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Posts posted by NewfieGuyInHeels

  1. Not at all, everyone has they're own opinion. Yeah the sweater has stretched out a bit. But some reason i can never buy shirts in that material small enough to fit. However I challenge anyone to come up with a better color combo than black and red lol!

  2. Acually I have a black utilikilt. And I've been thinking of pairing it with a pair of over the knee flat boots I have. I don't think it would actually go with heels, but my gf love the idea of my flat boots with the kilt and a nice sweater for a great winter look. When I get the motivation I'll do a pic for you guys.

  3. I've been silent on the whole acceptance thing for a long time now, but now I feel I need to speak my mind. WHO CARES!!!!!! Geez guys just go out and wear them! If yer gonna wait for 100% acceptance it aint gonna happen but I PROMISE you the general population don't give a crap what's on your feet. I've been wearing my heeled boots for 4 years now, and yes I've gotten some looks but do you know who else has gotten looks.....? Those teenagers with the green hair, the really fat ppl wearing clothes 2 sizes too small, Grandpa's with thier pant waist up to their nipples. Those are just some examples of other ppl who have gote looks for their fashion. Are they gonna stop cause someone looked sidewys at them..... NO! SOME ppl are gonna look for anything to make fun of just cause they have nothing else to look forward to when they wake up. If someone looks at you sideways look at them just as hard back, and if yer with someone, whisper something and point. Me and my gf have dont that an it totally turns the tables around, hilarious results. So join in, have fun, be free. trust me, if you live your life worried all the time someday you'll look back and wonder why you wasted all that time hiding. Sorry for the rant, but that's my outlook on acceptance. Happy heeling!

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  4. I never actually Purged of my own free will. back in may of 05...... the memories. I was brazen and decided one night I was gonna go out with my friends and I wore a pair of stiletto boots I had bought. Well my mom saw me leaving through the living room window, and saw my heels. In a nut shell the following week, my parents gave me the ultimatum to get rid of my boots or get out. I wasn't well off enough to move out, and I didn't want to try and call their bluff cause they were madder than I had ever seen them, so I just gave them the 3 or 4 pairs of heels that I had at the time, and let it go. I felt humiliated and demoralized, like a part of me was just ripped from my body. But I just let it go. A few months after talking with friends they assured me that what I was doing wasn't wrong, and it was my parents who were in the worng. So since then I have rebuilt a collection of about 20 different boots, that grows and shrinks depending if I'm buying or giving away what I don't wear anymore. And I have since met my loving gf who supports and enjoys my quirky sence of fashion........ Sorry if this is a little off the topic of your question. A Little more on track, there were times I though of giving it up, but it brings me so much joy. Ppl really can't help what they find interesting, and they shouldn't be condemmed for it, UNLESS it brings harm onto others. Then finding this place I realized I'm not alone, and acceptance in myself has produced acceptance by others. My enjoying the outfits I wear have gotten ppl to say that tho it's different, it's still a great look. So as you build a new collection, never think you're alone, and turn to this site if you need a virtual shoulder to lean on. The site, and the avid posters that make it up have helped me countless time. I hope you find what you need here. And feel free to write me if you have any questions, and I'm sure others here will offer the same. Happy Heeling.

  5. Thanks Guys! And Yes Dawn, she loves my taste in fashion, and helps refine it incase my mind starts to wander lol. Her opinion in my fashion is the only one I truely value, I like hearing others input, but I take it at face value. I like checking with her cause the last thing I want is for my outfits to embarrass her. But luckily I haven't crossed that line. It's a far one, but not one I plan on going near. She knew about my heels before we actually hooked up, so there's never any doubt that that's she's "just tolerating it" On this note I'd like to throw it out to all the guys. BE YOURSELF!!!!! When meeting women, men, whoever, whenever. If the topic comes up, don't back down. I know there's good reasons for hiding it from family. I tried to do it around my parents once and it was disasterous. But for making friends or future partners, just rock it! It'll be better in the long run.

  6. Back again with some new boots. Might be sad to some, but they don't really have heels. I was out visiting my gf over the Halloween weekend and did some shopping I really shouldn't have.

    First off I ordered a pair of boots from aldo (cause they didn't have them in stock) and they are mens. *GASP* Now they don't reeeeeaaly look like women's, but they're kinda out there as far as mens boots go. This is where I'd discribe them, but I'd just show you a pic anyway, here they are on the site.


    and then in an outfit I thre together, shirt and skinny jeans from Bluenotes


    then going down the mall we went into Sirens where I got another pair of boots. Knee black flat boots with a buckle at the top and across the foot. I LOVE them paired with a Jacket I later got at Le Chateau and again the skinnies. 2 Poses for your veiwing pleasure.



    Then at wal-mart I got...... and I know ALOT of you are gonna hate me for this...... I picked up a pair of What I've come to call "NUGGS" Or Knock off uggs if you will. I'm sorry, the style has grown on me, they're comfy and warm, and they go great with my Black Suede jacket and (again) skinnies..... seen here!


    So fast forward a week to this evening. I went up to the mall to get a vest, I bought a while ago, altered, and to see the girls at my fave shoe store, Spring, and show them my Aldo boots (Spring is owned by the same company that owns aldo, just aldo is priceier). They LOVED them, they also lover the outfit I was wearing, the one with the pleather jacket and knee boots. And while I was up there I past by Suzy Sher, and they had a table out front with these awesome looking riding boots for $45 (cdn). Of course I had to try them on, in which I found they had a zipper going up the back. The bonus was not only did they fit my calves, but they fir OVER my jeans, tight, but they did up and they get easier each time I try. I'm wearing them now just to try and get the material to stretch a bit. They had them in black, but I opted for the other color, exhibit F!

