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Posts posted by kennard

  1. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    Hey Kennard,

    I Love your heels - v.sexy with lovely slender vamps - so cool to wear them at work too. I'd like to see a pic with some more detail (in higher resolution) if you've got any.


    My webcam, unfortunately, is an old Creative model so the quality isn't all that good. I want to buy a new one, but it's not exactly one of my top priorities right now...

    I think I can get a better picture with my cell phone camera, but it'll have to be something like my avatar, 'cause I don't have a large enough mirror and I'm not athletic enough to make it a "standing up" pose... :lol:


  2. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    Your office may have hidden video cameras and they may have a video of you walking around in your heels. You should try wearing your heels to work like JeffB does.

    Jamie :-)

    It has crossed my mind, but I don't think there's any hidden camera. I'm one of the IT managers, and security manager to boot, so I think they'd let me know about installing hidden cameras... :lol:

    Unfortunately, people here would never be as understanding and supportive as Jeff's coworkers are, so wearing heels at work will have to be a sneaky, after hours (and hopefuly camera-free) sort of thing... :oops:


  3. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    Lately I've been staying at work after hours, so I had an inspiration: since I pretty much have the whole floor all to myself, why not take that chance and practice walking in heels? :lol: Well, that's exactly what I did today. After everybody left, I put on my black/white platforms and walked around the empty offices for a while.

    Here's some pictures:

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    It was even better than walking around in my apartment. :oops: I don't know why I never thought of that before... I'm gonna try to do this more often... ;)


  4. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    I do thank you for posting the pics. However, they're kinda of dark and hard to see the shoes in them. :lol:

    Sorry about that, but it's the best I could do. As I mentioned before, it'd help a lot if I had a better (newer) webcam. :oops: I do intend to buy a new one, and then I'll take more pictures, hopefully including new shoes. ;)


  5. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    As I mentioned before, my sister is away on a trip so I've been free to walk around the apartment in my platform sandals. It's been great walking from my bedroom to the living room and to the kitchen, and then all the way back. :lol: And before anyone asks, no I didn't try going outside. ;)

    For those who haven't seen the shoes yet, here's a pic:

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    Let's call the one on the left "black/white" and the one on the right "black/silver".

    Wednesday night I wore the black/white sandals. They're about 14cm high and they fit very comfortably. Walking in them is a little tricky, but on the other hand the heels don't make much noise (more like a dull thump), which is good, since it won't bother the neighbors (i hope). :oops: Here's some snapshots:

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    Incidentaly, before I got home wednesday night I had to go grocery shopping, so I headed to the mall. Once there I went to one of the megastores (like Wal-Mart) and I saw they had some shoes (both male and female) on display. There were some high heels but, sadly, not one in my size. :( What was interesting was that the shoes were displayed on open shelves, and you had to actually grab a pair to check the size. While I tried to find a pair that fit me, there were some other costumers around and nobody seemed to care (one way or the other) that I, a man, was checking the women's shoes. ;) Not that I, myself, cared for what they might be thinking, I was focused on trying to find some new shoes! ;)

    Thursday night it was time to wear the black/silver. They're not as high as the black/white, only about 13cm. They fit, but a little looser, which makes walking in them also a bit tricky. The heels are very noisy, so I had to try and tone it down a little. :D Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures. I'll wear them again tonight, and see if I can take some snapshots. It'd help a lot if I had a better webcam. :)

    Well, now that I've spent some time walking in heels, I must say it's not that difficult, but I have some muscles complaining about the effort. I can live with that. ;)


  6. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    I've recently bought two pairs of platform sandals, but unfortunately I haven't had a chance to really walk in them, so far I've just worn them in the privacy of my own bedroom. The reason? I don't live alone. I share an apartment with my sister, who doesn't know I like to wear high heels. She herself doesn't have any, and even if she did they'd never fit me... :lol: (Her feet are much smaller than mine)

    Anyway, she's going away on a trip this next wednesday and will return only next monday, which means I'll have the apartment all to myself for several days! Yay! :oops: I'm hoping to take a good walk during these days (actually, during the nights, after I come home from work).

    I'm very excited about it, and I promise to tell you guys how it goes, OK? ;)


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