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Posts posted by kennard

  1. Hello, everyone! :D

    kennard, Rio Grande do Sul state has the best shoemakers in Brazil.

    Unfortunatelly I don't know any stores in Porto Alegre since the city of shoes there is Farroupilha. I think you can google it to find out some good stores over there.

    I'll try it and see what I can find.

    Since you have petite feet in woman's sizes you will have no problem finding wonderful shoes for you.

    Heh, I wish! I'm a size 41, not exactly petite. :D When it comes to women's shoes, I'd love to have smaller feet, say size 38/39, then I'd have no problem finding high heel shoes. :o

    Maybe you can have a good time beeing very far from your city and try some shoes at the store. It's a lot of fun and I'm completely sure that the sales man (or lady) will be helpful to you.

    Depending on the store (if I find any), I might be tempted to try the shoes. But that's a bridge to be crossed when I get there... :D

    Porto Alegre is a wonderful city, don't miss it. I forgot to mention that if you like the nightlife, go to Sao Leopoldo city (some minutes from Porto Alegre). It's the best there.

    I'm not much of a party person, especially if I'm on my own. Maybe some of my co-workers will want to go there as well. Truth is, I don't know if we'll have time to enjoy the city. :cry:

    Thanks anyway, if I do manage to buy new shoes there I'll post the pictures here. :D


  2. Hello, everyone! :D

    Thank you guys

    Flavio and Kennard,

    Glad to hear from you again, my friends from Brazil.

    A few days ago I received a message from a new brazilian member named Gony. I replied him, but he simply disapeared. Have you heard about him? I think we still are the only active members from our country...

    About the sandals Kennard, the first pair is from Datelli and the second from Stylus. But they are not for sale anymore...


    Yes, same here: I did receive a message from him, replied (sadly it took me over a week to notice the "You have 1 new message" warning), but got no answer... Too bad those shoes are not for sale anymore. :cry:

    BTW, I'm going to Porto Alegre next week (another business trip). Do you (or Flavio) know any good stores there?


  3. Hello, everyone. :D

    Hy guys.

    Below you can see part of my collection again.

    Not the regular black, white or red heels: this time, why not the pink series?

    I do believe pink and/or fucsia are great colors for shoes.

    So, let´s see them!

    1st - Fucsia Plat D´orsays

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    4th - Thin Straps Plat Sandals

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    P.S. - Sorry for the hairy legs, but have no option.

    Hope you liked,


    Wow, I loved the ones above! Wouldn't mind having them in my collection! :cry:


  4. Hello, everyone! :D

    Well, I'm safely back home and, as promised, here are some pictures of my new black pumps:

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    They're gorgeous! :cry: But (there's always a but...), as I expected, they're a little tight. They're listed as US size 11M, so I guess my "comfortable US size" would have to be a little wider (what are the other width sizes?) or maybe bigger (size 12). Well, now I have a solid base for future reference. :o

    Next week (probably tuesday or wednesday) I'll take them to office, so expect more pictures then. :D

    PS: 5" heels and no platform make these pumps a little hard to walk in, but with enough practice I think I can get used to them. :D


  5. Hello, everyone. :D

    Congrats on winning the pumps, Kennard! By the cut of the vamp I'd say they are either Ellie's or Pleaser's. There's something about having your foot in a pump that seems to make the exposed part of your foot, hyper sensitive to touch. Great feeling. Enjoy!

    According to the seller, they're Ellie's. :cry:

    And I agree with you: I love wearing my sandals, but some of my most vivid memories of wearing high heels as a child involve a pair of white (I guess 3" high) pumps. :o


  6. Hello, everyone! :D

    Congratulations Kennard!!!

    It's good to know that you'll be experiencing a new kind of shoes (usually you send pictures of sandals). Don't forget the pics when they arrive.

    If I receive the shoes before the weekend, I'll try to take some pictures right away. :cry:

    I wish you a nice business trip! Maybe you can use the trip to carry some shoes toghether and use the hotel privacy to walk in them, since you aways wear your shoes at overtime at work, am I correct?

    Congratulations again!

    You know, I already did that: earlier this year, knowing beforehand that I'd be staying on my own (usually I share a room with one or two coworkers - it's cheaper that way), I took my red plats with me and did manage to walk around in the hotel room. Not quite "street heeling", but I guess it counts as a step foward in that direction, right? :D

    And yes, I intend to take these pumps for some serious after hours office walking, of course with pictures to show it. :o

    BTW: Too bad my business trips never take me to São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Maybe some day... :D


  7. Hello, everyone. :D

    Sorry for not replying erlier, computer/internet problems... :D

    Hi kennard!

    Where are they, www.mercadolivre.com.br?

    Very good luck for you!

    Yes. :cry: And thank you all for wishing me luck, it worked: I won! :D

    Unfortunately, it'll be at least a week until I can get my hands (and feet) on them: I'll be away from home (business trip) and will only be back next saturday (april 1st), which should be long enough for them to arrive. It's going to be a looong wait... :o


  8. Hello, everyone! :D

    Look what I found for auction:

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    Beautiful, aren't they? That's exactly what's missing in my (small) collection, and just my size too! :cry: The auction has a reserve price, which hasn't been met yet, and should end in about a week. Wish me luck! :o


  9. Hello, everyone. :D

    nice shoes, what size do you wear?

