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Posts posted by Hansi1973

  1. Steve´s idea is basically okay. But I would not contact someone, who is just looking around the shelves. Maybe he has really a girlfriend, mother, neighbour whatever who is sick and can not purchase some shoes for the big event next weekend or whatever. Or he made a silly bet and is already worried about the shoes he must wear, if he looses. ... Or would you like to be asked for some personal desires/ ideas by someone, you never met before? The person you ask might get a red head, feel ashamed, blamed, ... maybe this will force him to stop shopping for heels in public or even wearing them. And this is not helpful either.

  2. Even though I do not like baggy pants hip hop style; this guy was somehow fully dressed instead of this lunatic in garters, bikini and heels.

    In most "civilized" cultures, undergarments are not treat as normal clothes.

    And I guess, if he had shown up, just wearing boxer shorts and a tank shirt, tennis socks and bathing shoes - they would definetely asked him, to dress completely or he would be rejected from this flight.

    I believe there's a line to cross-dressing that we, as men, shouldn't cross. What the guy was wearing was a little too far. I'm not saying he should stop

    I do not (fully) agree with you. If he had worn a skirt and a blouse/ shirt - it would be "cross dressed", but DRESSED!

  3. Nice look Hansi.The heels are really not that bad for irritated looks :)

    You should have seen the faces of my ex-colleagues, when I showed up on a party last year, one of them made to his birthday.

    Especially because I am known for my still military style of walking (what some of the them call "goose step") when I am wearing shoes dedicated to men. So it was really incomprehensible for them, to see me for the first time in heels. They were all surprised, started laughing, but they really knew me, so noone came to the idea or question "are you gay?". At the end they just looked at me with a little smile.

    Let´s see, when we will meet this year for bbq what kind of heels I will wear then!

  4. Google should know better. Absätze = Heels (not paragraphs - silly Google)

    There are more meanings of "Absatz":

    1. paragraph of a text/ document/ law

    2. heel of shoes

    3. Sales (sold quantity) / to market something

    4. stair/ Treppen-Absatz = resting place

    5. wall/ Mauer-Absatz or cornice/ molding (where "Gesims" is the better expression)

    6. mantlepiece/ Kaminsims/ -Absatz


    I think you can say in general: if there is a break/ cut or something is added (on top) or put aside, then "Absatz" might be the correct expression.

    On the other side, if I google for "heels" I often get results like "North Carolina Tar Heels" or "Achilles heel" (=tendon). Or results and comments on Marianne Faithfull´s new album.


  5. Yes - the online translations are somehow funny. Like manuals for cheap electronic products.

    Okay, these heels are indeed not that special. But if men wear shoes with more the 1" (2,5cm) is suspiscous. Regard all the articles concerning the height and heels of the French president Nicholas Sarkozy or Tom Cruise.

    Every time, they show up in 1,5-2" heels - the yellow press is full of savaging articles.

    "Is he not man enough? Does he have to betray of his height? ... blablabla..."

    But I am not doing it for the height or for erotic purposes - just because I like those shoes. Maybe next time I wear classic pumps. Let´s see.

    But what I want to show is that there should be no concern or let´s say: not that big concern, wearing heels in public.

    You know, each time, wearing them in public makes me stronger, gives me more selfconscience. And this is something I want to share with other men who hesitate, to do it.

    If you don´t live in a small village or in an very restrictive, conservative area - just go out! Drive some miles to the next, bigger city where nobody knows you and than go ahead!

    I am already doing it in the city, I am living. Mainz is not really big (pouplation: ~200,000 people). I do not care if somebody sees me, who knows me. Even if my boss would see me. During my "time off" I can do what I want - if it is not against the law, offend against common decency. etc.

    Here is a link to the heels with more details:


  6. Today I chose the lace-up pumps with a comfortable, wide 10cm (4") heel:

    Posted Image

    This pic was shot at the spring on the market place, closed to the cathedral.

    Becaus of the regional holiday ("Fronleichnam" = Corpus Christi), and the good weeather, there was good traffic of people walking by, strolling through the city.

    Some irritated views, but no comments.


  7. @miltboot: You should see her feet and you would not write that euphoric. :-( There are lots of beautiful women annouced, I would really like to share the weekend (with or without heels), but these are not MY icons/ role models. As a man - wearing heels too - I think people like Prince, Lux Interior, some Metal Bands in the 80s, Rufus Wainwright, and so on are more icons for my point of view. Or remember "Brad Majors" alias Barry Boswtwick during the floor show. ... So - there are lots of hot girls in high heels, I really adore and would like to.... but my personal heroes are the male stars in heels.

