anymore), I still have 4-5 pairs left.

    In my limited experience, if the parent tries to get you to get rid of them simply by arguing, they are just not interested in listening; only in getting their own way. Maybe I'm wrong I really can't say it would work for everyone, but if you bought them, they are yours!

    I was actually considering getting a pair of 20-hole Dr Martens for last christmas's visit to Canada as they are knee high :cry: That would have been almost fun to wind her up but I didn't :D

    Oh yeh, I also go the "are you gay?" "do you wear womens clothes too?" kind of thing. The answer to both is a no, I just love boots with heels.

  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BNWOB-BLACK-SELECT-BOOTS-SILVER-HEEL-SIZE-4-VERY-SEXY_W0QQitemZ7762273947QQcategoryZ53557QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    Personally I think these are very nice :D probably because one of the supervisors I worked with had a pair and wasn't shy about showing them off either!

    I've tried searching on Google for a shop/store called Select but without success. Does anyone have the home page to this chain?

    Oh yeah and feel free to comment about the boots :cry: I like to know peoples opinions & feedback.


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