    I wear man's size 41 (brazilian size). Some conversion charts say it's the same as US women's 11, others say US 10. My sandals are either size 40 or 39 (a few ones that actually fit), some are even marked as US 10.

    I've found that open-toe sandals, even a size 39, can fit me, depending on the model. But so far I have not been able to find pumps (which I realy would like to have) in size 41, and size 40 or 39 simply won't fit... :evil:


    Sounds like you've got "Imelda Marcos" syndrome :wink:

    Nice. Enjoy.


    Well, you know what they say: once you start, you can't get enough! :wink: There are so many different styles and colors that it doesn't seem right to have only one pair of soes... But, unfortunately, I'm way out of Imelda's league... :evil:


  10. Hello, everyone! :D

    Long time no see... :wink: Well, as they say: new year, new shoes. :evil:

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    I can honestly say that my collection is bigger now than it was last year! :wink: Too bad it's been incresingly hard for me to find new shoes... :evil:

    Oh well, gotta keep trying, right? :evil:


  11. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    Shave your legs and they'll look even better!! I too love white stockings.

    I'll take that as a compliment so thanks, but no thanks. For many reasons, that's just not an option. :D


  12. Hello, everyone. :D

    Love your platforms in the pic. You must enjoy those adventures in your office. Ever have any close calls with getting caught??

    Yes, I very much enjoy those few minutes (aboout half an hour) of freedom to walk in heels and not worry about making too much noise. :wink: As many people have already said, the sound of heels hitting the floor is a great turn-on and, besides, there's much more space at the office than at home.

    To answer your question, no close calls at the office, thankfully. :wink: I always make sure everyone else has left and I lock the doors to my office. I did have some close calls at home: I share and apartment with my sister, and if it wasn't for the locked bedroom door she would have caught me high-heeled. Talk about taking off the shoes in a hurry... :evil:


  13. Hello, everyone. :D

    There are just one thing better than walk in high heels:

    Walk in high heels on a hard floor.

    Except when you live in an apartment building with (relatively) thin walls, and you don't want to draw your neighbors' attention. :wink:


  14. Hello, everyone. :D

    most evenings but not all the time, just depends how i feel.

    Me too. If I'm not watching something on TV (in the living room), I'm usually in my bedroom and if the mood strikes me, I just have to open my closet and pick a pair of sandals. :wink:


  15. Hello, everyone. :wink:

    Would love to try 5" spiked heels in a shoe store and see the reaction of an young sales woman...

    Notice that I´m not talking about black or brown boots, but that ultra feminine style of high heeled strappy sandals.

    But I think I´m not brave enough to do this here in my country...


    Sorry, count me out, I'm no that brave. :D

    I would like to try "that ultra feminine style of high heeled strappy sandals" with a girlfriend, though, but haven't had the chance yet... :wink:


  16. Hello, everyone. :D

    I never buy anything lower than 5".

    When looking for shoes, I keep my eyes on the highest ones.

    High heeled spiked sandals or pumps, that´s what I like.

    But in another way, that kind of heel height ( 6" 1/2, 7") that make it impossible to stretch my legs don´t excite me - why wear heels that don´t allow me to walk ?

    My thoughts exactly, except I'd buy heels lower than 5", but not lower than 4". :wink:


    The best heel is the one that satisfy us.

    Some people looks for style, others for comfort.

    Boots, sandals, pumps, whatever you like, the important is to get satisfaction from your shoes.

    I couldn't agree more.


  17. Hello, everyone. :D

    kennard even beeing one point smaller then your real size the sandals appear to fit perfectly in your feet!

    Actually I prefer that sandals have this smaller size because the appearance in the feet are better, for example, the back part of the sole doesn't appear behind the feet, what I think is horrible. Your feet is completely covering the shoe sole, it's better.

    The only problem is in the front part, they can hurt your toes, but I don't think it's happening to you, is it?

    I wouldn't call it a "perfect fit"... :wink: And I think they do look good too, even if they're smaller. I agree with you, I don't like to see either the back of the sole or the toes "going over the edge". :wink:

    And speaking of toes, yes it hurts a little (it's tight), but only if I stand or walk too much. I usually wear my sandals at night, in my (locked) bedroom, while I'm using the computer or just reading a book, meaning I'm just sitting or laying around and not putting much weigth on my feet. So no, it doesn't hurt much. :evil:


  18. Hello, everyone. :D

    As promised, some pictures of my latest "office walk".

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    As I mentioned earlier, these are the white version of my black/silver platforms, bought from the same seller. Although they're one size smaller, they still fit nicely, and walking in them is really easy, even if a little noisy. :wink:

    Unfortunately, I still haven't received the nylons I ordered last week. As soon as I get them, I'll try the various color combinations and post some pictures. :wink:


  19. I agree flavio, Kennard is looking great with those white sandals. It matches perfectly with a nice brown skin !

    Hehehe... The "nice brown skin" is actually the result of a badly lit room, a not-so-good cellphone camera and me wearing nylons. ;)


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