    No outfit put together for them yet.


    If you got down this far I hope you enjoyed the read and pics. I won't apologize for the length cause if you didn't want to read it all, you wouldn't have, HAHA! As always comments and opinions are appreciated, Happy (low) heeling!

  7. As mentioned in the "Who has bought some new shoes" thread, I have some new Grey ankle boots with an almond toe, tapered black heel, and an outside silver zipper ($35). Also when I got them, I picked up a purple (oh so soft) sweater from mens wear ($12) , and a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans from women's wear ($18 ) $65 for a head to toe outfit (excluding unmentionables) seems awesome to me. Especially considdering most of us have paid way more than that for one pair of shoe/boots lol. There's 2 pics below, one has a peacoat I got from Bluenotes last year which I think rounds out a well put together new outfit for the fall season. Deffinately then next thing I wear out to dinner with my amazing gf when she comes into town for the upcomming Thanksgiving (Canadian) weekend.



  8. Just picked up a new pair of boots. These boots came in 2 colors, and inspired by trends I've seen lately, I optted NOT to go for black. For those who know me, all my high heel boots have been back, as I find it's not too outlandish and goes with anything. But I went with grey as I've seen alot of it this season and I'm really likeing the look. I've already worked it into a new outfit that you can go check out (if you wish) in the "Share your best Freestyle Fashion pictures here" thread.


  9. I was out of town the weekend visiting m gf who's going to school. We went to th mall, as you do, and we went in this one store called Sirens (think pricey club clothes but cheap shoes on clip hangers). Well the shoes maybe cheap but I ended up finding these boots, that stretch, go over the knee, but are flat. Whcih is just something I was looking for.... actually I just wante knee high, but for $40 I'll take them!


  10. Well i can't speak for all women. But I know I have a very special one, who I am deeply in love with. She loves me in heels, and gives me her honest opinion if I'm making something work or not. And as long as she likes me in heels, I couldn't care what the other ladies think!

  11. At least someone is catching on! I've seen tons of pics of men wearing heels with mens jeans, and sorry to tell ya guys, it looks horrible (my opinion anyway) If yer gonna wear heels, might as well better compliment them with women's jeans. Belive me, i own more women's jeans than men. They look, and fit better, you'll be amazed!

  12. I'm going away for the weekend to visit my gf who's away for school. In light of this thread I think I'm gonna try wearing a pair of my pointed toe stiletto boots over skinny jeans. I've done it around the house but never in public, and I have alot of nice boots I would like to start showing off, so maybe this will get me over that hump.

    Here's a link to me wearing them over jeans, I may go with a black blazer and a funky T shirt instead of the sweater and scarf in the pic.


  13. Okay, so before the summer season I got myself a black Original style Utili-kilt. I love it, I wore it more the summer than I did shorts or pants, tho I never considdered actually wearing a woman's skirt. But I've been looking it up, doing a bit of light reserch and I've been finding tons of sites where ppl are commenting that it makes more sence for a man to wear a skirt than a woman, just based of anatomy alone. And the only real time pants are useful to a guy is when riding a horse or bike (motor or otherwise). So just yesterday I picked up a knee stretch denim skirt for my gf for her b-day in a couple weeks. It turned out to be the wrong one, but me being me, I had to try it on. And I think I like the look of it. I won't discribe it cause I'm including pics. My gf seems totally cool with the idea of me wearing skirts full time. So i may actually look for denim skirts along the line as the one in the pics below. I don;'t think I'll be keeping this one as I like my jeans, skirts, shorts, whatever to have front pockets, which this one doesn't. Hope to hear your thoughts!



  14. Okay, so before the summer season I got myself a black Original style Utili-kilt. I love it, I wore it more the summer than I did shorts or pants, tho I never considdered actually wearing a woman's skirt. But I've been looking it up, doing a bit of light reserch and I've been finding tons of sites where ppl are commenting that it makes more sence for a man to wear a skirt than a woman, just based of anatomy alone. And the only real time pants are useful to a guy is when riding a horse or bike (motor or otherwise). So just yesterday I picked up a knee stretch denim skirt for my gf for her b-day in a couple weeks. It turned out to be the wrong one, but me being me, I had to try it on. And I think I like the look of it. I won't discribe it cause I'm including pics. My gf seems totally cool with the idea of me wearing skirts full time. So i may actually look for denim skirts along the line as the one in the pics below. I don;'t think I'll be keeping this one as I like my jeans, skirts, shorts, whatever to have front pockets, which this one doesn't. Hope to hear your thoughts!



  15. I just recently recieved my knee high 4 inch wedge boots by Torrid that I ordered off ebay. They're alright tho I find them loose in the legs, which is odd cause I usually never find boots loose, but they are made to cater to the larger calfs. Anyway, here's a pic of the boot and a couple of me with them over skinny jeans. sorry for the quality, I took them quickly with my webcam. If anyone would like to message me some good outfit ideas, maybe I'll post a better outfit pic in the Freestyle fashion thread. I would like to wear them out over jeans, tho i fear I haven't quite summed up the courage yet, anyway, here's the pics.




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