  8. I must have been 3 years old, when my mom gathered some other ladies at home and I picked up one heel from my godmother. And I resisted and did not want to give it back. Later, when I was about 10/11, I was rummagin/rubbernecking (?) in my moms wardrobe and tried my first pair of heels. From this moment on I was definetely trapped. And I don not regret. :)

  9. I'm anxiously awaiting for my G/F to get home so we can wear these together! I'm a size 41 and she's a 37. I was amazed at how tiny they look next to mine! WOW!



    They look great! :)

    I checked some offers for shoes of "1969" (i.e. ebay) and... I have to admit - it is out of my price range. But I am not really sure (and hope to cool down) they would not fit in 41 anyway.

    Like you wrote - you live in UAE - United Arab Emirates?

    Can you go out, walk in heels, without getting verbally harrassed or wihtout gettin gin conflict with the law/ police?

    Or do you only wear them at home?

  10. Yesterday I was strolling through one of my favorite outlets and while I was trying on somes heels, the saleslady who knows me came around and whispered "better come again - we will reduce some heels this week - but psssst...! I did not tell you anything" :) This saleslady is great! If I was not married, I would ask her to go out. The first time she was a little bit unsure, how to react. But when she noticed, that I was used to and open minded, the ice was broken. The last time she offered me even hand bags too! So if she sees me in the store she asks only - "I am sure, you can help yourself - as ALWAYS!?" :)

  11. I "can bring heels if I wish" [...]

    So of course I'm going to take some heels; I think the 5,3/4" black patent stilettos, 4,1/2" black satin straps and even possibly the ballet heels to really blow their minds!

    Sounds like it is going to be an interesting gathering for all of you!

    I know, it is very helpful, to have understanding and supportive friends!

    (sometimes you have to remind them, if they are marching through the city, while you have to run in your heels :) )

  12. @keels: Congratulations! And? As you found out- it is not that bad. Fro wlaking in heels - supermarkets are excellent! 1. they have good floors, you can walk easily on them 2. you can use the trolley/ cart as a "Rollator" (Walker/ Zimmer frame) :) Even for starters supermarkets are recommended. But also, if you wnat to upgrade/ traying higher heels - it is perfect (see pt. 1+2). Or new heels that require a different walking style (i.e. platform shoes; wooden sandals).

  13. So true but I choose an outfit that goes with the yellow shoe

    Me too. :)

    I often buy shoes, because I like the style.

    Hours, days, weeks, months... later I realize - that I do not have to wear anything matching.

    But some blue jeans will look fine (and should be in everybody´s wardrobe)!

  14. The other not-so-friendly reactions are not really worth to repeat. Often from people with a limited intelligence. Or especially from those "ladies", that are too fat, too stupid and/ or too lazy to wear heels (instead of worn out ballerinas, sneakers and gym shoes).

  15. Be careful what you wish for.

    You are right. In the end I do not want big attention or be known as the "strange guy on high heels" in this city.

    Honestly, this should be the maximum reaction: taking notice, be astonished, do look again to convince yourself, asking yourseld 'why is he doing this?`and that´s it.

    Isn´t it, what most of us want? To be seen and recognized for wearing unsual "men´s shoes", but not be cheated, offended, or even victim of violence.

    But on the other hand, do we not sometimes hope, to receive some feedback? Like the actor on the stage. :)

    Last year I had a funny feedback: it was summer, I had to purchase some stuff in the supermarket and I went there by car and put on some heels under a long pair of jeans: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=dm_1171745q7zw.jpg

    At the entrance I passed a young lady (beg/mid 20s), sitting on a bench. If she was not blind, she must have seen, that I wore heels. But she did not say anything when I passed her. So I went in, collected all the stuff, paid and went out.

    Behind me another guy was pushing his shopping cart. A "rocker": mid 50, long haired, with leather clothes, piercings and tattoos.

    At the entrance, I passed that lady again. And behind me I heared her shocked! "This guy is wearing high heels!"

    The rocker answered - totally cool: "Who cares? He can walk in them and it does look great!" and left her alone.

    I was innerly bursting for laughing! That massaged my ego a lot!


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