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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. While I understand Pumps' objection, here's how I see it. It's a foregone conclusion that not many guys wear miniskirts and heels. While I think that anyone should be allowed to wear what they want, I think it's an inevitable truth that not everyone is going to welcome them with open arms and be completely comfortable with it. Yes, homophobia is still present, and folks still heavily associate homosexuality with cross dressing. My guess is if those guys had gone to Pizza Hut wearing women's jeans and low heeled boots, things might have been different. Just playing devil's advocate here, but maybe the owner really did run out of pizza. Perhaps if they had come back later that evening wearing something else and got served, then they would know for sure that the employee was making up the story. If the employee did make up the story just because he personally didn't want them there, then shame on him. But... What if all the other patrons left because they didn't want them there, or they let the owner know that they didn't like having them there? Now put yourself in the owner's position. Do you A.) Let the "offending" ones stay and lose your other paying customers, or B.) Do you make up a story to politely encourage them to go somewhere else, at the risk of being sued or getting in trouble with the law if they find out you made up the story just to get rid of them? I guess that's a sticky situation, and there's no easy answer. I think it just highlights the fact that if you are a guy who wants to wear a miniskirt, not everybody is going to be cool with it. Some may be cool with it, some may thinks it's terrific, some will ignore it, some will be indifferent, and let's face it, some will just not be cool with it. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do about the last ones, other than try to ignore them. Supposing the guys in miniskirts weren't guys in miniskirts, but they were masculine men who hadn't showered in a week and smelled awful? So now they aren't visually repulsive to some, just nasally repulsive to most. I have a feeling that if they had been refused service because of that, it would be a different story. Just my $0.02.

  2. Second time wearing my boots to work, and it's already getting easier. Just put them on without a second thought, and still nothing even resembling a raised eyebrow. It certainly gives me more confidence to wear them in other places, so I don't plan on changing anything when I go to my haircut this evening.:santa_hat:

  3. Thanks all for the comments. When my wife got back from working late, she casually asked how the boots were (I figured she had to have noticed them in the morning), and I said they were fine. No questions beyond that. I'll agree if I had narrower (or noisier) heels then there might have been more reaction, but I wasn't too concerned with what the others thought. At one point a lady with some nice boots walked by on the tile floor, and while I thought her boots looked nice, I realized that had I worn the same style, there probably would have been a lot more notice considering her heels were loud, and much narrower. Mine made no noise. I'll plan on wearing them more often, and maybe someday I'll be more daring and try something with higher and thinner heels.

  4. I kept wanting to do it, but kept getting cold feet (pun intended :w00t2: ). I would read about the exploits of others, and kept hoping I could do it too. I even chickened out before going to the store in my 2" block heeled boots, to which my wife commented that I changed out of them. Not today. Not only was I going to wear them, but I'd wear them to WORK. I figured what's the worst that will happen? Somebody might laugh or ask about them, but the odds of getting into any trouble were astronomically small. I've been there 11 years, so who's going to complain? I put my boots on, and didn't give it a second thought. My wife must have seen them, but didn't say a thing. Didn't even say anything when I walked out the door with them on. I've worn other heels for the drive to work, but she would ask insistently if I had my regular shoes to wear. At work, the guy who followed me in asked "Expecting rain?". I was trying to figure out what he was getting at (making the wrong assumption), until he pointed at the umbrella I was carrying. No strange looks or anything. Talking with my coworkers, they glanced down, but that was it. No long stares, no double takes or strange looks. Got a little nervous when I passed our secretary, since she would probably be most likely to disapprove (in her own words, any guy who wears sandals is so gay). Nothing. Some of the other guys who join the lunch crowd are the stereotypical red-blooded males who wouldn't be caught dead doing anything even remotely un-manly. Not the slightest reaction. At lunch, our secretary sat across from me, and since we were sitting at round tables, there was a gap where everyone nearby could see them. Still no comment. She glanced, as did a couple others, but no strange stares. For the rest of the day, absolutely no response. My boss came around to discuss something with me and my coworker, but other than a quick glance, nada. Even when I stopped by the post office on the way home, nobody even blinked. So for anyone else who's hesitant, get out there! The negativity is mostly in your head. Act like nothing's wrong, be confident, and wear what you want! More to follow, but it's great feeling! Maybe 2" boots in public aren't much, but it's a start! :santa_hat: Oh, and my pants in the picture are not that short, I merely lifted them slightly to take a picture of my boots.


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  5. Loveheel

    Yes those are the ones and they are so comfortable. As soon as I get a new camera I get some pic's, a few weeks a go my 3 year old grandaughter got a hold of the camera and decieded it was a football it's amazing how many pieces one of those thing can become.

    I've got the same pair myself, and I agree, they are comfortable. I tried them on in the store, and the sales guy there didn't give it a second thought as he was stocking the shelves. Thanks for sharing your story, it sounds like you had a very good experience!:santa_hat:

  6. For me, it's about wearing something that I find attractive, and something that was long denied while growing up. So often I would lust after the adorable, sexy shoes women would wear and wonder what they must be like to wear. At the same time, I would look at the boring, ho-hum shoes I was wearing and wonder why I have to wear such boring shoes. Now that I met my wife who encouraged me to explore it, I'm glad I did. Still working on the confidence to wear them outside, but I'm sure the day will come.

  7. Hey everyone, just wanted to ask how everyone likes my avatar. I finally decided to get one and I think it looks good. So hers the question. Is it me? Yes, it's me!!! I personally think it looks good. I think maybe red nail polish would of made it better though. What do you guys think?

    Bootking - The boots are shiny leather. They feel great and look great. The only problem is Chicago, and all the salt build up so I have to clean them as much as I can.

    Oh, and yes my favorite heel is stilletoe. I think nothing is better then a stilleto heel. :santa_hat:

    Hi Latindancer, great stories you've shared. I like your avatar, that's a nice look. Those sandals look terrific! Have you worn those outside at all?

  8. Name: Dave Age: 33 Gender: M Location: Ohio, USA Occupation: Engineer Height: 6'0" Weight: 115 lbs Shoe size: Women's 8.5-9 What's your favourite heel style: Stiletto, Wedges What's your favourite shoe style: Pumps, Sandals, and boots Do you wear your heels outside: Not yet What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 3.5-4" (:smile: Your highest heel height: 6" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Whenever I can (:wave: Your highest heel height: Once a week Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Barefoot or thin socks Anything else you wish to add:

  9. I've tried skirts before, but I'm content to be a guy in heels. The most effeminate I'd like to be is having bare legs, polished nails, and strappy heels, but that's about it. No makeup, dresses, or trying to look like a woman for me.

  10. Gave myself a pedicure last night, and got a new, deep red color called "bitten plum". Even the wife thought it was a cool color. I rather liked the look of them with my peep toe pumps and clean shaven feet.

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