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Posts posted by lorriette

  1. I once fell about 1/2 way down the stairs at home. All I suffered were bruises and scratches. The stairs were polished hardwood open-flight, but the house was terraced and our neighbor heard the fall. As I was cross-dressed at the time, I told her I had dropped a box down the stairs, this said from the up-stairs window. The brown knee boots were undamaged, and I still have them, 30 years latter.

  2. be pleased with what you have. You may find she'll become more involved of her own accord, or even, distance herself from your activity. Start pushing, and I'm sure your relationship will suffer. I think others have had the same thing happen, and their stories are somewhere on this forum.

  3. The guys here seem to have a fixation as to the actual height of the heel. I noticed a C4 news girl in heels with an arch angle of around 80 degrees, the heel probably only 8cm. It's the aesthetics of the heel and foot, along with the angles, not over-all height that counts.

  4. I often see people do double-takes, or start giggling after seeing my footwear. I think we all understand this, and, for the most part, ignore the looks and comments. Console your nerves by thinking of yourself as a street entertainer; you've made their day, brightened their lives, broadened their horizons. Doesn't it feel great!

  5. I wore my heavyweight denim skirt, ankle length, and it looked fine. The down side was it hindering movement and wrapping my calfs. I have some lighter weight skirts that are more comfortable. Jeans would do a better job of conceiling your heels, but frankly, if you're going to wear a skirt, SHOW THEM HEELS BOY!

  6. I too find they run large. Euro 42/43, UK8/8.5, my normal size, are usually close fitting unless bought as wide fit, in Evans(essence) tend to be looser. ps. the staff in Cardiff, Newport, Cwmbran and Abergavenny are happy to let men try on footwear AND clothing.

  7. THE SHOE I was driving a quiet country back road, when I became aware that the car was unwell. A red light blinked at me from the dash, so I pulled over. Thlight showed the engine had gotten too hot, and as I never open the bonnet, [ wouldn't know what to do anyhow], switched off and prepared to wait. Getting out to strech my legs, I saw something in the road a couple of hundred yards up the road.I ambled off in that direction. A single shoe lay in the road, an expensive black leather ladies court shoe. It had a very high pointed heel, pointed toes, and although the sole showed it had been worn, the uppers were in as new condition. It bore no label or size mark, and niether it, or the road showed signs of how it got there. Perhaps it's owner had opened the door and placed on the road then driven away. Placing the shoe down, I searched an area extending about 50 yards in all directions, but could find no trace of it's partner.I picked the shoe up and returned to my car. there was a story about a shoe, I know, Cinderella, but alas, I am not prince charming, nor do I have help to find her. Leaning back against the car, I studied this beautiful shoe, then without thinking, slipped off my sandal and put on this one shoe. The fit was perfect. I twisted my foot this way and that, admireing the shape, then placed my foot to the ground. Now I understood womens' desire for these shoes. My mind was made up, I would seek the owner ofthese shoes, and BUY them off her!.

  8. I agree that postings here can encourage guys to go that little bit further. On a personal level, I street heel, do get occasional funny looks, and suffer complaints from my wife if she thinks I overstep the mark. The seventies proved that when conditions are right, huge changes in accepted fashion can take place. The case this week, of the british rapist, who stole the stiletto's of his victims, will, of course, lend argument to the narrow minded, anti-everything brigade.

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