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Posts posted by JohnCinheels

  1. roniheels and i are going to be taking a petition around the world to outlaw spoons and forks from use in public restaurants. The petition is designed to save the natural resources used in the making of them by instead making sporks. Of course roniheels and i will be wearing black leather 5" heeled thigh high boots while petitioning

  2. Roniheels was hypnotized to cluck like a chicken whenever a phone rings and to bark like a dog when someone rings his doorbell. Both of these were done to him by diablo while roniheels was training diablo's pet hamster to be an officer in roniheels ninja hamster army.

  3. an elf a dwarf and an orc walk into a tavern together, the dwarf asks the barkeep "do you serve dwarves here?" the barkeep says "yep"the dwarf goes and sits at a table. The elf asks the barkeep" do you serve elves here?" barkeep says "yep" so the elf goes and sits with the dwarf, finally the orc asks "do you serve orcs here?" the barkeep yells "HELL NO, EVEN DRAGONS WONT EAT ORCS!"

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