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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. Welcome! Nothing to be squeamish about here. I'm sure we all have similar stories. That's cool that your girlfriend was OK with it and not totally opposed to the notion. You'll find that many folks at stores don't give a second thought to a guy trying on shoes in the "ladies" section. Been there, done that, and usually it's not more than a glance like "Oh, I guess he really is trying them on". No big deal. If you act with confidence like "Of course I'm trying these on, and what of it?", then practically no one will give you any grief. Heck, if you buy them at some place where they aren't cheap like Payless, then they'd better not give you any grief since they are making a nice commission! Again, welcome!

  2. I'll have a go. 1.Now or in past (high school)? I'm learning guitar, but I've played recorder, violin, viola, piano, and keyboard. The violin and recorder I learned in school, then I took viola lessons for a while. The piano was largely self-taught, with a little help from the wife. 2.If so what gear? (brand model etc...) I've got an Oscar Schmidt acoustic guitar, a Kramer XL III electric guitar (actually the wife's, but she doesn't play it anymore), and a 1920 Neuner and Hornsteiner viola (a family heirloom that belonged to my grandfather). 3.What style music? Just about any kind. I like rock and classical, but not practiced enough on the guitar yet to play much rock. 4. What instrument whould like to learn to play? Probably the theremin. Not a widely known instrument, but if you've heard the typical spooky electronic music played in low-budget horror and sci-fi movies from the 30s-50s, that would be a theremin. The unique thing about it is you don't touch it; you play it by moving your hands near it. It's probably the oldest form of electronic music, invented in the 1920s. I remember reading an article about the restoration of an original one (I restore antique radios), so it would be very cool to find an original one made by RCA. If not, there are modern ones too. I have no idea what I would play on it, but just trying it out would be fun.

  3. We aren't too far apart then, small world! I actually live in Westfield Center. I usually say "near Lodi" since it's practically unheard of. I worked in downtown Canton going to Akron U., so I know the area around there. I'm guessing you're probably familiar with the DSW near Belden Village then. Can't say I've worn heels out yet. The wife isn't opposed to the notion of guys in heels, she's just not sure how our neighbors or the public would respond to it. She has said if we visit Key West it would be no problem, but since our town is pretty straight laced it might not go over too well. I've tried them on in the stores and she's accepting that nobody has given me any negative reactions to that, so maybe someday. Then again, maybe I should have her read about some of your adentures! lol She's read some of the posts here, and she knows I post here. Anyway, I salute you in your adventures, and maybe we'll see you around sometime.

  4. I let on to my wife shortly after we met that I was curious about high heels, and she was fine with that. She agreed there are probably lots of guys who have been curious about them but because of the "social norms" they wouldn't think of wearing them. So, she got me some heels (and the collection is still increasing), and she doesn't bat an eye if I wear them around the house.

  5. Cool! Sounds like a nice time out. Whereabouts in Ohio are you Johnieheel? I live near Lodi, work in Solon, and I've been to Randall Park Mall. I know the area there, and I'm pleasantly surprised nobody gave you any grief.

  6. I like sandals too, though I haven't quite gotten up the nerve to wear them outside. I always liked the variety of sandals that women have available and hated that guys have rather boring looking sandals. Besides, I have narrow feet, and women's sandals fit me so much better. Ditto on keeping a nice pedicure though, I've seen guys with nasty looking nails and I at least try to keep mine neatly trimmed if I'm going to wear sandals. I have worn flat women's sandals with a toe ring and clear nail polish in public, and my wife agrees that they look nice.

  7. I just got back from our honeymoon in the Caribbean, and it's good to be back home. I didn't take any heels with me, mainly because we were limited by how much luggage we could bring, but the island we went to seemed to be a pretty straight-laced place, and we figured a guy in heels might not go over too well. Had we honeymooned in Key West I might have, but oh well. Yesterday we were out shopping, and asked my wife (still getting used to that term :smile:) if I could get a pair of women's capri pants. I like the look of them, and she's let me wear some of hers before, but I liked the ones with the ties around the cuffs. So last night I was wearing the new pants with my black open-toed pumps around the house, and she commented that I looked very comfortable and confident with them. Adding to that, she let on that maybe I could wear something like that outside the house. She's been a little apprehensive of me wearing heels in public, mainly because she's afraid folks are going to bring me down. But, having told her I've tried on heels in the store with nobody giving me any grief, and with some of the stories from here I've shared with her, maybe she's decided that I'm confident enough to wear them outside, and that the few (if any) folks who are going to take issue with that are not going to bother me. We shall see where this leads!

  8. I went out for dinner and stopped in a large mall and wandered around a bit. I did get a negative reaction from one crowd but for the most part no one seemed to care.

    If you don't mind my asking, what was the reaction? Sounds like this is a rare thing from reading about your outings, but just curious what it was.

  9. Hey ho, I did some searching and I see it's been discussed a lot, but I haven't found this specific problem I seem to have. I've shaved my legs a few times, either using a razor or Nair, and that part goes fine. The trouble is when it starts to grow back. The hairs snag my pants, get very irritated, and it's not a good thing. I had a couple of them get ingrown, and that's really not a good thing. Once they get irritated, I really can't use the Nair or shave again because that makes them more irritated. They grow fast too, so I would practically have to shave every day. Any ideas? I'm not 100% sure I'd want to go the permanent route (electrolysis or laser), but those are expensive, and I can't really justify the cost. I'd be cool with being able to shave when I want, if only it wasn't such a problem when they grow back.

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