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Everything posted by at9

  1. Depends on your particular choice of deity. In a mosque it is customary for men to cover their heads and more or less compulsory for women. In a synagogue head coverings are compulsory for men and often customary for women. I have no idea about other religions. I think there is some variation in custom between different christian sects.
  2. As far as I remember, Duo's only proper store was in Bath. Others were small fitting rooms that didn't carry much stock.
  3. Their UK to EU sizing is suspect. They say EU43=UK10 whereas the usual conversion is UK9. I've had a pair of Duo boots for number of years. About 2.75" heel. At the time their biggest size was UK8 so they're bit small on my UK9 feet but OK with very thin socks. Nicely made, good leather. Duo used to have a lovely shop in Bath. My wife bought a pair of flat boots from there a few years ago. Again they are nice. Duo went though some kind of reconstruction a few years ago. Possibly a liquidation and buyout. They then became online only.
  4. I've had to change a lightbulb that was high up above the middle of a double bed. The room was a bit small and crowded so moving the bed wasn't really an option. Standing on a chair standing on a bed is precarious! Heels of any kind wouldn't have helped. I'll avoid some of the "How many xxxx does it take to change a lightbulb?" jokes. Some are racially unacceptable. For much of the world except the UK there's the double entendre: "How many xxxx does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" And for seasonality: If you have old fashioned fairy lights (before LEDs) they were wired in series so the union boss says: "one out, all out!"
  5. I was there December 2016/January 2017
  6. We went to many places but I don't think we went to Prion Island. Nor Bird Island.
  7. We were told it's rare enough to even see Elephant Island as it's often foggy. Landing on Shackleton's beach is strictly forbidden for tourists. We may have been the first ever tourist party to visit the beach we landed on. The huge colony of king penguins was indeed on Salisbury Plain.
  8. I've been to South Georgia (and the tip of the Antarctic peninsula) but, unlike Shyheels, only as a tourist. Truly incredible places. One special memory on South Georgia was seeing a colony of king penguins. Said to be over half a million individuals, adults and furry brown chicks. Penguins further than the eye could see. We also landed on Elephant Island which is very rare for a tourist trip. That was on the opposite side to where Shackleton made camp. We came close to the site of Shackleton's camp, and also the monument, while in a zodiac.
  9. There are stories of people climbing Helvellyn (a famous mountain in the English Lake District) in stilettos for a dare. I've no idea if there's any truth in this.
  10. In central London yesterday evening. Saw lots of heels, from the usual 2.5" boots to 4" stilettos. All on women, mostly being worn well, walking confidently.
  11. I was in Margate the other day. In a supermarket I saw a very tall guy wearing pink high heel ankle boots and a short skirt. I'm pretty sure he was presenting as a guy, not trying to pass as a TV. People hardly seemed to notice.
  12. I was in the City of London (the central business district,also known as "the square mile" for those unfamiliar with the greatest city on earth) today. It's usually pretty dead on a Sunday. I saw two ancient ceremonies that are probably of Victorian origin. One was driving sheep across Southwark Bridge, the other was a gathering of pearly kings and queens by the Guildhall. Anyone not of these sceptred isles will think us mad but we really don't mind. https://sheepdrive.london/ https://londonist.com/london/things-to-do/pearly-kings-and-queens-harvest-festival None of the sheep were wearing heels! There were plenty of 2" to 2.5" block heel ankle and knee boots to be seen. A few women at the pearly festival were wearing nice 3" stilettos. one pair of OTK brown suede boots, about 2" heel.
  13. Two nice sightings in London yesterday. Late afternoon at a tube station near me in outer London (Zone 4) a woman wearing 3" stiletto pumps. Absolutely at ease in them, walked down the stairs without holding the handrail. Then on the train, a smartly dressed couple, perhaps about 50. She was wearing black suede boots, just on the knee rather than over. About 2" block heel. They might have been going to the theatre as they got off at Leicester Square.
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