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Posts posted by terayon

  1. ya, i understand what u mean highluc i bet in a few years your daughter will be a lot happier, once she hits high school, tall skinny and blonde is what a lot of the guys want, and i bet she can laugh at the losers who made fun of her before... kids are mean pricks...

  2. speaking from a teenagers point of view, thats a very mean and insensitive point of view to be taking about your daughters emotions dr shoe.....you probably have NO idea how cruel kids can be, you might not even know the crap your daughter could be going through if she doesnt want to tell you everything....kids can be horrifically cruel, and although you may have a point (if it wasnt your heels, it could be something else), it doesnt change the fact that shes getting made fun of in the first place.....do her friends make fun of her for the way you dress?

  3. dark blue jeans very dark blue (bluer than the jeans) burton snowboards t-shirt burton Access jacket (navy/orange) black hat Black Osiris D-3 shoes (skateboarding shoes) & Lower East Side black knee high platform boots with 4.5in heel and 3/4inch platform

  4. you dont have a credit card laurie? credit cards are only bad if the person who uses them is a moron who thinks whatever their limit is, is whatever they can spend and not have to worry about....credit cards are pretty handy alternative to cash just as long as you dont go stupid since im only 16, i canty legally have a credit card yet, but what you might wanna do is get a visa cash card....its basically just a visa card that, instead of going to your line of credit, goes to your actual bank balace....so you cant go over the limit like you can with a credit line, when your out of money it just stops working....like a debit card but it works with credit card machines and online orders...very handy to have

  5. you know, since it was just the Sept 11 1 yr aniversary a few days ago, ive been thinking about it...and i now realise something....alright, it sure sucks that 3000+/- people died by terrorism on that fatefull day....but how is that *ANY* different than when america killed over 300,000 *innocent* civlians when they dropped the atomic bombs on the civilian cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in world war II....sure, some people may say "but that was during wartime", well, osama had declared war on the US years before the attacks.....just something to ponder....is US any better than the terrorists that killed people on Sept 11?....some might argue that they are also terrorists, hiroshima/nagasaki is one...of a long, long list of events when america has flat out murdered innocent civilians......what are you guys opinions on this? just a thought, not meant to offend anyone btw..... -ter

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