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Posts posted by NewfieGuyInHeels

  1. Just got these yesterday from a girl off my local classifieds. Don't know the name on them but they're from Aldo and I only paid $10!!! They're way, way, WAY out of my usual comfort zone of blk/brn/grey boots. But I fine lately I just really want to go for it an have more fun with fashion. So I'll be drawing inspiration from my hero Eddie Izzard, be sure to keep an eye on the "fashion Freestyle pics" thread in the guys section for an outfit including these!

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  2. I buy mostly women's jeans. Being shorter it's easier to get them to fit me. Most men's are 32 or 34 inseam and I'm only 30. But I do have some bootcut and flares for going over heels. Lately tho I've taken a liking to showing off my heels so I opt for ankle cut straight or skinny.

  3. Exactly. And my friends (who are more than fine with my heel wearing, it's not even an issue) who tell me it's weird that I can wear boots no problem, but have trouble with shoes. They say, in their perspective I'm already doing something out of the norm, boots or shoes, it doesn't make a difference to someone on the outside looking in. To put it another way ppl aren't "more shocked" I'm wearing high heel SHOES as oppose to high heels BOOTS.

  4. No I'm sure it won't be 10 years. Mainly I'm struggling to find decent outfits. I've been saying I want to look like "a guy who wears heels" and not "a guy wearing heels." If you guys get my meaning. I dunno why I'm struggling to make shoes work, where boots just seem to come so natural. It's probably just all in my head, I just need to get over it.

  5. When it comes to boots, I can wear any shape heel, and any shape toe with 110% confidence. However! With shoes I'm a lot more self conscious. I want to get into wearing pumps more for the warmer weather, but my mind goes back to that uneasy self conscious state that I had 10 years ago when I first started with boots in public. I really want to get past that and anyone with any thoughts, tips, experiences, Please feel free to message me. Like knee highs said. I'd love to hear the good stuff, even constructive comments, but with boots or shoes, ppls looks, laughs, an negative comments don't phase me at all!

  6. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Those jeans look amazing on you! And I love the boots. I too have just discovered jeggings, I'm getting use to the tight fit of them, and I miss my front pockets, but I plan on wearing them a lot more often as they are an easy choice for tucking into boots.

    Just one pic, the first time I wore them last week, me and the wife were out shopping and I was checking myself in the mirror while she was in the changeroom.

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  7. Thanks again everyone for all the awesome compliments!!! :D I was just saying to a friend yesterday that I finally feel that it's my fashion, and not just something that sticks out about me, like it finally feels like I've made it my own.

    Newfie: I like those new boots of yours but those in your avatar are even better! The appear to be a very good compromise between neat elegance and male-wear acceptability. Can you tell us more about them please, e.g. toe shape and heel height - some pics would be good! (I wish I could find something like those in the UK, size UK11/Eu45, but I have little hope of that.)

    I always thought that too, that they are everything a man's heel should be. I bought them like a few years ago on ebay, I don't know the actual model but they're made by Tommy Hilfiger. Normally I would never wear his stuff but these boots were too amazing pass up! If memory serves I think I paid around $30 (cdn) for them, but deff under $50. They are real leather, the soles are rubber, and the buckle strap things weren't attached except for going through a loop in the back and were a nuisance when it came to taking them off and on so I just left them off. I'll let the pics do the rest of the talking...

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    How does your wife like them? Did you also get a pair for her?

    My wife is 110% supportive! She knew about my heeling before we started dating so it's never been an issue in our relationship. These particular boots aren't quite her taste but I make sure she never does without any pairs that catches her eye lol.
  8. Thanks Jeff, Shafter, and lime! I actually have a pair of Brash Cosmics from Payless, black suede platform stiletto courts. I walk really well in them (or as I'm told by our friends). So it's not that skills are a problem with pumps. It's just a mental thing with pumps, I feel perfectly comfortable wearing any boots from a platform wedge, to a pointed toe stiletto. But then when faced with the idea of wearing a shoe that shows the top of my foot and I go right back to being nervous like when I started wearing heels. Seems silly, but I'm sure I'll overcome it.

    And just to stay on topic, here's a pic of the above mentioned shoes

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  9. I like most ppl have just started wearing my heeled boots with slim/straight jeans. They're hemmed just to the top of the heel so the whole foot/heel of my boots are on display. And I've been wearing my knee/thigh high flat boots over jeans for a couple years. So I guess for me I want to try pumps. Nothing open toe, I'm not big on open toe heels, just a preference, but for some reason going from a boot to a pump is a big hurtle for me. I just ordered http://www.callitspring.com/ca-eng/clearance/womens-shoes/heels/91569787-VAQUERANO/96 and plan on wearing them with bootleg jeans, a dress shirt (prolly red) and a black vest. As a side note I now regularly paint my nails and I'm gaining an interest in makeup.

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