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Posts posted by Blacksheep

  1. I feel fortunate that my legs dont grow much hair. On one side due to trousers I think, my legs are as smooth as if they have always ben shaved, that then leaves a little hair below the knee cap inner leg. so to shave would not be a big deal as ther ewould be so little difference. I agree though that hairy legs with nylos isnt a great look, but nicely shaved and the right colour nylons with 4 or 5 inch heels is awesome

  2. Well, as a young child at about 5 yo i usd to wear my grandmas heel, they were nothing really, but had a heel. When at high school at about 13, I used to walk to catch a bus in the city, of couse I was intrigued by the stilettos I followed, I still recall thinking how awesome they were along with the thought of 'How' do the ballance on such a thin heel. Well near my home was a rubbish dump, and thats where I found my very own Pumps. Kept them under my bed and wore them to bed at night for a while. I never really had my own pair of heels till recent times when again I found a brand new pair of heeled half boots. they have done me really well, untill just yesterday when I saw a shoe sale on a bought a new pair of 4" open toe shoes for all of $7.50. fit really nice too and cant wait to spend some time in them alone at home or to take them with me when I go out of town. the feelings neverreally leave you and they are stll the most awesome shoe. My son taken a young girl to a ball, she for the first time wore a pair of heels. It was quite funney to listen to her saying how her calfs ached and she couldnt wear them all evening. I thought to my self ' Yes I know that feeling' but myself like most on here, never have any problems and wear all day with out trouble

  3. Only problem with the noise of heels, is that when one is heeling, and doesnt want attention drwn to the fack that I am wearing heels, then the sound is less welcome, like in the still of night. otherwise I fully agree, they do sound awesome, but should also look right too, in so much as the wearer, should never have the knee ahead f the ankle, otherwise they do not look seductive, sound terrible, and the wearer should move to a lower heel, til their arch has improved sufficiently to wear higher heels. So to me it is a combination of 'sight and sound' that takes it off

  4. Hi, I havent posted on here for ages, But anyway, I saw a shoe sale on today, and a lot of heels were also on sale. A nice pair of size 9 (nz) 4' heel sandles with open toes, $7.50 for the pair. I nervously bought them when the que at checkout wasnt too long, and they fit perfectly. One of the pins form the bucle is missing so maybe tats why they were marked down so much. no problem to fit a new pin. Bought new hose to go with them as well. Much nicer than my old pair I have had for several years and feel so good too. I would really like a pair of 5" as 4" doesnt feel high anymore, but these will certainly do me just now. I feel really great, it is my first time to walk into a shop and buy a pair of heels. (I didnt try them on first, but they looked right and at $7.50, not too much too loose anyway) I looked at my toes in the hose, and thought how great they would lok if i polished my nails too, or is tat just going too far?

  5. Hey Dawn /Pam, Just do it. You are never too old to enjoy earrings, help bring out ur feme side too and if done professionaly, the holes arent noticable or even an issue in a concervitive work envoronment. regards Black sheep

  6. Hi, I notice no one has written on this topic for a coupe of years. I do not wear earings in public very often except when out of town. I peirced my ears before i was married over twenty years ago. I love large diameter hoop rings, both to see or the feeling of wearing them. I wear large diameter ones inprivate only, when i have my heels on too :P . It is more common now for men and boys to have both ears peirced, looks better and more evenly ballanced. Again part of the fashions that men enjoy but are denied of the pleasure by a narrow mindset of gender discrimination. Blacksheep

  7. Hi Tommy welcome to the forum, If you wish to be descrete in your buying, try EBay, you will find a wide selection. try to select wide fit to suit your feet, if they are too narrow, they willbe uncomfortable on you. I started wearing heels at age 13. as the otehrs have said, your desire it doesnt go away. im 53 and am slowly getting the courage ( due to this site) to wear in public. So your not alone and you hve come to the right place for help. Cheers Blacksheep

  8. Hi, Some awesome pics ty. I love wearing my heels if ever I have the opportunity to drive a reasonable distance on my own.Driving a van is better than a car, the position of fet on the floor is more 'natural" . The only problem is it takesme longer to get somewher coz i like to stop at the rest areas and go for a walk. Some of te passing motorists notice , but i dont get too many stares . my next challenge will be to stop in a smal town and wear my heels in the street or go into a shop. It may cause a stir being a straight male in heels and wearing hoop earrings :P cheers Blacksheep NZ

  9. My first heel i wore when i was about 12, they were a beutiful stiletto heel of about 3". I found them discarded at a rubish dump. I kept them for a long time and wore them often,(even to bed) I now have heel which are 4" but wish i had about 4 1/2 coz i would still be able to walk in them. I think 5" &6" heels are the most beutiful.

  10. I'm a married man, hetro, and love heels and earrings. I needed to go on my own for a long drive (600 k each way).I hid my heels in the van and then wore them for the 9 hour journey. It wouldnt be nine hours if i didnt stop all the time for a walk often in full view of passing motorists. Where i stayed , i went for an early morning walk which was kinda scary coz it was so quite, and heels are anything but. I bought some 2" hoop earrings too while away and wore them at the same time. Its neat to have this forum where I can tell you all(who understand) how excited i have been and enjoyed such a simle pleasure.

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